Gumma-Sōja Station - Maebashi

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gumma-Sōja Station

住所 :

Sōjamachi Ueno, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0851, Japan

Postal code : 371-0851

Sōjamachi Ueno, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0851, Japan
三式飛燕 on Google

電車到着時には道路まで送迎の車がはみ出して並びます。 そのせいで駅前の細い通りが片側通行となり 渋滞します。 非常に危険ですし、近隣の交通にとって迷惑です。
When the train arrives, the pick-up cars protrude to the road and line up. Because of that, the narrow street in front of the station becomes one-sided traffic Traffic jam Very dangerous and annoying to nearby traffic.
Horch on Google

遅延証明書発行してくれたし、トイレあるし、自販機が改札の外にあるけど通ってからでも簡単に使えるし、いい感じです。ただ田舎だから仕方ないんだけど1時間に多くて2本ってのがなぁ…。 待ってる間めっちゃ寒かったときがある。
They gave me a certificate of delay, there was a toilet, and the vending machine was outside the ticket gate, but it was easy to use even after passing through. It's just the countryside, so it's inevitable, but there are at most two in an hour ... There were times when I was really cold while waiting.
メガネウサガエル on Google

Local line. In the evening time, the transfer car parked from the station's roundabout and parked, and the area around the station was very crowded. It is particularly bad when it rains. I want you to do something to prevent the area around the station from getting crowded.
yuki sato on Google

Due to the morning and evening transfers, the road in front of the station was heavily congested. Cars that do not fit in the roundabout will stop at the road with hazards, so it will not move from around 50M in front of the station. In front of the station, both the car from the south and the car from the north are parked on the road, so it doesn't help. It seems that there is a plan to make a west exit rotary for the purpose of alleviating traffic congestion, but it will take time to acquire a site and if there is such money, it is better to make the parking lot three-dimensional, expand the rotary, and be able to pool the shuttle car early. The adjacent parking lot became free for 20 minutes due to traffic congestion, but it has not been resolved because it is not well known. In the first place, if you don't put in the parking lot from the first car that can't enter the rotary in the first place, you can't put in the cars that came later. There is no morality anymore. It's in a terrible state.
吉井吉井 on Google

I used this station to return to the Takasaki area on the way back after the errand was over, but the time was bad and I had to wait about 50 minutes. However, there was no place to kill time in front of the station, and I had to wait in the waiting room of the station forever. I want to have at least one train every 30 minutes.
maki.S on Google

It is a station with a fairly small number of basic humans who have never seen a beautiful woman.
teddy on Google

駅員の態度が悪い 上から目線なのがすごくビックリしました。 もう利用したくないです
The station staff has a bad attitude I was very surprised to see it from above. I don't want to use it anymore
シオデン工業 on Google

歴史ある建物と言えば聞こえが良いが老朽化著しい。ホーム上に屋根はほぼ無く、かさ上げを重ねたホームは建屋との間に傾斜がヒドイ。乗降客は近隣の住宅化で増えているがダイヤは偏っており(写真の通り、10分あとの次が40〜50分開く)、更に新前橋までの区間短縮など、JRのサービスは悪い。 駅前ロータリーも十分でなく、マトモな列車本数が限られるため夕方は送迎車両であふれかえる。
Speaking of a historic building, it sounds good, but it is very old. There is almost no roof on the platform, and the raised platform has a steep slope with the building. The number of passengers is increasing due to the neighboring housing, but the timetable is uneven (as shown in the photo, the next 10 minutes will open 40 to 50 minutes), and the JR service is poor, such as shortening the section to Shinmaebashi. The roundabout in front of the station is not sufficient, and the number of trains is limited.

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