
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 福禄寿

住所 :

Hakusan, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hakusan, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
有馬桃江 on Google

日替わりランチ 海老と野菜の塩炒めランチ スープ、サラダ、搾菜、ライス全て美味しい コーヒーもサービス最高
Daily lunch, stir-fried shrimp and vegetables with salt, soup, salad, squeezed vegetables, rice all delicious coffee is also the best service
こにたん on Google

食べてびっくり!麻婆豆腐、チャーハン、絶品です。今まで食べたいわゆる「町中華屋さん」で間違いなくNo.1です(妻も同意見)。かに玉もすごいおいしい。しかも安い! 家の近くにこんなおいしい中華屋さんがあるなんて、本当に幸せです。 友達が遊びに来た時には絶対みんなで行きたい店、ですね。
I was surprised to eat it! Mapo tofu, fried rice, exquisite. It is definitely No. 1 in the so-called "Chinese restaurant in town" I have eaten (my wife agrees). The egg foo young is also very delicious. And it's cheap! I'm really happy to have such a delicious Chinese restaurant near my house. It's a store that everyone definitely wants to go to when their friends come to play.
kazu t on Google

このお店のランチは毎回満腹。 ライスはお櫃で出てきておかわり自由。 エビマヨが…エビマヨが…めちゃうま! 行く日によってランチメニューがチェンジするから、エビマヨ率が低い。 もちろん他のランチメニューもオススメ!
Lunch at this shop is full every time. Rice comes out with a chest and is free to refill. The shrimp mayo ... the shrimp mayo ... messed up! The lunch menu changes depending on the day you go, so the shrimp mayo rate is low. Of course, other lunch menus are also recommended!
ヨッシー食べるの大好き! on Google

夜の定食で麻婆茄子定食と担々麺と半チャーハン定食を食べた(⌒_⌒) 普通に何を食べても美味しかった(^0^)
I ate Mao eggplant set meal, dandan noodles and half fried rice set meal at night set meal (⌒_⌒) It was delicious no matter what I ate normally (^ 0 ^)
かんちゃん on Google

It is a Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood. I wanted to stop by every time I drove, but the other day I had lunch with my wife. The volume, price and taste are perfect ?. The store was a little old, but I like it. I'm full.
Do! Charlie from Japan on Google

この近くに用事があったので、ランチする場所を検索して発見! みなさんが麻婆豆腐をオススメしているのでオーダー! 確かに美味い(^o^) 四川風の辛口な麻婆豆腐で、ニラもアクセントに入っていてなかなか良いです。 ご飯はお櫃で好きなだけどうぞ〜的な。 もうちょい良いお米でお変わり無しの方が私は嬉しいです。 コーヒーも飲み放題(スープや小鉢も付くので1杯しか飲めませんでしたが)これで¥870位とは! コスパ良しで最後まで悩んだエビチリ定食を次回は頼んでみます(笑)
I had something to do near here, so I searched for a place to have lunch and found it! Everyone recommends Mapo tofu, so order it! Definitely delicious (^ o ^) Sichuan-style dry mapo tofu with garlic accents, which is quite good. Enjoy as much rice as you like in the chest. I'd be happy if the rice was a little better and didn't change. All-you-can-drink coffee (I could only drink one cup because it comes with soup and small bowls). Next time I will order a shrimp chili set meal that I was worried about until the end because of the good cost performance (laugh)
Dragon MJ (MJ) on Google

山椒とラー油が絶妙に効いて、甘みもある、他とは違うオリジナルの麻婆豆腐。 一度味わってほしい。 エビチリは、ニンニクが効きすぎだと思う。
A unique original mapo tofu with Japanese pepper and chili oil that works exquisitely and has a sweet taste. I want you to taste it once. I think garlic is too effective for shrimp chili.
makoto yamamoto Buzzy on Google

I visited you on weekdays of 2021.Dec. Corona measures are taken properly when entering the store. You can park some parking lots in front of the store. It was around 12:30 at lunch time, but the first customers were about half of the store. I ordered fried chicken and lunch of shrimp and eggs, both of which are very satisfying. Plenty of soup is brought in and you can drink it deliciously. The rice is brought in by Ohitsu, and please refill it! I was asked to have a generous system, tofu with garnish, and coffee when I finished eating, but cospa is very good Chinese food. It is a restaurant where you can eat authentic Chinese food that is a bit different from Japanese town Chinese food, which is incomparable to lunch such as Bamiyan. The customer service sister is also very kind ♪ Please come!

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