Nissan Car Palace Okazaki 248 - Okazaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nissan Car Palace Okazaki 248

住所 :

5-8 Ida Nishimachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0912, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 444-0912
Webサイト :

5-8 Ida Nishimachi, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0912, Japan
山口泰典 on Google

自分の理想の中古車が見つかりました! 担当のスタッフさんもとても感じの良い方で 大変満足です
I found my ideal used car! The staff in charge is also very nice I am very satisfied
橋本寿高 on Google

好評なクチコミの書き込みが多いので 見積り依頼したが1週間以上放置されこちらから再三確認の連絡を入れても一向に 返事がなかった 人それぞれ相性というものがあると思うが 自分的には今回不愉快な思いをして 相談して後悔している
Because there are many writes of popular reviews We asked for the estimate but it was neglected for more than a week and even if we contact you again repeatedly There was no reply. People think that there is compatibility On my own terms, I feel uncomfortable this time I regret consulting
ぽんでこ on Google

Why is it around 2014, when you were lost in a used or new car when you were trying to buy a car and you were kind enough to respond? This system has been displayed.
つぐみん on Google

ラインナップも豊富だし、店員さんの雰囲気もgoodですね?️ 短くても試乗コースなんかあったらサイコーだったかな?
Lineup is abundant, too and atmosphere of the clerk is good, too?️ If it was short, but there was a test drive course
ミッキーミッキー on Google

I took my car with me when I recalled it, but when I borrowed the substitute car, I was asked to return it with full gasoline. I know that there is no doubt that the recall is at the store, but I was surprised because I borrowed a substitute car for the recall and returned full gasoline ... I had not been told by another manufacturer.
yuko on Google

高速で車の故障の為、急遽こちらで見てもらえるか聞いた所、即対応して頂きました。 原因もしっかり見つけて頂き、対処も、お客側の事を考えていただき本当に助かり、安心しました。 とても信頼できるお店だと思います。
Because of a car breakdown at high speed, I asked if I could see you here in a hurry, and I immediately responded. We had you find the cause well, and thought about the customer side, and were really saved and relieved. I think it is a very reliable shop.
矢藤裕之 on Google

お店は丁寧。対応も早い。更に、買った車の保証期間だとか、お客さんを大切にしてくれています。 担当の男性Iさんは、とっても親切な方で、アフターがしっかりしているので、信頼てきる方だと感じています。また、作業担当さんも一緒に顔を見せてくれていて、丁寧だなと感じました。
The shop is polite. Correspondence is quick. In addition, they value the customers, such as the warranty period of the car they bought. The man in charge, Mr. I, is a very kind person and has a solid after-sales service, so I feel that he is a reliable person. Also, the person in charge of the work showed me his face together, and I felt that he was polite.
お汁こ on Google

突然車が壊れ(涙)こちらで色々お話をさせて頂き(主人の車もこちらでお世話になっていたので…)悩みに悩んで購入させて頂きました! 車が必需品で急いでいたせいもありとても敏速かつ丁寧な対応に本当に助かりました┏○ペコッこれからも大切に事故のないように乗って行きたいと思います。末永くよろしくお願いします。ありがとうございました┏○ペコッ
Suddenly the car breaks down (tears) We talked variously here (since the car of the master was also taken care of here ...) I was troubled and purchased for trouble! The car was in a hurry for necessities, and I was really saved by the prompt and polite response. Thank you in the future. Thank you very much ┏ ○ peko

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