Haruchan - Hiroshima

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Haruchan

住所 :

2 Chome-14-1 Yokogawacho, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 733-0011

2 Chome-14-1 Yokogawacho, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0011, Japan
紺野一彦 on Google

Cheap and delicious fish is recommended! Best for lunch.
hs watasi on Google

料理がたくさんあり、一人で食事に行くとき、食べたいものが特にないときなどで寄らせて頂き、とても重宝しています。 従業員さんの接客も好感が持てます。 魚のなめろう、軟骨唐揚げの甘辛い料理等、美味しいです。
There are a lot of dishes, and it is very useful when I go out to eat alone or when I don't have anything I want to eat. The customer service of employees is also good. Namero of fish, sweet and spicy dishes of fried cartilage, etc. are delicious.
sho kimura on Google

ランチの日替わり定食がいつも5種類くらいあります。 さらに、毎日の仕入れによって決められているのか同じメニューに出会ったことがありません。どれを食べても美味しいです。 数に限りがあるのでなくなり次第メニューから消されていきます。 値段は税込み650円。 たまに刺身定食780円もあります。 席はカウンター8席くらいと座敷4人掛けが3つあります。 カウンターと各席にアルコールスプレーが常備されています。 店員さんもマウスシールドを付けて調理、配膳されています。
There are always about 5 types of daily set meals for lunch. In addition, I have never come across the same menu, which is determined by daily purchases. Whichever you eat is delicious. Since the number is limited, it will be deleted from the menu as soon as it runs out. The price is 650 yen including tax. Occasionally there is a sashimi set meal of 780 yen. There are about 8 counter seats and 3 tatami mats for 4 people. Alcohol spray is always available at the counter and at each seat. The clerk also attaches a mouse shield to cook and serve.
Y H on Google

何を食べても美味しい小料理屋さん。 大将、奥さんともとても感じの良い方ですぐになじめると思います。 日本酒や焼酎のラインナップもお店の規模からは考えられないくらい揃っていて、酒のみにはたまらないお店です。
A small restaurant that is delicious no matter what you eat. I think that both the general and his wife are very comfortable and will soon become familiar with them. The lineup of sake and shochu is unthinkable from the size of the shop, and it is an irresistible shop only for sake.
cabex tract on Google

いつもお世話になってます。料理最高 雰囲気最高 楽しかった。
I am always indebted. The food was great and the atmosphere was great.
Kana T on Google

大人の魅力溢れる渋〜い男性方がくつろげる、そんな雰囲気のお店です(´∀`*)ウフフ 料理の種類も多くお酒好きの方だけでなく、ご飯好きな人もしっかり楽しめます。 どれを食べても美味しかった〜(* ´ ェ `*)♥ カウンター席とテーブル席があり、店内&お手洗は掃除がきちんとされていて気持ち良く利用できました。 スタッフの方もとっても感じが良くて、また行きたいなと思うお店でした。 ごちそうさまでした(*´▽`人)❤
It is a shop with such an atmosphere where adult-friendly astringent men can relax (´∀`*) There are many types of dishes, and not only people who like alcohol, but also people who like rice can enjoy it. It was delicious no matter which one I ate~(*' ￳ `*)♥ There were counter seats and table seats, and the inside of the store and the restroom were properly cleaned and I was able to use it comfortably. The staff was very pleasant and I wanted to visit again. It was delicious (*'▽` people)❤
Yu Yu on Google

何を頼んでも美味しいし、店員さんも親切。 2人でされてるから、少し注文し辛い。でも人気なのは納得の良店。 また行きます。
No matter what you ask, it's delicious and the clerk is kind. It's a little hard to order because it's done by two people. But the one that is popular is the one that is convincing. I will go again.
ながみ on Google

大将と奥様の接客が心地よく、阿吽の呼吸で注文を捌く姿も圧巻です。 お酒を飲んで料理を2〜3品頂いても〜3000円程度というリーズナブルな価格でありながら、旬の地魚料理やお子様連れでも注文しやすい揚げ物料理まで品数豊富です。 広島に遊びに来た友人を紹介する際にはまずここをお勧めしています。末永く頑張って欲しいです。
The customer service of the general and his wife is comfortable, and the appearance of handling orders with Aun's breathing is also a masterpiece. Even if you drink alcohol and have 2 or 3 dishes, the price is reasonable at around 3000 yen, but there are also a wide variety of seasonal local fish dishes and fried foods that are easy to order even with children. This is the first place to recommend when introducing a friend who has come to Hiroshima. I want you to do your best for a long time.

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