Hama Sushi - Chigasaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hama Sushi

住所 :

2 Chome-10-18 Matsugaoka, Chigasaki, Kanagawa 253-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Postal code : 253-0025
Webサイト : https://maps.hama-sushi.co.jp/jp/detail/4487.html

2 Chome-10-18 Matsugaoka, Chigasaki, Kanagawa 253-0025, Japan
M T on Google

いつも平日でお得な一皿90円の時にお邪魔することが多いですが、小さな子供連れでも接客も親切にしていただき、定員さんの対応はとても早く丁寧なので居心地が良いです(^-^) ネタも美味しくてバラエティー豊富なので満足しています! 店内利用時にも持ち帰りが別で注文できます。 (その場で詰めて持ち帰るよりも8%の税率で利用出来るので便利です!) その際は注文表に書いてあるネタの横に必要な数、名前、電話番号を記入するだけで2~3人前なら10分程では用意して頂けるので早いです。 会計時に一緒に受け取ることが出来ます。
I usually get in the way on weekdays when the price of 90 yen for a good deal is great, but I am kind enough to have a small child even with hospitality, and the capacity is very quick and polite so I feel comfortable (^-^). I am satisfied because the material is delicious and there is a lot of variety! You can order it separately when you use it in the store. (It is convenient because you can use it at a tax rate of 8% rather than packing it on the spot and taking it home!) In that case, just fill in the required number, name, and telephone number next to the item written on the order table, so it will be quick as it will take about 10 minutes for 2-3 people. You can receive it at the time of payment.
平造 on Google

平日は10円安いです、なか卯、Coco'sと同じグループで寿司以外のサイドメニューも充実していて、不味くはないです、マグロが赤身、ハラミ、ビントロはイマイチでしたが、極上一貫が美味しかったです、ここの店舗は握り仕事があまり丁寧ではないようで、寿司が倒れてたり、シャリがレーンで溢れて散らばっていたり、天ぷらが落ちて流れていました。 イクラが値段が倍だがキュウリなしで、イクラの味わー楽しめます、キュウリ有りで慣れてしまってたので、最初少ししょっぱく感じましたが、慣れたら美味しいです。 入口はスロープが有り、通路も車椅子が通れる幅が有ります。
It is 10 yen cheaper on weekdays, and the side menu other than sushi is fulfilling in the same group as Nakasu and Coco's, and it is not bad, tuna is red meat, halami and vintolo are not good enough, but the best consistency was delicious, It seems that the shop here is not so polite, so sushi fell, Shari was overflowing in the lane, it was scattered, and the tempura was falling. You can enjoy the taste of salmon roe, which is twice as expensive as salmon roe, but without cucumber, so I got used to having cucumber, so I felt a little bit shabby at first, but it would be delicious if I got used to it. There is a slope at the entrance, and the passage is wide enough for wheelchairs to pass.
K H on Google

自宅の近くにあるため、以前はよく利用してました。以前からマグロは凍った状態で出され水っぽいため、最近はくら寿司を利用。 昨日、久しぶりにいったら色んな意味でガッカリしました。 マグロは凍った状態は変わらず、他のネタはぼちぼち。瓶ビールがなくなり、ジョッキのみ。ジョッキの瓶も細くなり、ビールも水っぽい、定かではないがブラックニッカのハイボールも何か焼酎的なものを混ぜてるような、独特のエタノールの味がしました。家で作る安いウィスキーの方が美味しい。 個人的にはもう行かないかな。。
I used to use it a lot because it's near my house. Since tuna has been served frozen for some time and is watery, I recently used Kura Sushi. Yesterday, I was disappointed in many ways when I went there for the first time in a while. The tuna remains frozen, and the other ingredients are sloppy. There is no bottle of beer, only a mug. The mug bottle became thinner, the beer was watery, and although I'm not sure, the black nikka highball had a unique ethanol taste that was mixed with something like shochu. Cheap whiskey made at home is more delicious. Personally, I wonder if I can go anymore. ..

ワンコイン丼を求めて はま寿司へ お持ち帰り丼ぶり はまちとまだいの漁師漬け丼購入 ご飯大盛りにすれば? ボリュームアップ間違いなし! ネタも最高でした♪
In search of one coin bowl To Hamazushi Takeaway bowl Purchase of Hamachi and red sea bream fisherman pickled rice bowl If you make a large serving of rice ? There is no doubt that the volume will increase! The story was also the best ♪
りんか on Google

お寿司のネタが バラエティーにとんでいるので飽きないですよね。サイドメニューも豊富なので、ついつい アレコレ食べてしまい、デザートで締めるのが定番です(笑) お財布にも優しい価格ですし、皆で楽しく食事をするのには良いと思います。
You won't get tired of the variety of sushi ingredients. There are plenty of side menus, so it's standard to just eat it and finish it with dessert (laughs). The price is kind to your wallet, and I think it's good for everyone to enjoy eating.
ghada kdr on Google

I love it
chris arevalo on Google

Also best sushi in japan
Ami Akioka on Google

there are variety of sushi not only traditional also modern. You can enjoy side dishes and desert as well. very cheap and satisfied.

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