美容鍼・鍼灸サロン 鍼Glitter. ハリグリッター

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Contact 美容鍼・鍼灸サロン 鍼Glitter. ハリグリッター

住所 :

Omoto Ekimae, Kita Ward, 〒700-0923 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://harisalon-glitter.com/
街 : Okayama

Omoto Ekimae, Kita Ward, 〒700-0923 Okayama,Japan
yu w on Google

I am always indebted. We cope with various troubles such as stubborn shoulder stiffness and small wrinkles on the face and neck. As a female teacher, I think the personal salon is perfect for a woman who is considered uneasy. I will respond to your complaints in a friendly manner, so why don't you talk about the part that you care about with your own body ♪ If you don't feel pain, if it really works, if you think I think I should go once ☆
Keisuke Miyamoto on Google

5 1ヶ月ほど咳が止まらず、いろいろ病院を受診しまたが良くならず、以前より腰痛の時などでお世話になっていたこちらの近藤先生に鍼で治療していただきました。 リンパの流れを良くし、喉にうるおいを与える鍼を打っていただきましたが、2日ぐらいたつと、咳も止まり、喉の痛みも和らぎました。 鍼と言うと、腰痛や肩こりの治療をイメージしていましたが、咳のことでも近藤先生にご相談して良かったなと思っています。 ありがとうございました。
Five My cough did not stop for about a month, and I visited the hospital in various ways, and I was not good again, and I received a medical treatment from Dr. Kondo, a doctor who had been taking care of backache since before. I improved my lymphatic flow and gave me a whip to moisturize my throat, but after about 2 days, I stopped coughing and my throat pain was relieved. Speaking of acupuncture, I imagined the treatment for back pain and stiff shoulders, but I think it was good to consult with Professor Kondo about coughing. Thank you very much.
森山武 on Google

I have been indebted to you for over 7 years. The neck, shoulders, hips, knees and whole body care is essential for sports enthusiasts who need to take a single treatment. I accurately check the condition of the sun and leave the acupuncture and moxibustion arms at ease. It's thanks to the teacher that I can stay healthy. Thank you. ☺
越井大洋 on Google

定期的なメンテナンスでお世話になっています。美容鍼で有名なところらしいですが、私は普通に肩こり、腰痛対策で…。 明るい室内と綺麗なお花、かわいい鍼灸師と最初に行ったときは緊張しました笑 それが今ではお気に入りの癒やし空間。おかげさまで私の寿命も伸びている気がします。個人的には治療のあと、帰宅してお昼寝するのが楽しみです。
Thank you for your regular maintenance. It seems to be a famous place for beauty salons, but I usually have stiff shoulders and back pain measures .... Bright room and beautiful flowers, I was nervous when I first went with a cute acupuncturist That's my favorite healing space now. Thanks to you, I feel that my life has been extended. I am looking forward to going back home and taking a nap after my treatment.
eri Esteban Kondo on Google

美容鍼をしてもらいました。歯の食いしばりがキツイせいで血流の流れが悪くなっているという事でした。施術だけでなく、普段の生活や食事で改善していく方法もおしえてもらいました。 若いながらしっかりと知識があり、非常に頼りになります。 施術後は顔が顎や首回りがスッキリし顔色が改善しました。 仕事に疲れた時のメンテナンスにおススメです。
I had a beauty salon. The bite of the teeth was so tight that the blood flow was getting worse. As well as the treatment, I was also told how to improve it in daily life and food. It is young but has a solid knowledge and is very reliable. After the treatment, my face and jaws were clearer and the complexion improved. It is recommended for maintenance when tired from work.
Natsuko Kusumi on Google

以前、腰の骨の痛みがなかなか治らず、主人の勧めでめぐみ治療院さんにお世話になりました。子育てで子どもを抱っこする毎日で、負担がかかっていたのだと思います。もともと鍼治療はこわくて抵抗があったのですが、その気持ちを伝えると、「髪の毛くらいの細さの鍼を使っていきますね!」と、対応してくださいました。実際の鍼治療は痛みなどなく、筋肉にじわーっと温かみが伝わっていく感じで、とてもリラックスできました。腰の骨の痛みも軽減され、日常生活に支障がないまでに回復しました。鍼治療に抵抗のある方には、気さくで患者の意見をしっかり聞いてくださるめぐみ治療院さんがオススメです! また、主人は慢性の肩こりで定期的にお世話になっています。デスクワークでガチガチに凝り固まった肩もほぐしてくださって、主人曰く2〜3週間ほど効果が続いて身軽な生活になれるそうです。お仕事柄肩凝りがひどい方にもオススメしたいです!
Before, the pain in the lower back bones did not get better and I was taken care of by the master's recommendation by the master's recommendation. I think that every day I hug a child in child care, it was burdened. Originally, acupuncture and moxibustion treatments were stiff and resistant, but they told me that they would respond, saying, "I will use a hair-thin eyebrow!" There was no pain in the actual acupuncture treatment, and I felt that the warmth was transmitted to my muscles and I could relax very much. Pain in the lower back bones has also been alleviated, and I have recovered my daily life without any problems. For those who are resistant to acupuncture, it is recommended that you visit the patient's opinion in a friendly manner. In addition, my husband is indebted regularly with chronic shoulder stiffness. The stiff shoulders are loosened at the desk work, and the master says that it will be effective for two to three weeks and become a light life. I would like to recommend it to anyone with a stiff job pattern!
Higashi Mito on Google

お店がとっても綺麗な上に、施術も丁寧でした。 鍼の効果も細かく教えていただいたし、鍼自体もかなり細くて痛みも不安もゼロでした☺️ 私は元々かなり浮腫体質だったみたいで、施術後顔が半分になりビックリです。 化粧のりも良くなり、首周りのハリもとれて、鍼のやみつきです? 何回でも通いたい鍼灸院です?
The shop was very clean and the treatments were very careful. He also taught me the effect of acupuncture in detail, and the acupuncture itself was quite thin, so there was no pain or anxiety ☺️ It seems that I had a lot of edema, so I was surprised to see half of the face after treatment. The makeup glue is improved, the neck area is relieved, and the acupuncture is addictive ? It is an acupuncture center that I want to go to as many times as I like ?
n c. on Google

顎関節症で開口制限があり、大学病院の歯科受診の予約までに痛みを伴い食事がままならなくなるほど酷くなったので通い始めました。 1回目の施術後15分しないくらいに開口制限が無くなりました。歯科受診時には歯科医師が驚くほどの治療結果でした。 不調を伝えると全身からアプローチしてくれたり、お灸を使ったり、自宅でのマッサージするツボやリンパを流す方法なども教えてくださいます。 通う前は鍼の痛みなど抵抗がありましたが痛みは少なく、話しやすい女の先生なので癒されに通えるサロンと出会えて大満足です。
I started going because I had temporomandibular disorders and had an opening restriction, and it was so painful that I couldn't keep eating by the time I made an appointment for a dental examination at a university hospital. The opening limit was removed within 15 minutes after the first treatment. At the time of the dental examination, the dentist had an amazing treatment result. If you tell them something is wrong, they will approach you from the whole body, use moxibustion, and teach you how to massage acupoints and lymph at home. Before I went to school, I had some resistance such as acupuncture pain, but the pain was less and I was very happy to meet a salon where I could go to healing because I am an easy-to-speak female teacher.

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