Go. To. ku ~JIN~ - Fujioka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Go. To. ku ~JIN~

住所 :

477-4 Shimotozuka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0012, Japan

Postal code : 375-0012
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/gotoku_jin
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

477-4 Shimotozuka, Fujioka, Gunma 375-0012, Japan
仁汰 on Google

令和4年3月22日 まだお店に入れるタイミングが以前より少ないが、放送直後よりは大分落ち着いてきた感があり。 朝から霙雨▶雪となり、寒すぎる昼休み。 これはGotokuに行くしかありませんな。 本日は前回逃したアラ炊き中華そば(塩)を頂けました。 ※限定30食の有り難み! ちなみにこの日のアラは鯛、平目、金目で最高です!(・ω・人)゛ お供には、限定まかない飯の辛子明太子ご飯を注文。 小生、たびたび辛子明太子ご飯を食すが、こちらのご飯も一風変わっていて美味い。 ご飯の上に刻み海苔、明太子、ごま油が風味付にかけられています。 明太子の塩味とごま油がものすごく合う!初めて食した時、感動した美味さでした。 美味いご飯にごま油とアラ炊きスープの相乗効果でスープも最後まで飲み干してしまいました。 限定30食のアラ炊きスープを残す方が精神衛生上良くないと判断した小生。 ▶今後はアラ炊きスープは残しません◀ いつも美味いラーメンありがとうございます。 冷えた体に染み渡る美味さとはまさに今日の1杯でした! 本日もご馳走様でした。 ========================== 令和4年3月9日 本日、奇跡的に昼時に入れました!( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ 実は毎日、店前を通って様子見しています(笑) やはり、仕事での苛々は昼のGotokuで美味い塩ラーメンを食べるのが1番の解消法ですな。 だかしかし、アラ炊きスープは小生の前で終わりを告げられあえなく撃沈。(この日のアラは真鯛、平目、金目でした。食べたかった(T T)) アラ炊きスープは30食限定なので食べたい時は開店前に並ぶしかないようです。 だが小生諦めません。アラ炊きスープはこのお店の代表ではありますが、まだ3月限定メニューがある! 今月は【貝と昆布の中華そば】が出ていたので早速、塩で注文。(醤油もありました)ご飯は、久しぶりに炙り焼豚ご飯にしました。 この日の貝はアサリ使用で、旨味エキスたっぷりなのに上品な塩そばで美味かったです!次は醤油を食べたくなりました。 久しぶりの炙り焼豚も柔らかくて味もしっかり目なのでご飯が進みます。 しっかり食べた感があり 本日も大満足でした。 ご馳走様でした! ========================== 令和4年2月26日 やっとお店に来れました (´つヮ⊂)ウオォォ マツコの知らない世界の放送から10日。 予想通りお昼に入れなくなり、ずっと食べたくて仕方なかった塩ラーメン( ´ ཫ ` ) 全国ネットの凄さを思い知りましたな。 さて11日ぶりの来店! 本日は土曜日だったので10時半に並びました。 小生が並び始めてからバタバタと数人が訪れ、店主が少し早めにお店を開けてくれました。 テレビではアラ炊き塩ラーメンと鯛めしを紹介していましたが、小生はつけ麺の塩の味玉トッピングと、まかない飯のまぐろのたたき飯を注文。 一緒に並んだ相方は、初めてだったのでアラ炊き塩ラーメンと鯛めしを注文。(この日のアラは真鯛と鮭) いつもながら、淀みのないキレのある塩スープに深いため息をつきながら味わいました( ˘꒳​˘)ウマイ! 久しぶりのせいか、身体に染み渡る美味さ。 途中、先にスープまで完食した相方につけ麺とまぐろのたたき飯をシェアと言われ奪われましたが、、、 余程美味かったのかな?w 帰り際に足りなかった。 大大盛りにすれば良かったと嘆いていた。 沢山のお客さんが並ぶお店になったのは、オープン当初から通っていた小生としてもとても喜ばしい! だがしかし、平日の昼タイムに入りたい(切実) 休日に並んで入るしか今は手段が無くなってしまったが、それでも小生は通う所存! ここの塩を食したら他店に行けない程、Gotokuの塩ラーメン中毒(笑) 本日もご馳走様でした! パン(=人=) ========================== 令和4年2月3日 1の付く日が休業なので、 再度リベンジで3日に来店! 本日は期間限定のごまセサミンそばを注文。 矢沢永吉さんファンの店主いわく、永ちゃんのCMをヒントに創作したそう。 最初からかなりのインパクト! さっぱり出汁に真っ黒のガッツリごまが絡んで、口の中がごまごまごま!!(笑) 付け合せは糸唐辛子、ザーサイとネギでした。 店主が辛めだよと言っていたが、なるほど、、、箸を進める度にしびれるような辛さが強くなる。 小生、辛いのは得意ではないが、ごまは好きなのでついつい食が進む(笑) 最後は額と背中に汗が滴っていましたw 先日テレビが入ったらしくマツコ・デラックスさんの番組に2月15日に放送されるようです。 小生としては、大変喜ばしく、かつ複雑である。 人気になってもらいたい反面、小生の昼の楽しみ、なかなかお店に入れなくなってしまうのでは?と懸念される(−ω−) 本日も ご馳走様でした! ========================== 令和4年1月末 前筆から浮気心が出てきて限定麺をまた頂きました(笑) 今回は羅臼・日高のこんぶそば【塩】とまかない飯のまぐろのたたき飯を注文。 こんぶそば、期待を裏切らない美味さでした。 とろろこんぶがいい仕事してる。 しっかり塩なのに上品でさっぱり!美味し! 小生、健康の為にスープを飲み干さないよう気をつけていたが、久しぶりにスープ全部飲み干してしまった。 今回もご馳走様でした! ========================= 令和3年12月 塩推しだが、たまには浮気してみたw 12月限定のしじみラーメンの醤油を注文。(塩もありました) 旨み出汁がしっかり出ていて美味かったー!! 麺のお供に、まかない飯のまぐろの漬けご飯も頂きました! 店によっては、漬けタレが甘めのお店もあるが、ここのお店は甘くない。でもしょっぱ過ぎず、わさびも程よく香って美味かった!!(漬けタレは個人的好み) 両方共に期間限定といわず、レギュラー化してほしいところ。 今日もご馳走様でした! ========================= 職場の近所なので昼時に週1~2のペースで通うお店。 最近知った情報だと1の付く日がお休みらしい。 コロナの影響なのか、時間差で来るお客さんが増えたようでお店の回転率が上がってる様子で最近は昼時に入れるようになった。 営業中はドアは開けられてあり、入口にアルコール消毒有。 口や鼻に使用したティッシュは席の下に小さいゴミ箱が各々に設置されていて対策も行われている。 駐車場は5~6台が限界。カウンターは4人。テーブルは2人用2席。4人用2席。 ラーメンは醤油味、味噌味もあるが、このお店は個人的にあら炊き中華塩か、つけ麺塩推し! とくにあら炊き塩のスープが絶品でスープを残さず飲み干してしまう。塩つけ麺は、レモンが添えてあるのでさっぱりガッツリ食べた感がある。 つけ麺は細麺から太麺まで注文可能。 ついでTKG、鯛飯、炙り焼豚飯もあるが、日替わりの賄い飯もおすすめ。 最近、牛タタキ飯がレギュラーメニューに仲間入り! 麺大盛りもいいが、ごはんを頼んだ方が個人的に良き。 テイクアウトも始めたらしく、ラーメンの持ち帰りが可能になった。柔らかい焼豚の単品売りも予約注文可能。500gで1500円~2000円位だった(お店に聞いてみてください) 今日もご馳走様でした。
