Gokuraku Station - Ena

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gokuraku Station

住所 :

Iwamurachō Iibama, Ena, Gifu 509-7401, Japan

Postal code : 509-7401

Iwamurachō Iibama, Ena, Gifu 509-7401, Japan
636 mahoroba on Google

It's a beautiful station. I think you can drop in by car.
ありがちょんまげ on Google

一度は行きたい極楽! 行きたいけど、なかなか行けないのが極楽・・・と思っているあなた!!行けます。 気楽に、手軽に、誰でも行ける極楽、それが明智鉄道極楽駅! 令和元年十二月二十三日地元有志の方々によって、駅舎が生まれ変わりまさに極楽‼️車で行くのは野暮なこと、明智鉄道に乗って極楽で降りる。何もすることが無い自由を感じたら極楽から電車に乗って帰る。 あー素晴らしき極楽よ、あー極楽、極楽(^^)
A paradise you want to go to once! You want to go, but you can't easily go! ! I can go. A paradise that anyone can go easily and easily, that is Akechi Railway Gokuraku Station! On December 23rd, Reiwa, the station building was reborn by local volunteers. ️It's a nook to go by car, get off on the Akechi Railway in paradise. If you feel the freedom to do nothing, return from the paradise by train. Oh wonderful paradise, oh paradise, paradise (^^)
東けいじ on Google

極楽です!! 単線の無人駅で良い味出してる駅です。
It's paradise! ! It is a station that tastes good at an unmanned station on a single track.
たま母さん on Google

面白い駅です! 三波春夫の歌も駅で聴けます(笑)
It's an interesting station! You can also listen to Haruo Sanba's song at the station (laughs)
hima “ヒマージュ” hima on Google

明智鉄道極楽駅ですが、ここには、ノートが置いてあってここに到着って感じでなかなか面白いですね^^なにやら演歌歌手の人の歌らしきものもあるみたいですが・・・( ´艸`)
It's Gokuraku Station on the Akechi Railway, but it's quite interesting because it has a notebook here and it arrives here ^^ It seems that there is something that seems to be a song of an enka singer ...( ´艸`)
内藤善文 on Google

Listen to Haruo Minami's Paradise Ondo in the waiting room at a nostalgic unmanned station
じゅんさま on Google

岐阜県恵那市明智町の明知鉄道にある「極楽駅」です。 「極楽」のつく駅は、 江ノ島電鉄「極楽寺駅」(神奈川県鎌倉市)や 南海電鉄高野線「極楽橋駅」(和歌山県高野町)が知られていますが、ずばり「極楽」と2文字の駅は全国でもここだけ。 また、名古屋市名東区にも「極楽」と2文字のバス停もあります。
It is "Gokuraku Station" on the Akechi Railway in Akechi Town, Ena City, Gifu Prefecture. The station with "Gokuraku" is Enoshima Electric Railway "Gorakuji Station" (Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture) The “Korakubashi Station” (Koya-cho, Wakayama Prefecture) on the Nankai Electric Railway Koya Line is known, but this is the only station in Japan that has the two-letter words “Gokuraku”. There is also a two-character bus stop called "Gokuraku" in Meito-ku, Nagoya City.
38やすはん on Google

バイク二人旅。 田んぼの真ん中に金色のキント雲! で、待合室には金色の仏像がお出迎え! ややもすると何となく気味が悪いですネ(;^ω^)。 ホームの幅が狭いので、良い塩梅の撮影スポット探しに一苦労します。 極楽音頭が任意で聴取可能です♪
Traveling with two people on a motorcycle. A golden kinto cloud in the middle of the rice field! Then, a golden Buddha statue welcomes you in the waiting room! Somehow it's creepy (; ^ ω ^). Since the width of the platform is narrow, it is difficult to find a good shooting spot for Shioume. You can listen to the paradise onset at will ♪

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