ぴょんぴょん舎 GOROTTO Grill

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ぴょんぴょん舎 GOROTTO Grill

住所 :

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://pyonpyonsya-gorotto-grill.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Miyagi

Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0021 Miyagi,Japan
tsuda yuki on Google

I entered the store before 6 pm on weekdays, and it soon became full. I had cold noodles and chijimi set. It was very delicious.
y wara2 on Google

豚丼、冷麺、ビビンバとっても美味しいです。 ただキムチがかなり酸っぱかったです。 わかめスープもしょっぱめ… サイドメニューが少し残念でした。 メインの料理だけだと星4.5くらいです。
Butadon, cold noodles and bibimbap are very delicious. However, the kimchi was quite sour. Wakame soup is also salty ... The side menu was a little disappointing. The main dish is about 4.5 stars.
Nobu on Google

旅行中に予約して、平日のランチで伺いました。 盛岡冷麺の旨い事!! またいつか食べに来たいと思います。 店員さんのお心遣いにも感謝しかありません。
I made a reservation during the trip and visited for lunch on weekdays. The deliciousness of Morioka Reimen! !! I would like to come to eat again someday. I am only grateful for the kindness of the clerk.
akubi-chan on Google

Valley Bear on Google

ランチのおすすめははみ出し豚丼です。 ぴょんぴょん舎と言えば焼肉、冷麺ですが、ランチで頼むのはほぼ豚丼。 予想外においしいです。 ちなみにここのお店では自分で焼く焼肉は食べられません。 盛岡冷麺は食べられます。
The recommended lunch is the overhanging pork bowl. Speaking of Pyonpyonsha, yakiniku and cold noodles are the ones, but most of the lunch is pork bowl. It's unexpectedly delicious. By the way, you can't eat yakimono that you grill yourself at this restaurant. You can eat Morioka cold noodles.
Plato Nic on Google

ぴょんぴょん舎といえば、今や盛岡冷麺の代表店。仙台にもパルコ2のオープンと同時に登場。 盛岡冷麺は食べたことがあるけれど、ふと、盛岡温麺は食べたことないなと立ち寄ってみたのですが、完全なミスチョイスになってしまいました…。 真っ赤な赤温麺は、赤味こそ強いものの、辛さも弱く、味も薄く…。煮出したスープにラー油を加えたものだと推測しましたが、油が多すぎるからなのか、塩分が少ないからなのか、ラー油に浸した冷麺の麺と茹で野菜を食べている味気なさ。味噌か豆板醤などが足りていないような味でした。大手ですから、きっとマニュアルなどもあるのでしょうが、味見はしていないのでしょうか…。 ビビンパは美味しかったです。 温麺自体が初めてなので、これが真っ当なのか、それとも、たまたま作り間違えていて美味しくないだけなのか、判別はつきませんでしたが、この味なら次は頼まないです…。
Speaking of Pyonpyonsha, it is now the representative store of Morioka Reimen. Appeared in Sendai at the same time as the opening of PARCO 2. I've eaten Morioka cold noodles, but suddenly I stopped by saying that I hadn't eaten Morioka hot noodles, but it turned out to be a complete mistake ... The bright red hot noodles have a strong redness, but the spiciness is weak and the taste is light. I guess it was made by adding chili oil to the boiled soup, but maybe because it's too much oil or because it's low in salt, it's not so good to eat cold noodles soaked in chili oil and boiled vegetables. It tasted like miso or doubanjiang wasn't enough. Since it is a major company, I'm sure there are manuals, but I wonder if they haven't tasted it ... Bibimbap was delicious. Since this is my first time to use hot noodles, I couldn't tell if this was the right thing to do, or if I just happened to make a mistake and it wasn't delicious, but I wouldn't ask for this taste next time ...
Ayu Takata on Google

今日のランチ PARCO2、1階にあります【ぴょんぴょん舎】のハラミと冷麺のセット。 ¥1,738 冷麺は辛さが選べて、ハラミはタレか塩の二択。 ボリュームとしては、もう少しお肉があったらなぁと言ったところでした。 冷麺は中辛にしたけど、もうちょい辛くてもいけます!
today's lunch PARCO2, a set of skirt steak and cold noodles from [Pyonpyonsha] on the 1st floor. ¥ 1,738 You can choose spiciness for cold noodles, and you can choose either sauce or salt for skirt steak. As for the volume, I was just saying that I wish I had a little more meat. I made the cold noodles medium spicy, but it can be spicy too!
PC Lim on Google

A very cosy n friendly restaurant. Even though the menu is only is japanese, the waitress tries her best to take our order in English. The beef tongue is outstanding n not to mentioned their house brewed beer.

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