March 22, 4th year of Reiwa The timing to enter the store is still less than before, but it seems that it has become much calmer than immediately after the broadcast. Sleet rain from the morning ▶ It's snowing and it's too cold for lunch. This has no choice but to go to Gotoku. Today, I got the Ara-cooked Chinese noodles (salt) that I missed last time. * Thank you for the limited 30 meals! By the way, Ara on this day is the best in sea bream, flatfish and gold! (・ Ω ・ people) ” As a companion, I ordered spicy cod roe rice, which is a limited meal. I often eat spicy cod roe rice, but this rice is also unusual and delicious. Chopped seaweed, mentaiko, and sesame oil are sprinkled on top of the rice. The salty taste of mentaiko and sesame oil go really well together! When I ate it for the first time, it was delicious. The synergistic effect of sesame oil and ara-cooked soup on delicious rice has drunk the soup to the end. I decided that it was not good for mental health to leave the limited 30 meals of ara-cooked soup. ▶ I will not leave the ara-cooked soup in the future ◀ Thank you for always delicious ramen. The deliciousness that permeates the cold body was exactly today's cup! It was a treat today as well. ========================== March 9, 4th year of Reiwa I miraculously entered it at noon today! (・ ㅂ ・) و ̑̑ Actually, I'm watching through the store every day (laughs) After all, the best solution to the frustration at work is to eat delicious salt ramen at Gotoku in the daytime. However, the ara-cooked soup was told the end in front of me and sank. (Ara on that day was red sea bream, flatfish, and goldfish. I wanted to eat (T T)) Ara-cooked soup is limited to 30 meals, so if you want to eat it, you have to line up before the store opens. However, I will not give up. Ara-cooked soup is the representative of this restaurant, but there is still a March-only menu! This month, [Chinese noodles with shellfish and kelp] was on sale, so I ordered it with salt. (There was also soy sauce) The rice was roasted pork rice for the first time in a long time. The shellfish on that day was made with lajonkairia lajon, and although it was full of umami extract, it was delicious with elegant salted soba! Next time I wanted to eat soy sauce. The roasted pork after a long time is also soft and the taste is good, so the rice goes on. I feel like I ate it well I was very satisfied today as well. It was a treat! ========================== February 26, 4th year of Reiwa I finally came to the store (´tsu ヮ ⊂) Wow 10 days from the broadcast of the world unknown to Matsuko. As expected, I couldn't put it in at noon, and I had no choice but to eat shio ramen (´ ཫ `) I knew the greatness of the nationwide network. Well, I visited the store for the first time in 11 days! Today was Saturday, so I lined up at 10:30. A few people came flutteringly after I started lining up, and the owner opened the shop a little earlier. On TV, I introduced Ara-cooked salt ramen and sardines, but I ordered the salted tsukemen topping and the tuna-cooked rice. It was my first time to line up with my partner, so I ordered ara-cooked salt ramen and sardines. (Ara on this day is red sea bream and salmon) As usual, I sighed deeply in the salt soup with no stagnation and tasted it (˘꒳ ˘) Umai! Perhaps because it's been a long time, the deliciousness that permeates the body. On the way, I was told to share the tsukemen and tuna tataki rice with my partner who had eaten the soup first, but ... Was it so delicious? w Not enough on my way home. He lamented that he should have made a large serving. It is a great pleasure for me as a student who has been attending since the opening of the store to have a large number of customers! However, I want to enter the daytime on weekdays (seriously) Now I have no choice but to line up on holidays, but I'm still willing to attend! Gotoku's salt ramen addiction so much that you can't go to another store if you eat the salt here (laughs) It