4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Tokyo

Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa City, 〒140-0004 Tokyo,Japan
とらとら on Google

青物横丁一の飲食店です。 店の雰囲気もよく、接客も素晴らしいです。 青物横丁でご飯を食べるならここ以外ありません。
It is a restaurant of Aomono Yokochoichi. The atmosphere of the store is good and the customer service is wonderful. There is no other place to eat rice at Aomono Yokocho.
友紀 on Google

お通しのガーリック枝豆が 美味しかった。今だけピザが全部500円だったので4種類のクワトロフォルマッジ(濃厚な蜂蜜掛けて)チーズの塩気と蜂蜜がgood。 肉ピッツァは、生ハム&ベーコンの塩気にビールが進みました。 マグロ料理が豊富で 次回は食べてみたいです。メニューが豊富で壁一面にあります。1番のオススメは、発泡スチロールに書かれたメニューで 渡辺謙さん似の店員さんが圧巻の話術で紹介してくれますよ♪
The garlic green soybeans were delicious. Only now the pizza was all 500 yen, so the four kinds of quattro formaggi (with thick honey) cheese salt and honey are good. For meat pizza, beer proceeded to saltiness of raw ham & bacon. There are plenty of tuna dishes and I want to eat it next time. There are many menus on the wall. The first recommendation is a menu written on Styrofoam. A clerk similar to Ken Watanabe will introduce you with a masterpiece story ♪
y.n on Google

It's very busy, but if you call the store clerk, you will be well! The comfort was good and the food was delicious. Although it was cheaper than other Italians, the amount and taste were good, and I understood why it was thriving. I want to go again!
bts 1204 on Google

林大樹 on Google

お魚(∵ )Э )3バルのお店。 そして酒がすすむツマミがめっちゃ多し( *˙ω˙*)و グッ!最高 なんてったってお通しがニンニクスパイスたっぷり枝豆ですよ。 たまらんよね。 そして新鮮鮮魚のカルパッチョ。 種類多しで旨い、分厚いd( ̄  ̄) たまらんよね。 思わずお代わりしましたよ。 ほかに半熟卵のせポテサラなど、美味しく、そしてお手ごろ。 次はアヒージョ頼もうかな。
Fish (∵) Э) 3 bar shop. And there are so many knobs that sake goes on (* ˙ω˙ *) و Good! It's edamame with plenty of garlic spice. I can't wait. And fresh fresh fish carpaccio. Many kinds and delicious, thick d ( ̄  ̄) I can't wait. I replaced it unintentionally. Besides, the potato salad with soft-boiled egg is delicious and reasonable. I wonder if I should ask Ahijo next time.
Miyako MM on Google

飛び込みでしたが大当たりで コスパ最高で美味しい‼️ シェフもスタッフも感じが良く居心地も良かっです。 メニューが豊富なので大人数の方が楽しめるかと思い、友達誘って次の予約もして帰りました。 混んでいたので要予約なのかも。
It was a dive, but it was a big hit Cospa is the best and delicious! ️ The chef and staff are both pleasant and cozy. Since the menu is abundant, I thought that a large number of people could enjoy it, so I invited a friend and made the next reservation and went home. It was crowded, so maybe a reservation is required.
Mayjune June on Google

前菜からメイン、デザートまで、何を食べても美味しいお店です!スタッフの方もてきぱきしており、明るくて印象が良いです。 人気店でわりとガヤガヤしているので、静かに食べたい方や小さなお子様連れには向かないかなと思います。 近所に住んでいるので、夫婦でサクッと食事を頼んで1,2杯ワインを飲み、デザートをシェアするのが楽しみになっています。ピザが看板メニューですが、パスタも美味しいんですよね。一人大体3000円くらいです。 最近コロナでメニューの種類が減り、価格も少し割高になりました。店内のレイアウトも変更され、従来の窓際のテーブル席が2人掛けのハイテーブルになりました。個人的に高い椅子は座り心地が悪いので残念です。回転率を上げるために仕方ないのかな・・・ でも、お料理が美味しいのでこれからも通い続けます。このお店が近くにあって良かった(^_^)
From appetizers to main dishes and desserts, it's a delicious restaurant no matter what you eat! The staff are also snappy, bright and have a good impression. It's a bit messy at a popular restaurant, so I think it's not suitable for people who want to eat quietly or with small children. Since I live in the neighborhood, I'm looking forward to having a quick meal with my husband and wife, drinking a glass of wine and sharing dessert. Pizza is the signature menu, but pasta is also delicious, isn't it? It costs about 3000 yen per person. Recently, the variety of menus has decreased in Corona, and the price has become a little higher. The layout inside the store has also been changed, and the conventional table seats by the window have become high tables for two people. Personally, it's a shame that tall chairs are uncomfortable to sit on. I wonder if there is no choice but to increase the turnover rate ... However, the food is delicious, so I will continue to go there. It was good that this shop was nearby (^_^)
Helio Ciffoni on Google

Perfect! Good food, pleasant atmosphere, friendly staff. All the COVID protocol respect at the entrance and along the service. Good music and the food was a great surprise: we asked for a rucula salad, well seasoned and a nice portion of ham. The bonito steak was really tasteful and, at the end, our option was a margherita pizza, to test the Italian side of the house. Good house wine, affordable prices.

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