Hatagayasakae Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hatagayasakae Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

Shibuya City, 〒151-0072 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://h-sakaeclinic.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shibuya City, 〒151-0072 Tokyo,Japan
吉村慎嗣 on Google

しっかりした診断と充実のリハビリ。 先生の診断は適格で、リハビリスタッフも理学療法士だけでなく、柔道整復師もいて、単にリハビリだけをするだけでなく、柔道整復によるアプローチもある。待ち時間は確かに長いがそれだけ、信頼のおけるスタッフがいる証拠でもあると思う。
Firm diagnosis and fulfilling rehabilitation. The teacher's diagnosis is qualified, and the rehabilitation staff is not only a physiotherapist, but also a Judo rehabilitation teacher, and there is an approach by Judo rehabilitation as well as just rehabilitation. The waiting time is certainly long, but I think it is proof that there are reliable staff.
TSUKASA on Google

My wife is indebted. The doctor's examination is very polite and gentle. There are many patients being consulted, and waiting times may be long, but I think it is a reliable hospital that offers really kind and polite response, including reception staff and rehabilitation staff.
チャンラリー on Google

I'll wait too long! It took about 2 hours and 15 minutes from the medical treatment to the end. I spent about half an hour on an Indian or Bangladeshi patient and a Japanese aunt like an interpreter. Is it at the discretion of the teacher to round up where appropriate? The two were not the same in the waiting room, and they were the worst in a loud voice. A Japanese interpreter, Akira, was a childish child, poor face in poor English, and humorous. We do not go to the clinic of capaover again!
廣井志 on Google

かかりつけ医師の勧めで通い始めた、出来て間もないクリニックです。本科は勿論、神経内科の知識も豊富な先生のみならず、何人もいる理学療法士の方々も筋肉の造り、関節、腱などに造詣が深いです。また普通は知らない神経難病に対する知識も有り安心して任せられます。そこいらに在る機械任せ治療をメインにして、腰痛患者にコルセット、薬を乱発する医院とは一線を画すと言えましょう? 但し、地元でも評判良いようで混んでいます。これ以上患者が増えて欲しくない‼️のがホンネです。
This is a new clinic that I started attending at the recommendation of my doctor. Not only our department, but also teachers who have a wealth of knowledge in neurology, many physical therapists are proficient in muscle construction, joints, and tendons. There is also knowledge about intractable neurological diseases that you do not normally know. Let's say that it is different from the clinic that mainly corsets patients with low back pain, and medicines explode, mainly with the machine left over treatment. However, it seems to be well-received locally and is crowded. I don't want more patients ️ is Honne.
杉山ありーな on Google

首が痛くて診て貰いました。 凝ってると言われ湿布を渡されて終わりましたが悪化してくる一方でした。 他の整形外科に行ったら首のヘルニアと言われました笑 混んでいたのですごい待ったので時間を返して欲しかったです。 スタッフも次に行った整形外科の方が対応良かったです。 もう行かないですね。
I had a pain in my neck and had a medical examination. It was said that it was elaborate and I was given a wet cloth, but it was getting worse. When I went to another orthopedic surgery, I was told that I had a neck hernia lol It was so crowded that I waited a long time so I wanted you to return the time. The staff also responded better to the next orthopedic surgery. I won't go anymore.
おさるのもんきち on Google

くりくりパーマの女性スタッフが患者を選り好みして態度を変える。自分には仏頂面で応対。かなり気分が悪い。先生を始め、その他のスタッフはそんな事をせず平等。とても気持ち良い応対をしてくれます。 上記コメント直後は、がたいのいい女性スタッフの態度が改善されましたが、久し振りに行ってみたら、また態度が悪くなっていた。忙しい為イライラするのでしょうが患者には無関係なので、改善して欲しい。と言うか、そんなスタッフのいる病院は他には知らない。何故雇っているのかも不明。
The female staff of Kurikuri Perm chooses patients and changes their attitude. Respond to yourself on the top of the Buddha. I feel pretty sick. The teacher and other staff are equal without doing such a thing. It is a very pleasant reception. Immediately after the above comment, the attitude of the female staff, who had a hard time, improved, but when I went there for the first time in a while, the attitude became worse again. It may be frustrating because I am busy, but it is irrelevant to the patient, so I want you to improve it. I mean, I don't know any other hospital with such staff. I don't know why I'm hiring.
おまめ on Google

感じの良い病院ですが、診察やリハビリ内容に関してはここでなくともできるものだと思います。 また、予後がよくない場合のケアは期待できません。 代替治療案もなく、紹介状も病院名を指定しないと書いてくれません。かかりつけ医としては不適格と感じます。
It's a nice hospital, but I think it's possible to do medical examinations and rehabilitation even if it's not here. In addition, care cannot be expected when the prognosis is not good. There is no alternative treatment plan, and the referral letter will not be written unless you specify the hospital name. I feel that I am not suitable as a family doctor.
Ti dy on Google

導線が悪いのか、仕事が遅いのか、非効率なのか。 おそらく全てが兼ね備われているのでしょう。 パーマの女性スタッフの仕事が雑で、あまり気分の良いものではありません。
Is the conductor bad, slow at work, or inefficient? Probably everything is combined. The work of the female staff in Perm is messy and not very pleasant.

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