Grape picking Hagiwara plantation - Chōsei District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Grape picking Hagiwara plantation

住所 :

601-139 Yamanogo, Nagara, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0231, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 297-0231
Webサイト :

601-139 Yamanogo, Nagara, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0231, Japan
ASA NE on Google

狩りではなく買いに。 初めて伺いました。 量り売りは、ほぼ平日のみ。 HPのトップ画面左側真ん中辺りに、 量り売り有りか無しか、 ぶどうの種類が、 赤字で記載してあります。 1ケースで、2房が入り、 約1600円でした。 注文後に切ってきてくださり、 新鮮でパンパンで美味しかったです。 巨峰は、時間毎に味の落ちが早いので、 その日に食べきった方が無難。 是非また。ごちそう様でした。
Buy instead of hunting. I asked for the first time. Weigh-in sales are only on weekdays. In the middle of the left side of the HP top screen, Whether we sell by weight or not, The type of grape It is written in red. In one case, two bunches enter, It was about 1600 yen. Please cut it after ordering, It was fresh and delicious. Kyoho has a fast drop in taste every hour, It is safe to eat that day. Please come again. thank you for the food.
yut yut on Google

It was a holiday in 2020. A place you definitely don't want to teach! I always go with my family every year. Compare the 185 cm male hand with the grapes.
Katsumi Yabe on Google

御主人のぶどう?に対する心意気が厚く、こだわって育てた巨峰は甘くてとても美味しいです✨ 「藤稔」は最高の逸品です?
The master ’s passion for grape grapes is sweet, and Kyoho brought up with sweetness is sweet and very delicious. "Wisteria" is the best gem 逸
B charlotte. on Google

ぶどうはとっても甘く美味しくいただきました。少し厳しい意見となりますが、味が⭐︎5の満足度なので、細かいサービスや雨の日のお客さんへの配慮はもう少し期待したいという願いで正直に投稿します。ご参考になれば幸いです。 当日はひどい雨で、支払った分ほど沢山ぶどうを食べられませんでした。3歳の子供連れだったので大人は1時間という制限時間のうちに1人5粒程度(子供のために剥く、雨で土がぬかるんでいるので、子供が走って転ばないよう常に面倒をみるなどにとても時間をとられ、1時間葡萄を食べずに終わった気分でした)。正直、地元の慣れてる方々は雨の日にこの値段でもいいかもしれませんが、初めての方に雨の日は絶対おすすめしません。(もし検討されてる方は、長靴、かっぱ、タオル、羽織り、遠方から来る方は濡れたとき用の着替えが必須です)。晴れの日はお客さん放置でもいいかもしれませんが、雨の日に車で1時間かけて伺ったのは失敗だったなと思うほどです。時間内に十分食べられるよう店員さんの配慮が足りなかったことが非常に残念でした。例えば、子供用の器があればたくさん剥いておくことができますし、予備のタオルを貸すというサービスくらいは必要かと思います。 特に、ハウスの中で傘をさしていると、少し高圧的に「ぶどうに当たらないように気をつけてください!」と注意されます。高級、高品質の葡萄を無駄にしたくないという商売する側の気持ちもわかりますが、傘をささなければ、全身ずぶ濡れになります。子供連れで傘をさしながら、田んぼのようにぬかるんだ土と雨対策が万全にできていない屋根の下を歩くのに、葡萄をよけるのは初心者には至難の技です。事前に雨の日に必要なものはあるか電話で問い合わせましたが、靴が濡れるかもしれないので覚悟してお越しくださいと声かけがあったのみ。長靴とかっぱは確実に必要だと伝えておくべきです。(もし知ってたら、ホームセンターで購入してから行くつもりでした)現地でレンタルはありませんし、地元のお客さんはカッパを着てる方もいました。また若干山の中なので、夏でも雨の日は肌寒く感じ、羽織りも必要だと思います。かっぱを着た子供と女性が全員寒がってしまいました。ハウスの中を移動するだけでびしょ濡れになり、夏なのに寒い。イチゴ狩りなどのイメージがある人は、ハウスの中で温かいイメージかもしれませんが、実際は完全な屋外です。髪の毛、洋服は上手く移動しないとだいぶ濡れます。ぬかるんで、もぐら穴にもハマりやすいので、靴は長靴か防水シューズが必須。 楽しみに伺って、家族写真も撮る予定でしたが、余裕がありませんでした。ぶどうのみの写真すら撮れなかった。。文字のみの投稿ですが、ぶどうはたくさん選べる素晴らしい農園でした。 個人的な要望でしかありませんが、子供連れや介護が必要な家族連れがいる場合、もしくは雨の日などで万全なサービスができないのなら、金額面かサービス面でもう少し気遣いがあると満足度も高かったと感じます。 トイレも、外に簡易トイレが1つだけなので、子供連れや女性、お年寄りには不便です。もし子供やお年寄りを連れて行くような場所ではないのだとしたら、子供や年配者の分は料金をとらないなどの工夫が必要かと思います。※常連さん専用の場所のように感じました。 食べ足りなかったので、約10房を別料金で持ち帰りました。ぶどうはこれまでにないほど、とても美味しかったです。また駐車場も十分な台数あって、助かりました。今回は残念な気持ちも残りましたが、コロナ禍&雨の日が続くお盆、1年ぶりに家族で出かけることができたので、車で伺える場所にこのような葡萄農園があったことはとてもありがたいと思いました。ありがとうこざいました。
The grapes were very sweet and delicious. It's a bit harsh, but I'm satisfied with the taste of ⭐︎5, so I'll honestly post it with the hope that I'd like to expect more detailed service and consideration for customers on rainy days. We hope for your reference. It rained heavily on the day and I couldn't eat as much grapes as I paid. Since I was with a 3-year-old child, adults have about 5 grains per person within the time limit of 1 hour (peeling for children, the soil is muddy due to rain, so always take care so that children do not run and fall It took me a lot of time, and I felt like I hadn't eaten grapes for an hour). To be honest, if you are accustomed to the local area, this price may be fine on a rainy day, but I definitely do not recommend it to those who are new to it. (If you are considering it, you must wear boots, kappa, towels, haori, and if you come from afar, change your clothes when it gets wet). It may be okay to leave the customer alone on a sunny day, but I think it was a failure to visit by car for an hour on a rainy day. It was very disappointing that the clerk did not give enough consideration so that he could eat enough in time. For example, if you have a child's bowl, you can peel it off a lot, and I think you need a service of lending a spare towel. In particular, when you are holding an umbrella in the house, you will be warned that "Be careful not to hit the grapes!" With a little high pressure. I understand the business side's desire not to waste high-quality, high-quality grapes, but if you don't use an umbrella, your whole body will get soaked. It is extremely difficult for beginners to avoid grapes while walking under a roof that is not fully protected against rain and muddy soil like rice fields while holding an umbrella with children. I called in advance to see if I needed anything on a rainy day, but I was only told that my shoes might get wet so please be prepared. You should say that you definitely need boots and kappa. (If I knew it, I was planning to go after purchasing it at the home center) There was no rental locally, and some local customers wore kappa. Also, because it is a little in the mountains, it feels chilly even in the summer on rainy days, so I think it is necessary to wear a haori coat. All the children and women in kappa got cold. It gets soaked just by moving around the house, and it's cold even though it's summer. People who have the image of strawberry picking may have a warm image inside the house, but in reality it is completely outdoors. If you don't move your hair and clothes well, they will get wet. Boots or waterproof shoes are essential because they are muddy and easy to get hooked on the holes. I was looking forward to taking a family photo, but I couldn't afford it. I couldn't even take a picture of only the grapes. .. Although it is a post with only letters, it was a wonderful farm where you can choose a lot of grapes. It's only a personal request, but if you have children or a family member who needs long-term care, or if you can't provide a perfect service on a rainy day, you'll be satisfied if you have a little more concern in terms of money or service. I feel it was expensive. As for the toilet, there is only one simple toilet outside, so it is inconvenient for children, women and the elderly. If it is not a place to bring children and the elderly, I think it is necessary to take measures such as not charging for children and the elderly. * I felt like a place dedicated to regulars. I didn't have enough to eat, so I brought back about 10 bunches for an extra charge. The grapes were more delicious than ever. Also, there were enough parking lots, which was helpful. Although I was disappointed this time, I was able to go out with my family for the first time in a year in Obon, where the corona storm and rainy days continue, so it is very nice that there was such a vineyard in a place that can be visited by car. I was grateful. Thank you very much.
さんごさん on Google

