Atago Shrine - Kasama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Atago Shrine

住所 :

101 Izumi, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0209, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 319-0209

101 Izumi, Kasama, Ibaraki 319-0209, Japan
三角関数サークル on Google

愛宕山にある神社。とても立派です。 水戸方面の景色が楽しめます
A shrine on Mt. Atago. It's very good. You can enjoy the view of Mito
masato k on Google

身も心もシャキッとしました パワースポットですね 神社の裏不思議な形の岩が神社から出ていて それに触れるとパワーをもらえた気がします この愛宕山神社は天狗が飛行訓練をした場所だそうです
My body and soul were crispy It's a power spot A mysterious rock behind the shrine is coming out of the shrine I feel like I got power when I touched it This Atagoyama shrine is said to be the place where the tengu trained in flight.
Nobuyuki Kato on Google

吾国愛宕山ハイキングコースを歩いてみました。 百垣の長い急な階段を上ると見えてきます。 山行の安全を祈願してスタート 主祭神は伊邪丹大神(イザナミノミコト) 日本三大火防神社の一社で天狗伝説もある。 2021/10/08 再訪
I walked the Mt. Wagakuni Atago hiking course. You can see it by climbing the long steep stairs of Hyakugaki. Start praying for the safety of the mountain line The main deity is Izanagi Okami It is one of the three major fire protection shrines in Japan and has a legend of Tengu. 2021/10/08 Revisited
ずんどこ on Google

Atago Shrine, which is said to be one of the three major fire protection shrines in Japan, has a good view and you can see the direction of Mito from Kasumigaura on a sunny day.
ちゃんちー on Google

If you go up the long stairs, you will find a pleasant company. Tengu-san's shrines and towers are among the many trees, and it seems that the tengu-san are really flying.
髙木幹 on Google

多分20年以上ぶりに参拝しに来ました。 初めて来た時は、近くの吾国山や難台山を登りに来て、それで立ち寄ったような気がします。 本当は久しぶりに笠間稲荷に参拝しようかなと思いましたが、三が日は混むだろうと思いやめました。 駐車場からの急な階段は記憶にあったりしました。 これは一般人にはキツイだろうなと思いながら登り、久しぶりに参拝しました。 思っていた程人はいませんでしたね。
Maybe I came to worship for the first time in more than 20 years. When I first came, I felt like I came to climb Mt. Wagakuni and Mt. Nandai nearby and stopped by. Actually, I thought I would visit Kasama Inari for the first time in a long time, but I thought that the day would be crowded. I remember the steep stairs from the parking lot. I climbed this, thinking that it would be difficult for ordinary people, and worshiped for the first time in a long time. There weren't as many people as I expected.
Aviv Goldsmith on Google

An historic location that Aikido's founder, Ueshiba Morihei, would go for chanting, prayer, and reflection. Famous movie footage shows Saito Morihiro Sensei pushing Ueshiba up the roughly 365 uneven steps, and also Aikido training outdoors in the nearby forest.
Daniel Scott on Google

Very cool shinto shrine on top of Atago mountain. Takes 45 minutes to walk from Iwama station to the top. Nice views to the East, South and North. Steep steps to the shrine. Well worth the hike.

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