Hamamoroiso - Miura

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hamamoroiso

住所 :

1886-7 Misakimachi, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0224, Japan

Postal code : 238-0224
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Description : Small beach with a lighthouse & shallow water for snorkeling, plus views of Mt. Fuji across the bay.

1886-7 Misakimachi, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0224, Japan
Shinya Ohno on Google

From a high dive, fishing with a dango. You can catch a good type. I wonder if there are many Aigo. If you're lucky, Chinu.
小野寺靖之 on Google

ロケーション最高‼️ 駐車場から歩くのは、まぁしょうがない。 一番のお気に入りスポットです。
Location is the best! ️ It can't be helped to walk from the parking lot. This is my favorite spot.
あぼちぁん on Google

December 13, 2020 I searched and visited according to Waseda student's geoguide. Unfortunately I couldn't find the duplex structure. But there are many winding formations.
ponsuke Ponsuke on Google

透明度がとても高く、シュノーケリング、磯遊びにいいです。岩場だけでなく、少し遠浅な砂場もあるのでお子様の海水浴もしやすいと思います。 トイレも近くにあります。自動販売機が三浦市老人福祉保健センターのところに一台だけありました。あとは海の家もコンビニも何もないので必要なものは全て持ち込みました。 駐車場は近くの民宿を借りるか、諸磯青少年センターを借りるのがいいと思います。
It is very transparent and is good for snorkeling and playing on the beach. Not only rocky areas, but also sandboxes that are a little shallow, so it's easy for children to swim in the sea. Toilets are also nearby. There was only one vending machine at the Miura City Health and Welfare Center for the Elderly. After that, there are no seaside houses or convenience stores, so I brought in everything I needed. For the parking lot, it is better to rent a nearby guest house or Moroiso Youth Center.
Narihiro Ide on Google

10月に一晩だけ野営するためにお邪魔しました。車で入れるところから磯まで少し迷いましたが、他の方が書かれてるブログを見ると迷わずに辿り着けると思います。 開放感は最高ですね。 メモ前に富士山が見えるのも趣あって良しです。
In October I was disturbed to camp only for one night. I was a little lost from getting in the car to the bag, but if you look at the blog where other people are written, I think you can get there without hesitation. The feeling of opening is the best. It is nice to see Mt. Fuji before the memo.
Yoshi Kurakino on Google

草原の獣道の様な場所を進むと突然視界が開け先ず富士山が見えてくる。 更に波音を聞きながら進むと白亜の諸磯崎灯台が見える。 磯の海水は水質良く透き通っている。 砂浜と岩礁の両方が有る海岸にスッとモデルさんみたいに佇む。 夕陽、富士山、海、貝殻の砂浜、磯、そして白亜の灯台。 全てを同時に眺められる絶景ポイント。
When you go through a place like a beast road in the steppe, the view suddenly opens and you can see Mt. Fuji first. If you proceed while listening to the sound of waves, you can see the white Moroisozaki Lighthouse. The seawater of the beach is clear and has good quality. It stands like a model on the beach with both sandy beach and reef. Sunset, Mt. Fuji, the sea, beaches of shells, rocks, and chalky lighthouses. A superb view point where you can see everything at the same time.
神奈川の鈴木さん on Google

晴れて☀️いると! 富士山?良く見えます。 浅場があるので子供さんにも良いです。 ッガ! 潮が流れる所もありますので十分な注意をお願いします。 諸磯青少年センターの駐車場が確か…… 1,000円以内で有りますので…… 値段忘れた??済みません❗️ 青少年センターの斜め前には 公衆トイレも有ります。 なのでトイレの心配も大丈夫? ただ、お店は無いですわ。 買ってから行きましょう。 バス停留所もありますので時間を決めて 電車、バスもいけますよ〜。 でわ!行き方?は 下の写真から。 ①青少年センター駐車場に止めたら 左にてくてくと歩いて ②漁港側左手に曲がり ③別荘地入口の門扉の手前を 又々左にてくてくと行くと着きます。 (家族をきつね浜迄車で送り転回出来るの幅がありますから戻って青少年センターに車を止めて来るとかも良いです。) 道が狭くなっていますので十分な注意をして下さい。 釣りは〜やってないけど シュノーケリングしていた時に イナダとカンパチを見ましたよ〜 3枚目の写真磯場方面で。 3枚目の写真の方から行くと 磯場なので疲れるかも? 右手側一応砂浜もあります。 ※追記 少し遅くなりましたが? BBQなどでの焚き火や炭&ゴミ問題&側に駐車場があるのに使わず、路上駐車問題もあり 封鎖されました。 一人一人の意識の問題でもあります。 芝生の上で直火とか…… 木の根があれば熱でダメになります!
When it's sunny ☀️! Mt. Fuji ? It looks good. It is also good for children because it has a shallow area. Moth! Please be careful as the tide may flow in some places. The parking lot of Moroiso Youth Center is certain ... It's less than 1,000 yen, so ... I forgot the price ?? I'm sorry ❗️ Diagonally in front of the youth center There is also a public toilet. So you don't have to worry about the toilet ? However, there are no shops. Let's go after buying it. There is also a bus stop, so decide the time You can also take a train or a bus. then! directions? Is From the photo below. ① If you stop at the youth center parking lot Walk to the left ② Turn left on the fishing port side ③ In front of the gate at the entrance of the villa If you come to the left again, you will arrive. (Since there is a range that you can drive your family to Kitsunehama and turn around, it is good to come back and park your car at the Youth Center.) Please be careful as the road is narrow. I'm not fishing When I was snorkeling I saw amberjack and amberjack ~ 3rd photo In the direction of Isoba. If you go from the third photo Is it a beach so you might get tired? There is also a sandy beach on the right hand side. * Addition It's a little late, but ? Bonfire at BBQ, charcoal & garbage problem & parking lot on the side, but not used, there is also a street parking problem It was blocked. It is also a matter of individual consciousness. An open fire on the lawn ... If you have the roots of a tree, the heat will ruin it!
someyoung on Google

マイナーな浜ですが遠浅の岩場になっており、ファミリーも多いです。残念ながらアクセスが悪く駐車スペースもほとんどない(または遠い)ので地元の方向けの場所かなと思いました。遠方から来るなら付近の民宿や一棟貸しの宿を利用すると駐車場の心配をしなくて済みます。日帰りなら他にもアクセスしやすい場所はあると思います。透明度は3-5mくらいでした。 見られる魚はベラ、ネンブツダイ、ソラスズメダイ、カゴカキダイ、ニザダイ、タカノハダイなど。沖の岩場付近では30-40センチのブダイ、マダイ(多分)も稀に見られましたが、多くはいなかったです。
Although it is a minor beach, it is a shallow rocky area and there are many families. Unfortunately, access is poor and there is almost no parking space (or far away), so I thought it was a place for locals. If you come from afar, you can use a nearby guest house or an inn for rent so that you don't have to worry about parking. I think there are other places that are easy to access for a day trip. The transparency was about 3-5m. The fish you can see are Bella, Nembutsudai, Neon damselfish, Stripey, Nizadai, Takanohadai, etc. Around the rocky area off the coast, 30-40 cm parrotfish and red sea bream (probably) were rarely seen, but not many.

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