Sushi Ko - Chigasaki

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sushi Ko

住所 :

2-14 Asahigaoka, Chigasaki, Kanagawa 253-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 253-0026

2-14 Asahigaoka, Chigasaki, Kanagawa 253-0026, Japan
toshimitsu yamauchi on Google

良いお店だと思います。丁寧で親切な対応、もちろんお寿司?は美味しいですよ。季節物をお客さんが食べやすいように調理し食材に気をつかっているこだわりを持っています。 ぜひ足を運んで下さい。
I think it's a good shop. Polite and kind correspondence, of course sushi ? is delicious. We are particular about cooking seasonal foods so that customers can easily eat them and paying attention to the ingredients. Please come visit us.
キリン on Google

一言、スペシャリストです。 満足出来る事間違いないと思います。 店主の人柄や創作力、魚へのこだわりを強く感じますし、それが料理に表現されています!
In a word, I'm a specialist. I'm sure you'll be satisfied. I strongly feel the owner's personality, creativity, and commitment to fish, and that is expressed in the food!
Kensaku Sasaki on Google

This is a recommended sushi restaurant.
Kaori Nabeshina on Google

丁寧な仕事を施したお寿司とともに洋よりのメニューも楽しめます。お酒の種類も豊富で、料理に合わせて楽しめます。 サッカーのベルマーレの選手が良く来店するとのことで、店内の壁にサインやユニフォームが飾ってあります。 ちょっと、飾りすぎかも? 飾ってなかったときの方が落ち着いてお食事できました。 ベルマーレコーナーを店の一角にまとめてみるのはどうでしょうかね。
You can enjoy sushi that has been subjected to careful work, as well as a menu from the West. There are plenty of types of liquor, and you can enjoy it according to the dishes. It is said that Belle Mare players of soccer often come to the store and signs and uniforms are displayed on the wall inside the store. It may be too decorative When we did not decorate, we were able to eat calmly. How about putting the Bellmare corner in one corner of the store?
Shonan Peanut on Google

The sushi is excellent, and the personality of the general is good, so I recommend this sushi restaurant. The takeout arrangements are also very delicious.
新出真理 on Google

The general's determined fine hospitality and above all the sushi was delicious. It was lunch, but sushi, tea steamed steamed, and shochu ice and tiramisu and coffee came out at the end of the shogun
Yumi Shima (しまちゃん) on Google

Lunch time is within 1200 - 1600 yen reach, you can eat delicious sushi
山崎浩二 on Google

久しぶりに予約して訪れました。 蔓延防止となり、21時閉店となってしまいますが、開店18時〜予約だったので、十分飲んで食べらました。 今回は真ん中のおまかせコースでお願いしました。 前菜3種類あり、どれも美味しい! 特に海鼠が美味かった。 安定の美味しさの鮟肝! 酢がキツすぎず、良い塩梅です。 天麩羅は3種類。 白子、タラの芽、こごみ?だっけ?忘れちゃいました。 白子は絶品。10個位食べたい? タラの芽、こごみも安定の美味しさ。 焼き物は鰤! カレーソースが味をまた変化してくれ、野菜と鰤と一緒に食べて!との大将からの一言で、いただくとこれまた美味しい一品に! 茶碗蒸し良い味。 出汁が美味しいし、卵との割合と、蒸時間教えてもらっても家で出来ないんだろうなぁ〜これも10個くらい食べたいです。 〆の握りは、平目、鰯、カワハギ、〆鯖、背トロ、雲丹、金目鯛 追加で、穴子とわさび巻きを頂きました。 どれも一手間かけてる握り。 とても美味しかった! 次回は1番上のコースでお願いしたいです。 いつ行けるかなぁ〜 今から楽しみです。
I made a reservation for the first time in a long time and visited. It will be closed at 21:00 to prevent the spread, but since it was reserved from 18:00, I drank enough and ate it. This time, I asked for the Omakase course in the middle. There are 3 types of appetizers, all of which are delicious! Especially the sea cucumber was delicious. Ankimo with stable taste! The vinegar is not too tight and it is a good salted plum. There are 3 types of tempura. Shirako, cod buds, dust? is it? I forgot. Shirako is excellent. I want to eat about 10 ? The buds of cod and dust are also stable and delicious. Grilled yellowtail! The curry sauce changes the taste again, and eat it with vegetables and yellowtail! In a word from the general, this is another delicious dish! Chawanmushi has a good taste. The soup stock is delicious, and even if you tell me the ratio of eggs and the steaming time, you can't do it at home. I want to eat about 10 of these too. The grip of 〆 is flatfish, sea urchin, stephanolepis crab, mackerel, back toro, sea urchin, sea bream In addition, I received conger eel and wasabi rolls. All of them take a lot of effort. It was very delicious! Next time, I would like to ask for the top course. When can i go ~ I'm looking forward to it from now on.

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