Okayamashi Kitaku Mebaeshinkyu Acupuncture - Okayama

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okayamashi Kitaku Mebaeshinkyu Acupuncture

住所 :

高田コーポ 1F 1 Chome-13-17 Kandacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0935, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 700-0935
Webサイト : http://mebae-kotsubankyousei.com/

高田コーポ 1F 1 Chome-13-17 Kandacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0935, Japan
mama 3 on Google

(Translated by Google) I am indebted to the third postpartum pelvic correction (^^) When I was an older child, I did not continue to receive pelvic correction, and it is natural that something hurts every day, so I endure that much because I am a mom Is natural! I was spending time thinking (> _ _ _ _<)!痛みがなくなったことで、イライラすることもかなり減りました(^^)体の不調は心にもかなり影響することを知れて、家族みんなが笑顔で楽しい毎日を過ごすためには、ママが心身共に元気でいることがとても大切だということに気付かせてくれためばえさんには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです(^^)通っていなかったらと思うとゾッとします(笑)本当に人生変わったなと思います!!これからも自宅でのトレーニングやストレッチも続けてさらに健康で楽しい毎日にしていきたいです(^^)
Michiko Yamada on Google

一人目産後からずっと通わせてもらい、二人目の産後もずーっとお世話になりました! こんなに続けて通えたのも、院長はじめスタッフの皆様がフレンドリーでお話しやすく、楽しく施術を受けられたからだと思います。 なかなか始めは効果を実感しづらいかもしれないけど、続けていくとふと、「あれ?痛くない」と気付きます!さらに嬉しいことに、産前よりも痩せることができました!ポッコリお腹がどうにもならなくて諦めていたのに、まさか産後にお腹がへこむとは…とっても感動しました✨ 地味に辛い運動(笑)も、強制ではなく「調子見ながらやっていきましょう」と言ってくださるので、自分で「頑張ろう!」と思えました。 本当にありがとうございました!これからもメンテナンスでお世話になります☺️
I've been able to attend since the first childbirth, and I've been indebted to him for a long time after the second childbirth! I think that I was able to continue to attend so much because the director and other staff members were friendly, easy to talk to, and enjoyed the treatment. It may be difficult to realize the effect at the beginning, but as you continue, you suddenly realize that it doesn't hurt! Even better, I was able to lose weight more than before giving birth! I had given up because I couldn't help my stomach, but I was really impressed that my stomach was dented after giving birth. Even for the sober and painful exercise (laughs), he said "Let's do it while watching the condition" instead of compulsory, so I thought "Let's do our best!" I'm really thankful to you! We will continue to take care of you for maintenance ☺️
A A on Google

産後の骨盤矯正からお世話になっています。長年、首肩腰痛などの痛みがあり、その中でも頭の付け根のところを少し押しただけでも、激痛がありました。その痛みから、頭痛吐き気につながることも多々、、、様々な整体師さんにお世話になりましたが、なかなかよくならず。めばえの院長先生に相談したところ、針をおすすめして頂きました。数回であれよ、あれよと痛みが取れていきました! 育児をしながら、頭痛と付き合うのはしんどかったので、お願いして本当に良かったです。体の不調を相談すると、アドバイスやストレッチなど教えてくださるのもありがたいです!
I am indebted to the postpartum pelvic correction. For many years, I had pain such as neck, shoulder and back pain, and even a slight push on the base of my head caused severe pain. The pain often leads to headache and nausea ... I was taken care of by various chiropractors, but it didn't improve. After consulting with the director of Mebae, he recommended a needle. The pain went away, even a few times! It was difficult to deal with headaches while raising children, so it was really nice to ask. If you talk about your physical condition, I would be grateful if you could give me some advice and stretching!
ちゃーちゃん1011 on Google

2人目産後からお世話になっています。産後の腰痛に悩んでいた時、知人から"とってもいいところだよ"と教えてもらったのがめばえさんでした。はじめに撮っていただいた自分の写真を見てあまりの反り腰に驚いたことをはっきりと覚えています。毎回施術してもらうたびに体が軽くなり、痛みがないことから気持ちも明るくなりました(^^) 体の状態や、自宅でできる運動を毎回詳しく教えていただけるおかげで今では毎日のストレッチが欠かせないほどになっています。家事や育児で忘れがちな自分の体と向き合うきっかけをいただけて感謝しています。 子どもたちも預かってもらえる時間を楽しみにするようになり、めばえさんが私たち親子の"温かい居場所"になりました♪
I have been indebted since the second child was born. When I was suffering from back pain after childbirth, it was Mebae who was told by an acquaintance that it was a very good place. I clearly remember being surprised at how much the warped waist was when I first saw the picture I took. Every time I had a treatment, my body became lighter and I felt better because there was no pain (^^) Daily stretching is now indispensable thanks to the fact that you can learn in detail about your physical condition and the exercises you can do at home each time. I am grateful for the opportunity to face my body, which is often forgotten in housework and childcare. Children are now looking forward to the time they can take care of them, and Mebae has become a "warm place" for our parents and children ♪
Midori T on Google

