Golf Craft Taishin Product - Okazaki

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Golf Craft Taishin Product

住所 :

4-3 Kamoda Minamimachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-2123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 444-2123
Webサイト :

4-3 Kamoda Minamimachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-2123, Japan
近藤高弘 on Google

初心者の頃からお世話になってます。 話しやすく些細な事でも親身になって相談にのってくれる信頼のおけるショップです。 ゴルフクラブに不安が無くなるのでラウンドに集中出来ます。
I have been indebted since I was a beginner. It is a reliable shop that is easy to talk to and will be friendly and willing to consult with you even if it is a trivial matter. You can concentrate on the round because you don't have to worry about the golf club.
atsushi numa on Google

オーナーの軽快なトークが素敵です。 頑張って稼いで、お世話になりたいと思いました‼️
The light talk of the owner is wonderful. I wanted to do my best to earn money and take care of me! ️
Shoya SS on Google

以前から親子でお世話になっております。 特にRODDIOに関しては、細かいパーツが全て揃っておりノウハウもあるので信頼しております。 チューニングも丁寧で安心してクラブのリシャフトを任せることが出来ます。 ゴルフクラブの知識が豊富なため、様々な相談に乗ってもらえます。
I have been indebted to my parents and children for a long time. Especially for RODDIO, we have all the small parts and know-how, so we trust it. The tuning is also polite and you can leave the reshafting of the club with confidence. We have a lot of knowledge about golf clubs, so you can get various consultations.
藤浩一 on Google

"It's a workshop that has been indebted for about 15 years. Especially, Roddio's inventory is abundant and we have almost all tuning parts, so it's helpful. Also, it is also suitable for high-level demands such as professional golfers and advanced players. , I am very reliant on you because I will respond with abundant experience and knowledge. "
河合修 on Google

いつも急ぎの注文に対応していただき助かります。明日のゴルフ楽しみです。練習しませんが ‼️
Thank you for always responding to urgent orders. I'm looking forward to playing golf tomorrow. I don't practice ‼ ️
中山武信 on Google

いつもお世話になっている信頼をおけるプロショップです。 細部まで拘る姿勢が素晴らしいです。 特にアイアン、ウェッジの組み上げには絶大な信頼を寄せており、こちらで調整した顔でないとスクエアに構えることができません。 お一人でやられており、いつも忙しくされてますが、こちらで調整頂いたモノしか使えませんので、いつまででも待てます。 これからも長い付き合いになりそうです。
It is a reliable pro shop that is always indebted. The attitude of paying attention to details is wonderful. In particular, I have great confidence in the assembly of irons and wedges, and I can only hold the face in a square with the face adjusted here. I'm doing it alone and I'm always busy, but I can only use the things that I adjusted here, so I can wait forever. It looks like we will have a long relationship in the future.
太田知里 on Google

We have a large inventory of Roddio, we have almost all the tuning parts, and they are kind and easy to understand, which is very helpful. In addition, you can trust it because it perfectly finishes the face angle adjustment of the iron. It is understandable that it is supported by professionals and top amateurs.
525 cloud on Google

ロッディオのクラブの相談したくて、近場で探してたら、店を発見しドキドキしながら行ってみたら、優しくいろいろと相談にのってもらいました。 クラブ購入後もパーツやシャフトの在庫も豊富なのでチューニングや調整など、いろいろしてくれて助かってます。
I wanted to talk to a club in Rodio, and when I was looking for it nearby, I found a store and went there with excitement. Even after purchasing the club, we have abundant stock of parts and shafts, so it is helpful to do various things such as tuning and adjustment.

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