Gokū - Ishinomaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gokū

住所 :

2 Chome-5-41 Tachimachi, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 986-0824
Webサイト : http://global-dining.net/%3Fpage_id%3D15
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–12AM
Sunday 5PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM

2 Chome-5-41 Tachimachi, Ishinomaki, Miyagi 986-0824, Japan
nemo nemo on Google

I went to drink alone during the trip and passed the bill for 6000 yen. When I confirmed the question, in fact, it was extra about 1500 yen for two other cocktails of the audience. I received a refund because I declared it, but what happened if I did not declare it? The number of customers is too large and there is no room for mass. I can't stop doing this at a customer shop that isn't even a mechanical receipt. It is the lowest store. If you can see this review, it is better to check the accounting.
ノリユキ on Google

友人の紹介で利用しましたが、小上がりの個室でゆったりできます。刺身など地元のものもあり石巻・仙台を堪能できて良いですね。1番印象深いのは塩もつ煮がめちゃくちゃ美味しい!(今まで食べたどの店舗より美味しい)。おかげで友人とおかわり何回もしてしまいました(笑) 値段は少し高めですが満足いったのでヨシとします。
I used it for a friend's introduction, but you can relax in a small private room. There are also local products such as sashimi, so it's good to be able to enjoy Ishinomaki and Sendai. The most impressive thing is that the salted motsuni is insanely delicious! (It's more delicious than any store I've ever eaten). Thanks to that, I had to refill with my friends many times (laughs) The price is a little high, but I'm satisfied with it, so I'm happy with it.
井上恒幸 on Google

魚も焼き鳥もとても美味しい? 値段は安くはないけど、メニューの中でも今が旬がどれなのか丁寧に教えてもらえました?
Fish and yakitori are also very delicious salmon The price is not cheap, but even in the menu, I was able to carefully tell you what the season is.
Hayato Kikuichimonji on Google

There are many local dishes on the menu that make you feel that you have come to Ishinomaki. Every menu is carefully made and the satisfaction is high. The air-conditioning isn't so good, so the clothes smell like a so-called bar. Please be careful.
Tetsuya Sasamori on Google

地元の人で溢れる酒と肴がとにかく美味しいお店。 値段は安いというわけでは無いが、活気のあるお店に新鮮な魚。 地酒を多く取りそろえて、旬の物を美味しく食べさせてくれる。 非常人気なので、予約は必須。
A restaurant full of locals with delicious sake and side dishes. It's not cheap, but it's a lively shop with fresh fish. We have a lot of local sake and let you eat seasonal foods deliciously. Reservation is required as it is very popular.
尾仲和重 on Google

手作り料理が美味しい、地元客で賑わう良店居酒屋。 スタッフさんたちの対応もしっかりしている。
A good izakaya with delicious homemade food and crowded with locals. The correspondence of the staff is also solid.
Yuki Sato (WHY) on Google

友人とのサシのみで利用。 美味しかったです。季節の食材も沢山あり地元のお酒も豊富でした。 生ビール、日高見、墨の江を堪能しつつ、まぐろのなめろうがお通しで大根と水菜のサラダ、銀杏、秋刀魚の刺し身、金華さばの焼物とどれも美味しかったです。
Used only for sashimi with friends. It was delicious. There were many seasonal ingredients and local sake was abundant. While enjoying draft beer, Hidakami, and Suminoe, the tuna namero was served through the radish and mizuna salad, ginkgo, sashimi of saury, and grilled mackerel.
大林政夫 on Google

石巻市の㈱グローバルダイニングが運営するお店の1つ。キメの細かい客対応は嬉しく、そしてもちろん提供される料理はとても美味しいです。 東日本大震災で被災したものの、同市で1番最初に再開したのは、社長をはじめとするスタッフの素晴らしい努力があったからと聞いています。 料理メニューをはじめ、置かれている椅子・テーブル、チラシの類まで、コロナ禍の中でも店長や副店長らの細かな調整から常に「更新」されていてとても心地よいです。 個性的な社長も、時間の許すかぎりお店に出て「勉強」しているようで、来店毎に新しい「ごくう」を楽しめると思います。 お勧めです。
One of the shops operated by Global Dining Co., Ltd. in Ishinomaki City. I am happy to have a fine-tuned customer service, and of course the food served is very delicious. Although it was damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, I heard that the first restart in the city was due to the wonderful efforts of the president and other staff. From the cooking menu to the chairs / tables and leaflets that are placed, it is very comfortable to be constantly "updated" from the fine adjustments of the store manager and deputy store manager even in the corona. The unique president seems to go out to the store and "study" as long as time permits, and I think he can enjoy a new "goku" every time he visits the store. It is recommended.

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