Hanashiyama Shrine - Kasama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanashiyama Shrine

住所 :

3161-1 Kamigo, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89979
Postal code : 319-0201

3161-1 Kamigo, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0201, Japan
K. Takei on Google

Visit 2021.5.5. I went to see the giant tree of Sugi, a sacred tree. I was impressed by the majestic tree shape and the vigorous tree vigor.
佐藤誠 on Google

Shinboku was very good. I realized that it is carefully managed by the local people.
yuuta ishikawa on Google

普段から無人社のようです。由緒書きが賽銭箱横のケースの中に置かれていました。神社自体は大きくありませんが、日本武尊の東征時の由緒があり訪れました。元々は現・難台山の中腹に祀られていたようです。みどころは、何と言っても社殿の裏側にある、神々しさも感じる、熊野杉の相生の御神木です。神社内に書かれている電話番号に掛けて連絡がつけば御朱印が頂けるようです。 先月に続き再訪して、連絡がついて、氏子総代の方から御朱印を戴きました。
It looks like an unmanned company from usual. A historical note was placed in the case next to the coin box. The shrine itself is not big, but it has been visited because of the history of the east conquest of Nippon Takeson. Originally, it seems to have been scolded in the middle of Mt. The highlight is Kumanosugi's Aioi's God Tree, which feels the godliness behind the shrine, after all. If you call the phone number written in the shrine and get in touch, you will get a seal. I visited again last month, and I got in touch, and I received a seal from the people of Mushiko.
shunasora on Google

An old shrine that is said to be the Yuki-style Mt. The hall of worship is like a village shrine that is everywhere, but the main hall is not so beautifully decorated, but it is quite large and can be seen directly rather than hidden in a cover. The priests are not resident, but are they offices? When I called the contact information listed in, I was able to come back from a distance and receive a red stamp. When I tried to hand in the red stamp, I laughed and said, "I don't need it," but I put it in the offering box because of my feelings. It was a shrine that I could visit very comfortably.
福地修 on Google

Enki-shiki internal company in Iwama. It is read as Hashiyama Shrine. It was founded in 664, and the deity is Konohanasakuya Hime no Mikoto. It seems that Sakanoue Tamura Maro donated the shrine when he conquered Oshu in the 9th century.
淡雪山のユキヒコ on Google

御祭神は、木ノ花咲耶姫命です。 『桜花咲き匂う』かの様な、 美人の神様の御社に参拝してから、 すずらんの群生地に向かいました。 原生林の様な鬱蒼とした森の中、 悪路、酷路に難儀往生すれども、 無事に群生地に辿り着き、可憐な、 すずらんの花々を見れました。 『コノハナサクヤヒメ』の御加護 に厚く深く感謝致しております。 神橋があり、拝殿と神殿があり、 質素ながらも歴史を感じる神社です。 神殿の裏手に、町指定の天然記念物、 相生の熊野杉があります。 石の鳥居越しに見る、山々の景観は、 心を洗われるかの様に素敵でした。 社務所はありますが、無人です。 トイレ?も自販機もありません。 賽銭箱のところに、参拝の作法が 書いてありました。 『祓い給え、清め給わえ、幸い給え』 (……だったかしら?些か怪しい) 唱え言葉も書かれていました。 いつもは、あやふやな参拝となるが、 今日は、きちんと正しく作法を守り、 唱え言葉もきちんと言えました。 何やら、清々しい気分となりました。 追記 お正月でも、なんら特別な事は なく、社務所も無人で、参拝客 も疎らで、シーンと静まりかえり、 寒々としていました。 永々のご無沙汰を、御祭神の 『コノハナサクヤヒメ』様に お詫び申し上げました。 羽梨山神社から程近くある、 『日本原産のすずらんの群生地』 に、遠年と去年は行けなかった。 今年は行ける事をお祈りしました。 また、恙無く(つつがなく)新年を 迎えられた、御礼申し上げました。 補足 神社の由緒は、伝聞に依る部分 が多く、定かではありません。 ただ、『更級日記』に、 羽梨山神社の記述があるとの事。 『更級日記』は、平安時代中頃 だから、創建は古いと思われます。 蛇足 更級日記 『月も出でて闇もくれたる……』 あとは知らない。覚えてないわ。 学生時代は、最早、遠い昔です。
The deity is Kinohana Sakuya Himemei. As if "cherry blossoms bloom" After worshiping at the shrine of the beautiful god I went to the lily of the valley colony. In a dense forest like a primeval forest, Even though I'm stuck on a bad road or a rough road, I arrived at the colony safely, and it was pretty, I could see the lily of the valley flowers. Blessing of "Konohanasakuyahime" I am deeply grateful to you. There is a Shinto bridge, there is a worship hall and a temple, It is a simple but historical shrine. Behind the temple, a natural monument designated by the town, There is Kumano Sugi in Aioi. The scenery of the mountains seen through the stone torii is It was wonderful as if my heart was washed. There is a company office, but it is unmanned. There are no toilets ? or vending machines. In the money box, there is a way of worshiping It was written. "Purify, cleanse, fortunately" (... I wonder? It's a little suspicious) The chanting words were also written. It's usually a vague worship, but Today, I will follow the proper manners I could say the chanting words properly. Somehow, I felt refreshed. Postscript Even on New Year's Day, nothing special No, the office is unmanned, worshipers Also sparse, quiet with the scene, It was cold. For a long time, the deity of the deity Like "Konohanasakuyahime" We apologize for the inconvenience. Close to Hanashiyama Shrine, "Lily of the valley colony native to Japan" Besides, I couldn't go there last year and last year. I prayed that I could go this year. Also, have a new year without any hesitation. Thank you for being welcomed. Supplement The history of the shrine depends on hearsay There are many, and I'm not sure. However, in "Sarashina Nikki", There is a description of Hanashiyama Shrine. "Sarashina Nikki" is in the middle of the Heian period Therefore, the construction seems to be old. Serpentine Sarashina Nikki "The moon is rising and the darkness is given ..." I don't know the rest. I don't remember. When I was a student, it was a long time ago.
kazu K. on Google

祭神は木花咲耶姫命 創建は天智天皇3年(664年)桜の多い羽梨山の中腹に木花咲耶姫命を祀る祠を建立したことから、花白山神社と呼ばれるようになり、その後天正11年(1542年)に兵火により羽梨山の中腹の社殿が焼失、現在地に遷座しました。 以前訪れた時は境内は荒れ果て、暗い写真しか撮れませんでしたが今回の参拝では境内が整備され綺麗になっていました。 境内は花の香りでもしていそうな暖かな雰囲気です、又裏に生えています御神木は2つに分かれた天然記念物の杉がそびえたっています。
The deity is Kibana Saya It was founded in the 3rd year of Emperor Tenchi (664), when it was built in the middle of Mt. Due to this, the shrine on the hillside of Mt. When I visited there, the precincts were desolate and I could only take dark photos. The precincts have a warm atmosphere that seems to have the scent of flowers, and the sacred tree that grows on the back has two separate natural monuments, the cedar towering.
Daniel Scott on Google

Cool shrine.

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