Shitori Shrine - Tōhaku District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shitori Shrine

住所 :

754 Miyauchi, Yurihama, Tōhaku District, Tottori 689-0707, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88898
Postal code : 689-0707
Webサイト :

754 Miyauchi, Yurihama, Tōhaku District, Tottori 689-0707, Japan
あげまきさくら on Google

It is a neat and quaint shrine located just up the mountain. It is said that the letters of the sentence used to represent textiles. Shitori is a Shizu weave, and it was a long time ago that it was written as Wabumi and read as Shitori, because the Chinese at that time wore it by Japanese (Wajin), so they read it that way.
松井保 on Google

伯耆一の宮・倭文神社 古代織物を営みとした倭文族の神社です 安産のご利益高い神社です 神門の彫りや狛犬も素晴らしいです
Shitori Shrine, Shitori Shrine It is a shrine of the Yabun tribe who ran ancient textiles. It is a shrine with high profits for easy delivery The carving of the Shinto gate and the guardian dog are also wonderful.
Akira Nishi on Google

東条湖湖畔から1km程度山に入った所に鎮座する静かなお社です。式内社の小社、伯耆国一ノ宮で旧社格は国幣小社、現在は神社本庁の別表神社に列せられています。主祭神は建葉槌命、下照姫命です。事代主命、建御名方命、少彦名命、天稚彦命、味耜高彦根命を合祀しています。創建は明らかではありませんが、社伝によれば大国主命の娘、下照姫命が出雲から海路御着船従者と共に現社地に住居を定め、当地で一生を終えられるまで、安産の指導、農業開発、医療の普及に尽力されたと伝わります。創建当時当地方の主産業が倭文(しずおり)の着物であったので倭文部の租神、建葉槌命に当地と関係の深い下照姫命を加えて祭神としたもので、他の5柱の神は大国主命の御子神か関係の深い神々となっています。当神社に対する安産信仰は古くからのもので、数々の霊験が伝えられていますが、倭文の織物は姿を消したので、安産の信仰だけが残った様です。倭文の織物がいつ頃姿を消したのかは解りませんが、大正時代迄は下照姫命が主祭神と考えられていたとの事。天稚彦命は高天原から国譲りの使命を帯びていたにも関わらず、大国主命の娘、下照姫命と結婚し、あわよくば葦原中国を得ようという邪心を持っていたと伝記では伝えられています。つまり天津神(天照大神)に逆らった訳ですから、祀る神社は少なく「命」を付けずに呼び捨てにされる事も少なくありません。上記経緯により主祭神は下照姫命と考える方が正しいのかも知れません。天稚彦命は失礼ですがこれと言った御神徳も無いんですよねぇ。閑話休題。御神階は承和4年(837年)に従五位下、斉衡3年(856年)に従五位上、天慶3年(940年)には従三位から正三位に進んでいます。また勅額と称する古額が現存し、正一位白州一ノ宮大明神と刻まれています。最盛期には多数の神宮寺も建立されましたが、戦国時代に神社のみを残して各寺院は四散したとの事。往古の社殿は広大で千石の朱印地を有したと伝えられますが、戦国時代に荒廃。天文23年(1554年)、尼子晴久が社殿を造営し神領79石寄進。後に神領は廃絶しましたが、元亀元年(1570年)、羽衣石城主、南条宗勝がこれを復旧させました。徳川時代は池田藩主の祈願所となりました。参拝した日は小雨が降っておりとても静かな山陰らしい天気でした。参道は緩やかな上りになっています。古びた神門には見事な彫物があり、このお社の由緒深さを語る様です。さして上る事もなく社殿に着きました。参道では氏子の方々でしょうか、数人の女性達が掃き清められていて、みなさん「おはようございます」と挨拶をして頂けました。参拝者は私達の他にはいません。山中に佇む社殿は時が止まった様。ただ雨の音しか聞こえません。拝殿は入母屋平入り向拝は付きません。本殿は流造の様でした。御朱印は¥300-で頂けます。駐車場はHPでは20台と記されていますが、実際は神門の下に3台分しかありませんでした。 (2021.04.28)
It is a quiet company that sits in a mountain about 1km from the shore of Lake Tojo. It is a small shrine of Shitori Shrine, Hoki Kuni Ichinomiya, and the old shrine is a national shrine, and now it is listed in the attached shrine of the Association of Shinto Shrines. The main deities are Amenohazuchi and Shitateruhime. It enshrines Kotoshironushi, Takeminakata, Sukunahikona, Ame-no-wahiko, and Ajisukitakahikone. The founding is not clear, but according to the company's biography, Shitateruhime, the daughter of Okuninushi, decided to live in the current company's place from Izumo with a valet who arrived by sea, and gave guidance on safe delivery until the end of her life there. It is said that he was instrumental in the development of agriculture and the spread of medical care. At the time of its foundation, the main industry of the region was the kimono of Shizuori, so it was made into a deity by adding Shitateruhime, who is closely related to the area, to Amenohazuchi, the god of the Buddhist priest. The five pillar gods are the Mikogami of Okuninushi or the gods with whom they are closely related. The belief in safe delivery to this shrine has been around for a long time, and many spiritual tests have been handed down, but since the textiles of Houtou have disappeared, it seems that only the belief in safe delivery remains. I don't know when the textiles of Yabun disappeared, but until the Taisho era, Shitateruhime was considered to be the main deity. It is reported in the biography that Ame-no-Hikomei had a mission to inherit the country from Takamagahara, but had the wickedness of marrying Shitateruhime, the daughter of Okuninushi, and hopefully getting Ashihara no Nakatsu. .. In other words, because it was against Tianjin God (Amaterasu Omikami), there are few shrines that are enshrined, and it is often abandoned without giving "life". From the above circumstances, it may be more correct to think that the main deity is Shitateruhime. Ame-no-Hikomei is rude, but there is no such thing as a sacred virtues. Quiet talk break. The Shinkai ranks 5th in accordance with Jōwa 4th year (837), 5th in accordance with Saikō 3rd year (856), and progresses from 3rd to 3rd in Tengyō 3rd year (940). I'm out. In addition, an old amount called the royal amount still exists, and it is engraved with the first rank, Hakushu Ichinomiya Daimyojin. Many Jingu-ji temples were built during the peak period, but during the Warring States period, each temple was scattered, leaving only the shrines. It is said that the ancient shrine was vast and had a red stamped land of Sengoku, but it was devastated during the Warring States period. In 1554, Amago Haruhisa built the shrine and donated 79 stones to the Shinto territory. Later, Jinryō was abolished, but in the first year of Kame (1570), Ueshi Castle Remains and Munekatsu Nanjo restored it. During the Tokugawa period, it became a prayer place for the Ikeda feudal lord. On the day I worshiped, it was raining lightly and it was a very quiet Sanin-like weather. The approach is a gentle climb. The old shrine has a magnificent sculpture that tells the story of the company's venerable history. I arrived at the shrine without going up. A few women were swept away on the approach to the shrine, probably the parishioners, and everyone said "Good morning". There are no worshipers other than us. The shrine building in the mountains seems to have stopped. I can only hear the sound of rain. The hall of worship does not include worship at Irimoyadaira. The main shrine was like Nagare-zukuri. You can get the red stamp for ¥ 300-. The parking lot is listed as 20 cars on the HP, but in reality there were only 3 cars under the Shinto gate. (2021.04.28)
COOL SHIN on Google

