
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめんともや藤岡西店

住所 :

Fujioka, 〒375-0024 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Gunma

Fujioka, 〒375-0024 Gunma,Japan
土方歳三 on Google

塩チャーシュー麺かため煮玉子トッピング、半炒飯を頂きました 太麺で美味しかった ランチセットの半炒飯は量が多くて満腹になりました
I had salted char siu noodles, hard-boiled egg topping, and half-fried rice. The thick noodles were delicious The amount of half-fried rice in the lunch set was large and I was full.
うぁう脳漿(うひょおわ) on Google

カウンター席横で従業員は大音量で動画見てら。 味はどこにでもあるラーメン もういかなーーーい(^○^)
Employees watch the video at a loud volume next to the counter seats. Ramen that tastes everywhere I don't know (^ ○ ^)
ki (kiyomaru357) on Google

家から近いのてすが、なかなか美味しいです。 餃子?クーポンを使うことが出来るので、来店前に確認してみて…後、マイ箸を持っていくと餃子サービスもあったような
It is close to the house but it is delicious. As you can use the gyoza coupons, check them before you come to the store ... and after you bring my chopsticks, there may be a gyoza service as well
水島真咲 on Google

前より店内の雰囲気が悪い気がします。暗くてどんよりしてる感じです。 前は席の近くに置いてあったティッシュボックスが無くなってました。暑くなりやすく鼻がかみたい時に不便。 また、水のボトルみたいなのを前はくめるように置いていてくれていましたが今は無いです。 水を飲みきったあとは店員さんに話しかける感じですかね? 話しかけにくいので辞めましたが。 感染症対策は結構しっかりしてる方かなとは思います。
I feel that the atmosphere inside the store is worse than before. It feels dark and dull. The tissue box that was previously placed near the seat is gone. Inconvenient when it gets hot and your nose is stuffy. Also, he used to put something like a water bottle in the front, but now it's gone. Does it feel like talking to a clerk after drinking all the water? I quit because it's hard to talk to. I think that the infectious disease countermeasures are fairly solid.
Kaoko on Google

It has a rich miso flavor with ginger, but I could eat it refreshingly. The dumplings were very mild and the ginger was good and delicious.
疾風迅雷(改) on Google

麺は中太ちぢれ麺。かために茹であげられている。 スープの味は濃くてしょっぱすぎる。 半チャーハンの量は多く、他の店の一人前はある。卵だけのシンプルなチャーハン。 注文した物の提供は早く、店員さんの対応は活気もありよかったのだが、チャーハンは油っぽくラーメンはしょっぱすぎて全部は食べられない。
The noodles are medium-sized chili noodles. It has been boiled to make it. The soup tastes so thick and too salty. The amount of half-fried rice is large, and there is a serving of other stores. A simple fried rice with eggs only. The items we ordered were quick and the staff was very responsive, but the fried rice was oily and the ramen was too salty to eat.
小林士郎 on Google

角煮風チャーシューが美味しい。 餃子も頼んだのでご飯大盛りにすれば良かった。これで1170円。なんと500円引きの券をもらったので次回は670円!?
Kakuni-style char siu is delicious. I also ordered dumplings, so I should have served a large serving of rice. This is 1170 yen. I got a 500 yen discount ticket, so next time I got 670 yen! ??
辻崇 on Google

チャーハンが美味かった! 写真だけ拝見したらこれは美味そうと思い、入店。 チェーン店なのに職人技を感じた。 たっぷりの紅しょうがもたまらない。 また来たい期待。
The fried rice was delicious! When I saw only the photo, I thought it would be delicious, so I entered the store. Although it was a chain store, I felt craftsmanship. Plenty of red pickled ginger is irresistible. Expectations to come again.

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