
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フィアット/アバルト滋賀

住所 :

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/usedcar_shop/0730152/detail.html
街 : Shiga

Harimadacho, Moriyama, 〒524-0012 Shiga,Japan
tai shota on Google

店員さんは皆さん若くてきゃぴきゃぴしてる感じでした。 若かったですが意外としっかりとしてて安心しました。
The clerk seemed to be young and flirty. Although I was young, I was relieved that it was surprisingly solid.
イヌ吉 on Google

The price of the car was a little high, but I am satisfied with the warranty.
さいとうかずよし on Google

I bought it here and it broke within a month. The failure cost is 100,000. The response of the service manager is also awkward. I do not recommend
松坂牛 on Google

納車して1か月ぐらいたってから、車が壊れてしまった。 でも、その時の対応が良くて車もしっかりと直してくれました。
About a month after the car was delivered, the car broke. However, the response at that time was good and the car was fixed firmly.
安藤紀和 on Google

I didn't want to buy it, but I bought it as it was because the clerk's atmosphere was good and the car was clean.
iudaukeol eikklellsk on Google

I don't usually write about this kind of thing, but when I visited the car for inspection after delivery, I received a really pleasant customer service. I was able to return comfortably
蜂須賀新一 on Google

この会社最悪です。 納車後家に帰ってから車の中を見てたらパンのカビが生えたものが後ろの席のサイドポケットから大量に出てきたり、廃車を頼んだ車はいつまでも廃車どころか名義変更もせずにオークションに出されて自動車税の戻りも減るし最悪です あと、納車後すぐにスライドドアのガタつきが気になったので持って行くと、これは普通でしょうがないと言われ、そうなのかと思って帰ったんですが、どうしても音が気になりディーラーに持って行ったらドアの建て付けが悪く手で触ってもガタつくとの事で直ぐに直してもらいました。 さらに買って10日位したあたりからリアブレーキから音が鳴り始めたのでディーラーで見てもらったらパッドが2ミリしかありませんと言われ交換しました どうなってるんだと思ってこのワンゼットの本社の方に電話した所3ミリ以下は全部取り替えてから納車してますとの事でした ワンゼットの整備記録には5.4ミリと書いてあったのでディーラーが嘘をついて取り替えさせたと言う話になり唖然としました。 大手のディーラーが会社の看板を背負っているのにそんなブレーキパッドの事位で嘘をつくとは到底思えないので。 これからワンゼット、ラングローブで車を買おうとしている人は自分の体験から絶対に買わない方がいいです。
This company is the worst. After returning to the house after delivering the car, when I looked inside the car, a lot of moldy bread came out from the side pocket of the back seat, and the car that ordered the scrapped car was auctioned forever without changing the name of the car instead of scrapping it And the return of the automobile tax will be reduced and it is the worst Also, as I was worried about the rattling of the slide door immediately after delivery, I was told that this was normal and I returned home thinking that it was, but I was worried about the sound and I asked the dealer. When I brought it, the door was not built properly and I felt it rattling even if I touched it with my hand, so I asked him to fix it immediately. Furthermore, about 10 days after I bought it, the sound from the rear brake began to sound, so when I asked the dealer to say that it had only 2 mm of pads, I replaced it and I wondered what was going on When I called, he said that all 3 mm or less were replaced and then delivered. The maintenance record for One Zet said 5.4 mm, so I was stunned when it was told that the dealer had lied and replaced it. It's hard to imagine a major dealer carrying a company sign on the back of a company, but it's hard to tell a lie about such a brake pad. If you are going to buy a car at One Zet or Lang Grove from now on, you should definitely not buy it from your own experience.
T. A on Google

車の下回りのサビがひどかった。 ボルトがサビて崩壊して普通に回せない程です。 あまりコメントしない方ですが犠牲者が増えて欲しくないので書き込みます。 2年ほど前に購入しました。 現在も同じ車に乗っておりますが故障の不安は抱えております。 2年前に点検に出した際に正規ディーラーで点検に出したところ、10年落ちの車だがここまでサビたものは初めてですというコメントに驚愕しました。 サビは故障ではないので保証に加入してましたか、保証は使えませんでした。 中古車なので確認不足であったので今後中古車で最低限見れる所は確認しないといけないと痛感しました。
The rust under the car was terrible. The bolt rusts and collapses so that it cannot be turned normally. I don't comment too much, but I don't want more victims, so I'll write it. I bought it about 2 years ago. I am still in the same car, but I am worried about the breakdown. When I sent it out for inspection two years ago, when I sent it out for inspection at an authorized dealer, I was surprised at the comment that it was a car that was 10 years old but it was the first time that it had rusted so far. Did you subscribe to the warranty because the rust is not a malfunction, or the warranty could not be used. Since it was a used car, there was not enough confirmation, so I keenly realized that I had to confirm at least the places that can be seen with used cars in the future.

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