
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact もっちぃ

住所 :

Hanata, Koshigaya, 〒343-0015 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
街 : Saitama

Hanata, Koshigaya, 〒343-0015 Saitama,Japan
だお on Google

一度いけばいいかな。と。 味は好みがあるでしょうから特筆すべきことはありません。 ただ、店内が不衛生。メニューの冊子も脂にこびり付いた塊?で汚い。 極めつけは店主がトイレに行き、個室内で手を洗うこともなく出てきて厨房へ。念入りに洗うこともなく次の作業に入っていった。 帰り際、店前の駐車場を見渡すと子供の自転車やら散乱してました。 入る前に気づけばよかった。
I wonder if I should go once. When. There is nothing special to mention because you will have a taste for the taste. However, the inside of the store is unsanitary. Is the menu booklet also a lump that sticks to fat? And dirty. The owner goes to the bathroom and comes out without washing his hands in the private room to the kitchen. I started the next work without washing it thoroughly. On my way home, I looked around the parking lot in front of the store and found that children's bicycles were scattered around. I should have noticed before entering.
猫背の狸 on Google

赤こくみそとキン冷え生ビール 美味しいです❗️が少し店が汚いかな
Red miso and kin cold draft beer It's delicious ❗️ but the store is a little dirty
ネギタン塩 on Google

椅子を引こうと背もたれの上部を持ったらベタベタ、座ってテーブルのヘリにお腹が当たった時にもベトッとしていてなんだかなぁと 黒い麺のラーメンは珍しいのでちゃんとやればもっと流行りそうなのに。 味はまぁまぁ、フツーに美味しいです。 あと、トイレの音がちょっと響くので、他のお客さんのトイレの音を聞きながらラーメン食べる事になる。 これはもう店の構造なので仕方ないけど…でも流石にねぇ…
I wondered if it was sticky when I held the upper part of the backrest to pull the chair, and it was sticky when I sat down and hit the helicopter on the table. Black noodle ramen is rare, so if you do it properly, it will be more popular. The taste is ok, it's really delicious. Also, the sound of the toilet echoes a little, so I will eat ramen while listening to the sound of other customers' toilets. This is the structure of the store, so it can't be helped ... but it's not like ...
akiko k. on Google

I had black noodles. (There is a space for about 5 cars next to the large FamilyMart parking lot.) It is a shop where you can smoke. Although there is a tatami room, it is a place where children can eat, but I would like to separate the smoke. There were no smokers this time, so I tasted it slowly and ate it. The faint aroma of red miso, the rich soup and the black noodles were entwined and it was always delicious ♪
Chikara Kojima on Google

越谷市花田にひっそりと佇む 味噌ラー麺 もっちい に訪問しました 地味な外観ですが、味噌ラーメン作りにかけた思いが店外に飾られています 店内は、見た目と違って結構広々 座敷も2卓あります 店名通り、味噌がメインのメニュー 大きく、白こく、赤こく、黒こく味噌と三種類ありますが、イチオシの 黒こく黒麺 900円+大盛り100円 を注文 およそ5分で着丼です スープは、八丁味噌と北海道の味噌を合わせて作った濃厚なタイプ 一口すすると、最近甘~い味噌が多い中、しっかりと塩味で引き締められた味噌スープです。八丁味噌の存在感はそれほど感じませんでしたが、自分的には好みの味付けです そして、麺!! 黒い!!真っ黒です!! 食用炭が練りこまれていて、見た目のインパクトだけでなく、体にもとっても良いそうです 真っ黒な中細麺を早速頂きました 麺それ自体に特に味があるわけではありませんが、スープによく合っているのと、きくらげや海苔など、ほかの具材との相乗効果でとても美味しくいただけました 黒餃子というメニューもあるので、次回はぜひチャレンジしたいと思います
Standing quietly in Hanada, Koshigaya Miso ramen mochi Visited It's a plain appearance, but the thoughts of making miso ramen are displayed outside the shop The interior is quite spacious, unlike what it looks like There are also two tatami mats As the name suggests, miso is the main menu There are three types: large, white, red, and black miso. Kurokoku Black Noodle ¥ 900 + Large ¥ 100 Order It takes about 5 minutes to complete the bowl. The soup is a rich type made by combining Hatcho Miso and Hokkaido Miso. When you take a sip, it is a miso soup that has been tightened with a salty taste, even though there is a lot of sweet miso these days. I didn't really feel the presence of Hatcho Miso, but I personally like it. And noodles! !! black! ! It is black! ! The edible charcoal is kneaded, and it seems to be good not only for the impact but also for the body I got black medium thin noodles immediately The noodles themselves do not have any particular taste, but they were very delicious because they fit well with the soup and have a synergistic effect with other ingredients such as jellyfish and seaweed. There is also a menu called black gyoza, so I would definitely like to try it next time
田中一郎 on Google

場末の特色の無いラーメン屋 赤こく黒こくに惹かれて入ってみたが、極々普通のラーメン、可もなく不可もなく。 それ以上に店内が汚い、そこら中ベタベタして最悪一歩手前。 駐車場もなく隣のコンビニに皆さん止めてるようで、近所の人か出前向けのお店かな。 リピートはないです。
A ramen shop with no special features at the end of the field I was attracted to the red and black flavors, but it was a very ordinary ramen, neither good nor bad. The inside of the store is more dirty than that, and it's sticky all over the place, just before the worst. There is no parking lot and everyone seems to stop at the convenience store next door, so maybe it's a shop for neighbors or delivery. There is no repeat.
RA URA on Google

This is the main store of Miso Ramen. There is soy sauce, but after all it is miso ?. Spicy miso ramen is spicy and delicious. Smoking is allowed in the store. The parking lot feels a little narrow. Alcohol disinfectant is installed on each table and counter as a measure against corona. I also want to go when I want to eat miso ramen.
cha cha on Google

昼に、ダブルスープのラーメンをいただきました。半ライスのサービス付。 ラーメンは、まぁまぁ美味しい。 無料の半ライスは、不味い。最低ランク。 常連が小上がりで、タバコを吸いながら宴会。 せめて、ランチタイムは、禁煙にして欲しい。 後は、とにかく店全体が超汚い。 二度と行きません。
At noon, I had a double soup ramen. With half rice service. Ramen is so delicious. Free half-rice is bad. Lowest rank. The regulars went up a little and had a banquet while smoking a cigarette. At the very least, I want you to quit smoking at lunch time. After that, the whole store is super dirty anyway. I will never go again.

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