was a treat today too! Bread (= people =) ========================== February 3, 4th year of Reiwa Since the day with 1 is closed, Revenge again on the 3rd! Today I ordered sesame sesamin soba for a limited time. According to the owner of Eikichi Yazawa's fan, he created it with the hint of Eikichi's commercial. Considerable impact from the beginning! The soup stock is entwined with black sesame seeds, and the mouth is sesame seeds! !! (Lol) The garnish was red pepper, Zha cai and green onion. The owner said that it was spicy, but I see, the spiciness becomes stronger every time I advance the chopsticks. I'm not good at spicy food, but I like sesame so I just keep eating (laughs) At the end, sweat was dripping on my forehead and back. It seems that TV will be on the other day, and it will be broadcast on February 15th on Matsuko Deluxe's ​​program. As a student, I am very pleased and complicated. While I want them to become popular, I think it's hard to get into the store because of the fun of my daytime. (-Ω-) Today as well It was a treat! ========================== The end of January, 4th year of Reiwa I got an affair from the previous brush and got the limited noodles again (laughs) This time, I ordered Rausu / Hidaka's Konbu Soba [salt] and tuna-cooked rice. Konbu soba was delicious and did not disappoint. Tororo Konbu is doing a good job. Even though it is salty, it is elegant and refreshing! Delicious! I was careful not to drink the soup for the sake of my health, but I drank all the soup for the first time in a while. It was a treat this time as well! ========================= December 3rd year of Reiwa It's salty, but sometimes I tried to flirt w I ordered the soy sauce of Shijimi ramen limited to December. (There was also salt) The umami soup stock was good and it was delicious! !! To accompany the noodles, I also had tuna-pickled rice, which is a meal of meals! Some shops have sweet pickled sauce, but this shop is not sweet. But it wasn't too salty, and the wasabi was fragrant and delicious! !! (Pickled sauce is my personal preference) Both are not limited to a limited time, but I want them to be regular. It was a treat today too! ========================= It's near my workplace, so I go there once or twice a week at noon. According to the information I recently learned, the day with 1 seems to be a holiday. Perhaps because of the influence of the corona, it seems that the number of customers who come at different times has increased, and the turnover rate of the shop seems to be increasing, so recently it has been possible to enter at noon. The door is open during business hours, and there is alcohol disinfection at the entrance. The tissues used for the mouth and nose have small trash cans under the seats, and measures are taken. The parking lot is limited to 5 to 6 cars. There are 4 people at the counter. The table has 2 seats for 2 people. 2 seats for 4 people. Ramen has soy sauce and miso flavors, but I personally recommend this restaurant to cook Chinese salt or tsukemen salt! Especially, the salted soup is excellent and I drink it without leaving any soup. The salted tsukemen is served with lemon, so it feels like you've eaten it. Tsukemen can be ordered from thin noodles to thick noodles. Next, there are TKG, sea bream rice, and roasted pork rice, but daily meals are also recommended. Recently, beef tataki rice has joined the regular menu! A large serving of noodles is good, but it's better to order rice. It seems that takeout has also started, and it has become possible to take out ramen. You can also pre-order soft roast pork sold separately. It was around 1500-2000 yen for 500g (please ask the shop) It was a treat today as well.
小林士郎 on Google

