Nijiirosakanago Passenger Terminal - Miura

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nijiirosakanago Passenger Terminal

住所 :

5 Chome-3 Misaki, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0243, Japan

Postal code : 238-0243
Webサイト :

5 Chome-3 Misaki, Miura, Kanagawa 238-0243, Japan
両津勘吉 on Google

The bad weather allowed me to only migrate around the bay, which was fun.
深山邦彦 on Google

Boarding fee 1500 yen Misaki Maguro Ticket Miura • Free with Misaki Omohide ticket
カミダイスケ on Google

It is ideal for killing time with a sightseeing tour of about 40 minutes. Children sing songs on a colorful pleasure boat. Feeding seagulls, observing fish from the bottom of the ship, feeding sea fish, etc. are very interesting. However, the number of sightseeing tours per day is not that high, so please be careful about that. There were many black kites on the day.
Kay Y on Google

2歳の子供はカモメがよってくると大喜びでずっと海に釘付けでした! 船の上での案内人のおじいさんの案内がとても優しい人柄で色々な魚のことを教えてくださり、とてもよかったです!
The 2-year-old was overjoyed when the seagulls came and was nailed to the sea all the time! I am very glad that the guide's grandfather on the ship taught me about various fish with a very kind personality!
N I on Google

うちの子は生まれて船に初めて乗りました。 子供には救命胴衣を貸してくれます。 初めは緊張していたけど、 だんだん慣れてきてカモメに餌をあげたりしていました。 天気のせいか少し海水が濁っており、 海中はすごく魅了されるほどきれいではなかったけど よい体験になりました。 休日は早めに行って予約する方がよいと思います。
My child was born and boarded the ship for the first time. They will lend you a life jacket for your child. I was nervous at first, but I was getting used to it and feeding seagulls. The seawater is a little muddy because of the weather, The sea wasn't so beautiful that it was fascinating It was a good experience. I think it's better to go early and make a reservation on holidays.
on Google

三浦海岸から車で7キロ程。うらりマルシェで2000円買うと¥1100で乗船できます。最高に楽しめました。魚の餌付け場所迄は、カモメに餌を投げながら進みます。鳥のエサ¥50。カモメだけでなく、トンビもこの船から餌をもらえるのを知って集まります。小学生の一行がキャッキャ!ととても楽しそうでした。 魚の餌撒き(おきあみ)も体験できます。魚はこの船のエンジン音だけでも集まるそうです。船底に降りて、集まる魚をガラス越しに観られるのも楽しい。集まるフグやギンポの説明もしてくれて、「まだ魚にエサやってない人はこっちに来てください」など、乗務員の方々がとても親切。船はおシャレではないけれど、その分お手頃価格にしてくれてます。駐車場代割引の対象にならないのがちょっと残念ですが、駐車場代はうらりマルシェの買い物でかなり割引されます。観光として、絶対オススメ!
About 7 km by car from Miura Kaigan. If you buy 2000 yen at Urari Marche, you can board for 1100 yen. I really enjoyed it. Go to the fish feeding place while throwing food at the seagulls. Bird food ¥ 50. Not only seagulls, but also black kites gather to know that they can get food from this ship. A group of elementary school students are crazy! It seemed to be very fun. You can also experience fish feeding (krill). It seems that fish gather only by the sound of the engine of this ship. It's fun to get down to the bottom of the ship and watch the gathering fish through the glass. The crew members are very kind, such as explaining the puffer fish and gunnels that gather, and saying, "If you haven't fed the fish yet, please come here." The ship isn't fashionable, but it's reasonably priced. It's a little disappointing that the parking fee is not discounted, but the parking fee is considerably discounted by shopping at Urari Marche. Absolutely recommended for sightseeing!
tetsuya nakamura on Google

A lot of black kites were flying from the seagulls ? The child was overjoyed when he gave him a kappa shrimp for food that he bought for 50 yen on board.
Eric Teong on Google

This nondescript glassed-bottom boat tour with a mesmerising tune playing over and over again in the background might not have attracted your attention. But this is the highlight of this place! Take this ride and you will not be disappointed this i can promise you. You get to feed the seagulls. You get to feed the fishes. They should sell the CD. The tune is still playing in my head after the trip. Makes me wanna go back.

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