グルービー 京成店 (Groovy)

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グルービー 京成店 (Groovy)

住所 :

Izumicho, Mito, 〒310-0026 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.pasta-groovy.co.jp/shop/keisei.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Ibaraki

Izumicho, Mito, 〒310-0026 Ibaraki,Japan
ジャスミン on Google

子どもと二人で来店しました。私と子どもの間に感染対策としての仕切り。子どもと一緒に来ているのにその間を仕切る意味がわかりません。臨機応変にしてほしい。もちろん友達同士や知り合い、仕事の人同士ならその間を仕切るのは当たり前だろうし理解できます。その仕切りを隣のお客さんとの感染予防のため脇に立てかけたかったので店員さんに声をかけましたがダメです。と言われました。 お店にルールがあるのはわかりますが隣の席の人との間に感染対策の仕切りがないのはどうなの?という感じでした。隣同士の客の感染対策も大事じゃないんでしょうか?
I came to the store with my child. A partition between me and my child as an infection control measure. I'm coming with my child, but I don't understand the meaning of partitioning between them. I want you to be flexible. Of course, if you are friends, acquaintances, or people at work, it is natural and understandable to partition between them. I wanted to set the partition aside to prevent infection with the next customer, so I called out to the clerk, but it's no good. They said. I understand that there are rules in the store, but what about the fact that there is no infection control partition between the person in the seat next to you? It was that kind of feeling. Isn't it important to take measures against infection between customers next to each other?
マリーちゃん on Google

The pirate pasta ? was really good
サンシャインさとし on Google

■ 20210923 I ordered soup spaghetti, minestrone @ 1430. I was satisfied with the amount
青木典子 on Google

K Nabe 3 on Google

息子が近くで試験だったので。 京成でどこが良い?と聞くとGroovyと言うので行ってきました。 前回は混んでたということだったが、ギリギリセーフ! 乳製品が苦手なので、ペペロンチーノを注文。息子はカルボナーラ。久々だったけど旨し?値段もするけど、ボリュームも良かった。 次回はトーストにしてみようかな。
Because my son was on the exam nearby. What is good in Keisei? I said Groovy, so I went there. It was said that it was crowded last time, but it's just safe! I'm not good at dairy products, so I ordered Peperoncino. My son is Carbonara. It's been a long time, but it's good ? The price is good, but the volume is also good. Next time I'll try toast.

窓際の席に座れたので、水戸芸術館のライトアップが見られてキレイでした。 お子さまメニューを初めて頼みました。 Aセットはメインがパスタで、Bセットは海老のピラフでした。 ジュース、ミニサラダ、メイン、バニラアイスがついて650円はお得だと思います。 熱々でなく出てきたのは、子供向けの配慮だと思います。 注文がタッチパネルなので、以前から気になっていた接客の愛想の無さは気にならなくなりました。 パスタの量は普通でも多めです。 メニューの幅も広く、期間限定メニューもあり、選ぶ楽しみです(^_^)
I was able to sit by the window, so it was beautiful to see the light up of Art Tower Mito. I ordered the children's menu for the first time. The A set was mainly pasta, and the B set was shrimp pilaf. I think that 650 yen is a good deal with juice, mini salad, main course, and vanilla ice cream. I think that what came out rather than hot was the consideration for children. Since the order is on the touch panel, I don't care about the lack of friendliness of the customer service that I had been worried about for a long time. The amount of pasta is normal but large. The menu is wide and there is a limited-time menu, so I'm looking forward to choosing it (^_^)
Mmm Fff on Google

It was the best. We received "Emperor Shrimp and Scallop Cream Sauce Spaghetti" where you can enjoy huge shrimp and a large amount of scallops. The shop had a good view and the acrylic board and air conditioning were perfect as a countermeasure against corona infection.
yam mayu on Google

初めて連れてきてもらいました!眺めが良くて◎。もっとゆっくり眺めたかった… 遅めのランチでしたがほぼ満席でしたね!濃厚海老クリームのオーブン焼きパスタはオススメ!サラダも蟹のパスタも美味しかったし満足です!お買い物がてらに来られるのはありがたい☺️ ごちそうさまでした?
I had you bring me for the first time! The view is good ◎. I wanted to see it more slowly ... It was a late lunch, but it was almost full! Oven-baked pasta with rich shrimp cream is recommended! The salad and crab pasta were delicious and I'm satisfied! Thank you for coming to shopping ☺️ Thank you for your feast ?

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