あら炊き中華蕎麦売り切れ?のため煮干しそばにしました。前回少なかったイメージがあったため大盛りにしチャーシュー丼もたのみました。 これだけ頼めば満足です。1200円
Ara cooked Chinese soba sold out ? so I made it boiled and dried soba. Since there was a small image last time, I made a large serving and ate a charcoal bowl. I am satisfied if I ask only this. 1200 yen
中井雅彦 on Google

I had ramen for the first time in a long time. A large serving of Chinese soba and soy sauce and a tataki of rice tuna that is not sprinkled. The soup stock of fish and shellfish is soaked. Is delicious. Next, I would like to try the salt of arajiru Chinese soba.
Lorenzo AR on Google

土曜日のランチで訪問。オープンと同時だと空いていましたが、直ぐに満席になりました。 都内だと行列ができそうな、普通に美味しいラーメンです。 ※駐車場あり
Visited for lunch on Saturday. It was vacant at the same time as the opening, but it soon became full. It's an ordinary delicious ramen that seems to form a line in Tokyo. * There is a parking lot
崇志村 on Google

魚介のアラ炊きスープの塩の中華そば‼️‼️ めちゃめちゃ美味いです? あっさりした中に魚介のコク❗❗ 麺は中細麺であっさりしたスープにピッタリ◎ 特製は別皿でチャーシュー、煮玉子、メンマが提供されます❗ 他のメニューも気になりすぎてまた行きたいと思います?
Salted Chinese noodles in seafood ara-cooked soup! ️‼ ️ It's really delicious ? The richness of fish and shellfish in a light ❗❗ The noodles are medium-thin noodles and are perfect for a light soup ◎ Specially made pork, boiled egg, and menma are served on a separate plate ❗ I'm too worried about other menus and would like to go again ?
yuki bee on Google

あら炊き中華そば塩800円をいただきました? 鯛の優しい旨味が濃厚!麺ともよく合っていて、とても美味しかったです。 個人的には今年食べたラーメンでは1番好きな味です? スナックの居抜きでちょっと地味な見た目ですが、行く価値のあるお店です。
I got 800 yen of cooked Chinese noodles salt ? The gentle taste of sea bream is rich! It went well with the noodles and was very delicious. Personally, this is my favorite ramen I ate this year ? It looks a bit plain with a snack bar, but it's worth a visit.
leo on Google

あら炊き中華そばの塩と鯛めしをいただきました! ちゃんと魚介のダシが効きながらもクセはなくスッキリとしていました?麺もツルッとしていてコシもしっかり。美味しかったです!スープも飲み干してしまいました? ただ1点残念だったのが、お冷がとても水道水臭かったところで★4かなぁ?まぁ飲まなければ良しなので! 提供時間も早く全体的にとても満足です?
I had salt and sardines of cooked Chinese noodles! Although the dashi stock of fish and shellfish worked properly, it was refreshing without any habit ? The noodles were smooth and chewy. It was delicious! I drank the soup too ? The only disappointment was that the cold was very tap water-smelling ★ 4 I wonder ? Well, it's okay if you don't drink! Offer time is fast and overall very satisfied ?
Fudeo Hoshino on Google

A shop that you wouldn't notice without the "ramen" and "Chinese soba" flags along the street ❗ The inside of the shop is a coffee shop in the Showa era ️Recommended "Seven kinds of carefully selected dried soba noodles ?" ❗ Seven kinds of fish ? It was the first time for soup soup .. For the first time in a long time, I came across "delicious Chinese noodles ❕" so much that I emptied the bowl.

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