コロナ渦の中、夏休みの子どもたちにせめて少しでも思い出を‥と県内なら‥と子連れで伺いましたが、スタッフの方がとても優しくいい時間を過ごさせていただきました。 ぶどうは大粒でとにかく甘くて美味しかったです。食べ切れず持ち帰りまし たが、こちらもお安くてもっと買えばよかったなと思うくらい。 子供が「また行きたいねぇ」と言っていたのがとても嬉しかったです。 また来年今度は主人も一緒に伺います!
In the corona whirlpool, I asked the children during the summer vacation to have at least some memories in the prefecture, but the staff were very kind and had a good time. The grapes were large and sweet and delicious. I couldn't finish eating and took it home However, this is also cheap and I wish I had bought more. I was very happy that my child said "I want to go again". Next year, my husband will come with me!
根本那智子 on Google

8月中旬に行きました。 地下水を汲み上げた冷たいお水を汲んで、自分たちでとった葡萄を冷やしながら食べます。 1時間食べ放題。 大粒でとても美味しかったです。 農園の方が、少し早口な説明で、美味しいのは何色のぶどうか質問された孫が咄嗟の事で動揺していて、あとで『早口言葉でわからなかったよ』とぼやいてましたが… 葡萄を食べるテーブル席の場所も屋根があり、あいにくの雨でしたが、十分楽しめました。 汚れても良い運動靴で行くと良いと思います。
I went in mid-August. We draw cold water from the groundwater and eat the grapes we picked while cooling them. All-you-can-eat for 1 hour. It was large and very delicious. The farmer gave a slightly quicker explanation, and his grandson, who was asked what color of grapes was delicious, was upset about the humor, and later said, "I didn't understand it in a tongue twister." The place for the table seats to eat grapes also had a roof, and unfortunately it was raining, but I enjoyed it enough. I think it's best to wear athletic shoes that can get dirty.
Kuldeep Singh on Google

Nice farm for enjoying fresh grapes but you need a car to reach there as it is located outside main areas.
Noro Nuria on Google

the grapes are sweet, comfortable place. Nice ❤️

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