green bakery BOOK CAFE

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact green bakery BOOK CAFE

住所 :

Yagotoyama, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0077 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 区画 Aichi

Yagotoyama, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, 〒468-0077 Aichi,Japan
M Zoo on Google

Now, people outside the university cannot enter. .. ?
雨粒ハネル on Google

It is quiet because there is no small child.
りぼん(りぼん) on Google

The bread was soft and delicious. There is a parking lot in Meijo University. As there is a guardman in front of the university entrance, it will be free for 2 hours if you tell it to go to the bakery.
ライオンがぶがぶ on Google

最近、美味しいパンが増えました! サンドイッチの種類が多いのでヘルシーなランチが食べたいときに行きます。 お洒落で綺麗な場所なのでオススメです。 大学生が多いですが土日はゆっくり過ごせますよ。
Recently, delicious bread has increased! I have a lot of sandwiches so I will go for a healthy lunch. It is a fashionable and beautiful place so it's recommended. There are many college students, but you can spend Saturdays and Sundays slowly.
西村さくらみーちゃん(七栄チエミ) on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気の店内。観葉植物や木製のテーブルで癒しの空間がひろがります。 Wi-Fiも使えます。日替わりのスープは量もたっぷりで嬉しいセット価格もあります。 展示されているたくさんの本を読みながら、ゆっくりと過ごせる素敵なお店です。
Inside of calm atmosphere. The healing space spreads with the houseplant and the wooden table. Wi-Fi is also available. The daily soup has plenty of plenty and also has a nice set price. It is a nice shop that you can spend slowly while reading many books on display.
H O on Google

開店前に店の前で待っていたら、寒いので中でお待ち下さいと言われました!嬉しかったです! パンもとっても美味しく、本も充実しているので最高でした!
If I was waiting in front of the store before it opened, I was told to wait inside because it was cold! I was happy! The bread was delicious and the books were great!
たまごふわふわ on Google

一般的なカフェと比べてコーヒーがSサイズで200円、Lサイズで250円とかなりお安いです。ただ、コップがマグカップではなく使い捨ての紙コップなので気になる方はいるかもしれません。パンもおっきなメロンパンが売られていて好きです。とても大きいのでテイクアウトの方がいいかもです笑。カレー焼きそばパン(?)もめっちゃサクサクしてて美味しいです。最初食べたときびっくりしました。 店内はジャズがかかっていたり、いろんな所に本が置いてあったりしてお洒落です。大学併設のカフェですが一般の方も来ているので入りやすいかと思います。
Compared to general cafes, coffee is 200 yen for S size and 250 yen for L size, which is considerably cheaper. However, you may be interested because the cup is not a mug but a disposable paper cup. I like the big melon bread that is on sale. It's so big that it might be better to take out lol. The curry yakisoba bread (?) Is also very crispy and delicious. I was surprised when I first ate it. The inside of the store is stylish with jazz playing and books placed in various places. It's a cafe attached to the university, but I think it's easy to enter because the general public is also coming.
salma zul on Google

A really cosy bakery cafe

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