Mochitsukian Tea House - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mochitsukian Tea House

住所 :

2 Chome-804 Otsubo, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 468-0072

2 Chome-804 Otsubo, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0072, Japan
ジャムおばさん on Google

雨降りの土曜日に行きました。 (モーニング) 駐車場?️は満だったので近くのコインパーキングに停めました。 私達の前に7組、8組の待ちがありましたが1時間かからないぐらいの待ちで済みました。人気店なので待ち覚悟で行くといいです。店内は、写真撮影禁止ですが、写真撮ってた人いました。回りに迷惑かからないなら撮ってもいいのでは?と思いました。つきたてお餅は、とても美味しかったです。きなこ餅と、あんこ餅のハーフ&ハーフ六個入りをお持ち帰りしました。1グループ、1パックしか持ち帰れません。2人で3.600円でした。朝のモーニングにしては高いですが、朝からつきたてお餅が食べれたので満足してます。
I went on a rainy Saturday. (Morning) The parking lot ?️ was full, so I parked at a nearby coin parking lot. There were 7 and 8 groups waiting in front of us, but it took less than an hour. It's a popular shop, so be prepared to go. Photography is prohibited inside the store, but there were people who took pictures. Isn't it okay to take a picture if it doesn't bother others? I thought. The freshly made mochi was very delicious. I brought home Kinako Mochi and Anko Mochi Half & Half 6 pieces. Only one group and one pack can be taken home. It was 3.600 yen for two people. It's expensive for a morning morning, but I'm happy because I was able to eat mochi from the morning.
piyoko on Google

ランチでお邪魔しました。どれもとても丁寧に作ってあり、とても美味しくて、ほっこりしました。お餅だけあって、見た目より後からずっしり満腹感がありました。 駐車場も少なくて、いつも並んでますし、ご夫婦でされてるので手が回らないところもあるかもしれませんが、キビキビされていて、挨拶したら笑顔もありましたし、感じが悪いなんてことはなかったです。 中に入るまで時間がかかるの覚悟の上で、時間にゆとりのある時に行くといいと思います。
I visited you at lunch. All were made very carefully, very delicious and warm. There was only mochi, and I felt full after it looked. There aren't many parking lots, and they are always lined up, and since they are married couples, there may be places where they can't get around, but they were squeaky, and when they greeted them, they smiled and felt uncomfortable. I didn't. I think it's a good idea to go when you have time to spare, with the expectation that it will take some time to get inside.
mitu dx on Google

近いので前から気にはなってたけど、SNSで話題?だからかいつも混んでるイメージで、今回モーニングで初でした。なんとか1巡目の最後に滑り込めましたが、入り口の近くの席でこのご時世で換気のためか入り口が開けてあり、寒いし、椅子も背もたれがない椅子だったので待ってる間とても苦痛で早く食べてお店を出たくて仕方なかったです? お餅はすごく丁寧なお仕事をされてる感じが伝わってきたし、とても柔らかくて美味しかったです。 今度は防寒をしてひざ掛け持ってリベンジしたいです(笑)
I've always been interested in it because it's close, but is it a hot topic on SNS? That's why it's always crowded, and this was my first time in the morning. I managed to slip in at the end of the first round, but the seat near the entrance had an open entrance for ventilation at this time, it was cold, and the chair had no backrest, so it was very painful while waiting. I couldn't help but want to eat early and leave the store ? The mochi made me feel that I was doing a very polite work, and it was very soft and delicious. Next time I want to protect myself from the cold and hold my knees to revenge (laughs)
ghi on Google

お店の雰囲気も良くお餅も美味しかったです。 ただし、店内の細かな注意書きが多く、気難しい印象を受けました。
The atmosphere of the shop was good and the mochi was delicious. However, I got the impression that it was difficult because there were many detailed notes in the store.
Siro敬一 on Google

フワフワもちもちのお餅を頂けます。 たかが餅屋と侮るなかれ、一度行ってみればなぜ並んでまで食べに行くのかわかると思います!
You can have fluffy and chewy mochi. Don't be fooled by the mochiya, you can see why you go to eat side by side once you go!
K Shim on Google

taste 4 facility atmosphere 4 service 3 others
Katinka Wondergem on Google

Love this place. Will definitely come back frequently.
Karl See on Google

Tasty little mochi shop tucked away in the suburbs. A bit of a walk from the subway though. Amazingly good mochi. Do not miss the breakfast set! Place gets full easily so come early.

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