Shitorihime Ichinomiya, the daughter of Okuninushi, whose main deity is Shitateruhime. I feel the history.
稲田清人 on Google

40になってからの妊活だったので、神頼みもあり以前に訪れました。 ここに来る前は全然ダメだったのに、ここにお参りして、授かり御守りを購入した数ヶ月後に妻の妊娠が?! おかげさまで7ヶ月を無事に迎えれてます。 なので、今日は御礼参りに来ました。 神頼みも悪くないですね。本当によかったです。 御守りを買った時に敷地内にある一ノ宮経塚にも登ったのも効果があったのかな? 辺鄙な場所ですが、ご利益はピカイチです。
I had been pregnant since I was 40, so I visited before because of God's request. Before I came here, it didn't work at all, but a few months after I visited here and bought a talisman, my wife got pregnant ?! Thanks to you, we have successfully welcomed 7 months. So, I came to thank you today. God's request is not bad either. It was really good. Was it effective to climb the Ichinomiya Keizuka on the premises when I bought the amulet? It's a remote place, but the benefit is Pikaichi.
s. par on Google

【比定社】 ?あり ナビに案内されながら少し不安になるも、着いた神社先は厳かな雰囲気。 多倍神社と同じく、近隣の方々が参拝に来られている様子で、整備が行き届いている。 随神門が大きく立派であり、やはり拝殿・本殿も同様であった。 立ち並ぶ木々の幹も太く、また枯れた根からは新たな神木が伸息吹いており、同じことを長く繰り返しながら今を迎えているのだろうと時の流れを考えさせられる。
[Hisadasha] ? Yes Although I was a little worried while being guided by the navigation system, the atmosphere at the shrine I arrived at was solemn. As with Tabai Shrine, it seems that the neighbors are coming to worship, and it is well maintained. The Zuijinmon was large and magnificent, and the same was true for the front shrine and main shrine. The trunks of the trees lined up are thick, and new sacred trees are swelling from the dead roots, making me think of the passage of time as I repeat the same thing for a long time.
大屋武士 on Google

伯耆の国一ノ宮。 しかしまぁ…一ノ宮ってたいてい都会から離れた辺鄙なところにあるけど何か理由はあるんかな? 個人的にはお参りもお産もめっちゃたいへんってことを人々に神様が教えてくださっているような気がするんやけどなー そういえば倭文神社って安産の神様や! 参道は産道に通じるー存外小職の考えが当たってるかも? ちなみにこの神社は「しとり神社」と読みます 恥ずかしながらまったく読めませんでした?
Hoki no Kuni Ichinomiya. But well ... Ichinomiya is usually located in a remote area away from the city, but is there any reason? Personally, I feel like God is teaching people that worship and childbirth are extremely difficult. Speaking of which, Shitori Shrine is a god of easy delivery! The approach leads to the birth canal-maybe the idea of ​​an unexpected small job is correct ? By the way, this shrine is read as "Shitori Shrine" I was ashamed to read it at all ?
Thomas Roux on Google

Very tranquil place, lost in the middle of the Japanese countryside. The shrine itself is of a medium size, quite simple and humble, all wooden without decoration. What makes this place magic is the green sanctuary surrounding the area. A tunnel of plants, moss on the ground, remarkable trees, well spaced in an open setting, cut from the outside world by a bamboo grove. After a few minutes there, the redolent scent of the forest becomes your main distraction.

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