民宿 やまびこ - Toyota

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 民宿 やまびこ

住所 :

Habucho, Toyota, 〒444-3206 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 444-3206
街 : Aichi

Habucho, Toyota, 〒444-3206 Aichi,Japan
GG- RiderTourist on Google

バイクツーリングでランチ お得なやまびこ定食頂きました。 椎茸釜めし 川魚の塩焼き 自家製蒟蒻刺身 等々がついて1500円‼️ 蒟蒻が美味しかった‼️ リピート確定です☺️
Lunch on a bike touring I had a great Yamabiko set meal. Shiitake mushroom kamameshi Grilled river fish with salt Homemade konjac sashimi 1500 yen with etc. ️ The konjac was delicious! ️ Repeat confirmed ☺️
シニさん on Google

ツーリングの途中で食事に寄らせていただきました。 秋ということもありその時期の旬の釜めしがありました。松茸釜めし、栗釜めしなどありました。私は、栗釜めしをいただきましたが、とても美味しく釜めしもきちんとこの写真の釜で炊いているようでおこげもあり無茶苦茶美味しかったですよ。 付け合わせの刺身こんにゃくも自家製のようでねっとりした食感でおいしいです。ここで食事されれば当たりですね! 色々ツーリングで釜めしも食べたりしていますがここ今までの中で1番か2番っていうくらいおいしい。完食しましたw
I stopped by for a meal during the touring. Because it was autumn, there was a seasonal kamameshi at that time. There were matsutake mushroom kamameshi and chestnut kamameshi. I had chestnut kamameshi, and it was very delicious, and it seemed that the kamameshi was cooked properly in the kettle in this photo, and it was ridiculously delicious. The sashimi konjac with garnish is also homemade and delicious with a sticky texture. It would be a hit if you eat here! Although I also eat kamameshi on various tourings, it is the most delicious so far. I've finished eating w
grunge on Google

三河湖の畔に位置する民宿 ツーリングの際のランチとして利用しています。 三河湖周辺の食事処は、概ね同じような郷土料理などの和食を提供する店舗が多いのですが、その中でもコストパフォーマンスが優れた料理が頂ける、気軽に寄れる飲食店です。 季節によって素材内容が変わるが、釜飯と塩焼きに名物のコンニャクがセットされた、やまびこ定食が特にオススメ。 変わり種として、ヘボ(蜂の子)釜飯などもあり、試してみるのも面白いかも。
A guest house located on the shore of Lake Mikawa I use it as lunch when touring. Most of the restaurants around Lake Mikawa offer Japanese food such as local dishes, but among them, it is a restaurant where you can easily stop by and enjoy the food with excellent cost performance. The ingredients change depending on the season, but the Yamabiko set meal, which is a set of Kamameshi and grilled salt with the famous konnyaku, is especially recommended. As a variation, there is also Hebo (Hachiko) Kamameshi, so it may be interesting to try it.
kouya on Google

■2018年8 月 面白いダムカレーがあると知ってバイクで行ってきた。 メニューにも壁にもダムカレーは書いてなかったけど、聞いたら作ってくれました。 大きなニジマスの唐揚げが写真映えしますねー。 副菜の煮物なんかも意外とカレーに合う! スイカのゼリーも付いて¥1,000ってとってもお値打ちです。 見た目のインパクトだけでなく味も美味しかったです。 ■追記 : 再訪した時は「ダムカレー」は要予約になったみたいで食べれんかった? ■2022年3月 年に1回はバイクで訪れてます。前回訪問は11月に「鮎の釜飯」を食べに来て、暖かくなったので4ヶ月ぶりの訪問。 今回は「五平餅」と「こんにゃく」をいただきました?手作りこんにゃく美味しいよ♪
■ August 2018 I went by motorcycle knowing that there was an interesting dam curry. I didn't write dam curry on the menu or on the wall, but when I heard it, he made it. The big fried rainbow trout looks great in the picture. Boiled side dishes also go well with curry! It also comes with watermelon jelly and is very good value for 1,000 yen. Not only the impact of appearance but also the taste was delicious. ■ Addition: When I visited again, it seemed that a reservation was required for "Dam Curry", so I couldn't eat it ? ■ March 2022 I visit by motorcycle once a year. My last visit was in November when I came to eat "Ayu Kamameshi" and it became warmer so I visited for the first time in 4 months. This time I got "Gohei mochi" and "konnyaku" ? Handmade konnyaku is delicious ♪
Noriaki Nishimura on Google

釜飯が絶品です 三河湖まで来たら絶対に行くべきです。 お刺身こんにゃくも大変美味しいです
Kamameshi is excellent You should definitely go when you come to Lake Mikawa. Sashimi konjac is also very delicious
楽園の使者銀 on Google

It was a wording that could not be done in the hospitality business. Drive to Lake Mikawa from early Sunday morning. Attracted by the attractive signboard, when I put the car in the parking lot, an elderly female clerk approached me and said, "It's still before business hours and there are camp customers, so I'm in trouble if I can come in." When I tried to get into the car asking if it was before business hours, I was pointed to my finger again, "Get out of here." I imagined that the friendly clerk would work cheerfully if I called myself a guest house or drive-in, but I was disappointed and annoyed, and I was offended and headed for the next purpose.
E Y on Google

キャンプ場の利用です。 ●駐車場:オートキャンプ場とは別にお店の前に5-6台停められます。 ●水場:広めのシンクが2つ。スポンジや洗剤、たわしなどが置いてあります。 ●トイレ:男女別の水洗トイレ。手洗い場に固形石鹸やコロナ対策用のアルコールが設置されています。 ●シャワー:なし ●キャンプ場:隣との区画が離れており、且つ木々が生い茂っているため、プライベート感が保たれます。家族連れが多く、夜中まで騒ぐお客さんはいなかったため、静かな夜を過ごせました。(21時?消灯のため、その10分前くらいになると管理人が1グループずつ周って声をかけてくる。)近くに小川が流れているため、耳栓の持参が吉。 湖を目の前にして飲むビールは美味しいです。仕事での悩みなんて、その時ばかりはどうでもよくなります。
Use of the campsite. ● Parking: 5-6 cars can be parked in front of the store separately from the auto campground. ● Water place: Two wide sinks. There are sponges, detergents, scrubbing brushes, etc. ● Toilet: Flush toilets for men and women. Bar soap and alcohol to prevent corona are installed in the hand-washing area. ● Shower: None ● Campsite: The campsite is separated from the neighboring area and the trees are overgrown, so you can maintain a sense of privacy. We had a quiet night because there were many families and no customers made noise until midnight. (Because the lights are off at 21:00, about 10 minutes before that, the caretakers go around one group at a time and call out.) Since a stream is flowing nearby, it is good to bring earplugs. The beer you drink in front of the lake is delicious. I don't care about my worries at work.
鴨下護 on Google

It's my first visit, but maybe a gentle mother, my eldest son's son, and my wife? There was also the Gohei mochi set meal, where the family connected the tastes of the restaurant and the two of us enjoyed the Ayu Kamameshi set meal and the Yamabiko set meal. I found a good stop-off shop for wild cherry blossoms and fists in spring, colored leaves in autumn, and Tsukude-Mikawako drive, and the scenery is amazing.

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