I was taken care of by the first postpartum pelvis correction → the second breech treatment → postpartum pelvis correction. I was taught how to moxibustion by myself, and my obstetrics teacher told me that it might be difficult for me to return. I thought that back pain before and after childbirth was unavoidable, but it was completely different when I was treated! I thought I should have asked for it before the first child was born! Thank you ♪
yuka m on Google

1人目の産後から2人目の逆子、産後でお世話になっています。 少し遅めの週数で逆子になり焦っていて こちらで逆子鍼灸をしていただきました。 お店での治療はもちろん 家でのお灸のやり方を教えていただいたり 話しを聞いていただいて不安を取り除くことができてよかったです。 出産まで何回か回ってしまったのですが 直るまでサポートしていただけたのも安心できたポイントです。 恥骨痛も辛かったですが 逆子を直すのも私自身の不調を直すのもしていただけたので 出産まで頑張れました。
I am indebted to the first breech birth after giving birth and the second breech birth. I became breech in a little late weeks and was impatient I had a breech acupuncture and moxibustion here. Not to mention treatment at the store Tell me how to moxibustion at home I'm glad that I was able to get rid of my anxiety by listening to the story. I went around several times before giving birth It is also a point that I was relieved that I was able to support until it was fixed. The pubic pain was also painful I was able to fix my breech birth and my own illness. I did my best until I gave birth.
k m on Google

妊娠中に腰痛があり、産後も骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。 整体や鍼灸などで施術して下さり、腰痛や肩こりが楽になりました。極度の反り腰でしたが、ビフォーアフターの写真を見て目に見えて分かるくらい改善しました。こちらで受ける施術だけでなく、自宅で行う運動も簡単なものを教えて頂けるので無理なく続けることができています。 また、先生やスタッフさんが優しく、子供も楽しそうにしているので安心してして通えます。オムツ替えスペースやキッズスペースがあるので子連れでも通いやすくておすすめです。
I have low back pain during pregnancy, and I am still indebted to my pelvic correction after giving birth. The treatment was done by manipulative treatment and acupuncture and moxibustion, and my back pain and stiff shoulders became easier. It was extremely warped, but it has improved visibly by looking at the before and after photos. Not only the treatments you receive here, but also the exercises you do at home can be taught easily, so you can continue without difficulty. Also, the teachers and staff are kind and the children seem to have fun, so I can go there with peace of mind. There is a space for changing diapers and a space for kids, so it is recommended that you can easily go with children.
k a on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で身内からオススメしてもらい、1ヶ月検診後から通っています。 初めて診ていただいたとき、産後の不調だけでなく、今まで気になっていたところを言い当てられびっくりしました。 いつも丁寧に診ていただき、施術してもらうことで、身体が楽になっていっています。 運動療法も教えていただき、家で実践…。飽き性で毎日なかなか続けられないのですが、優しく励ましていただきながらやっています。 また、初めての子育てでいっぱいいっぱいな毎日の中、小さい子どもを安心して預けることができるので大事な息抜きの時間になっています。 最初の頃、施術中ずっと泣きわめいていた子どもも、今では毎回楽しく遊ばせてもらっています! 私も子どもも(今では主人も)お世話になり、ありがとうございます!
I have been recommended by my relatives for pelvic correction after childbirth, and I have been attending since the one-month examination. When I first saw him, I was surprised to find out not only his postpartum upset but also what he had been worried about. By always having a careful examination and treatment, my body is getting better. He also taught me exercise therapy and practiced it at home. I'm tired of it and can't keep going every day, but I'm doing it with kind encouragement. In addition, it is an important time to take a break because you can leave your small children with peace of mind while you are full of child-rearing for the first time. Children who were crying all the time during the procedure at the beginning are now having fun playing every time! Thank you for taking care of me and my children (now my husband)!

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