Ginza Lion Beer Restaurant Kawasaki Station - Kawasaki

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ginza Lion Beer Restaurant Kawasaki Station

住所 :

4-24 Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 210-0007
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM

4-24 Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0007, Japan
ma shi on Google

Infection control is good, and the clerk's response is also good. Be sure to drink "boot glasses" in front of your heels (laughs).
田中一成 on Google

川崎にて銀座ライオンを発見したので来店。 今迄訪れた名古屋、博多と異なり、メインメニューはローストビーフで無くステーキ。たっぷりのフライドポテトと出される様はアメリカンであるが、実に美味しかった。 また、この店限定で飲み放題メニューを扱っているので、ビール以外の色々な酒を楽しみたい客にもお勧めである。
I came to the store because I found a Ginza lion in Kawasaki. Unlike Nagoya and Hakata, which I have visited so far, the main menu is steak instead of roast beef. It was American with plenty of french fries, but it was really delicious. In addition, the all-you-can-drink menu is available only at this restaurant, so it is recommended for customers who want to enjoy various types of sake other than beer.
Pekoe N (ぺこ) on Google

ランチで訪問。食後に用事があったので肝心なビールは無し。残念。ピラフにステーキという素晴らしい組み合わせを注文。肉は柔らかく美味。 ハンバーグなどはアルコールの友という扱いなのか、ライスは追加で頼む必要あり。 席でたばこのにおいを感じました。灰皿はおかれていないので、喫煙室があるのかな。結構気になります。
Visit for lunch. There was no important beer because I had something to do after eating. disappointing. I ordered a wonderful combination of steak from pilaf. The meat is tender and delicious. Maybe hamburgers are treated as alcohol friends, so rice needs to be ordered additionally. I felt the smell of cigarettes at my seat. I don't have an ashtray, so I wonder if there is a smoking room. I'm pretty worried.
直(オリオン) on Google

It was Saturday afternoon, but the inside of the restaurant was unexpectedly empty and I was able to enjoy my meal slowly. The oyster shell grilled on the seasonal menu was delicious. I had to drive a car, so I put up with non-alcoholic beer.
もりげんさん on Google

(2019年10月訪問) ランチタイムに行きました。ランチメニューの中で 「数量限定 早い者勝ちです!お得ランチ 200gサーロインステーキランチ」が気になりこれを注文しました。ライス、サラダ、スープからサラダを、ソフトドリンクはホットレモンティーを選択しました。200gのサーロインステーキの味は肉自体はそれほどの味ではなかったですが、付属のソース(オニオンが入っている?)に付けて食べると割と美味しかったですよ。付け合せのポテトも結構量が多く好感が持てます。ライス、スープ、サラダの中から今回はサラダを選びましたが、サラダは想像していた以上に多く味もなかなかよかったです。ホットレモンティー付いてこれで税込980円は安いと思いますよ。コストパフォーマンスは非常に高いですね。コスパの高さで★5つです。詳しくは「ビヤレストラン 銀座ライオン 川崎駅前店」+「気ままに外食三昧」で検索してみてください。
(Visit October 2019) I went to lunch time. In the lunch menu, I was interested in "Limited quantity, first come, first served! Great value lunch 200g sirloin steak lunch" and ordered this. We chose salad from rice, salad and soup, and hot lemon tea for soft drinks. The taste of 200g of sirloin steak was not so good as the meat itself, but it was delicious when eaten with the attached sauce (does it contain onion?). The amount of garnished potatoes is quite large and I like it. I chose salad from rice, soup, and salad this time, but the salad was more delicious than I had imagined. I think that 980 yen including tax is cheap with this with hot lemon tea. The cost performance is very high. The height of the cospa is ★ 5. For more information, please search for "Biya Restaurant Ginza Lion Kawasaki Ekimae Store" + "Eating out at will".
かえかえ on Google

祝日に家族でディナーで利用。 ビールはさすがの美味しさ フライドポテトがホクホクで取り合いになるほど美味しく、 ムール貝もおすすめ! 食べ終わったあとパスタを300円で追加でき、これも秀逸な美味しさでした。 パスタは平らな麺で、どこかで食べたことあるねー、 と妻と話してましたが どん兵衛と似た食感でした!(いい意味で) あとタコの唐揚げ! 量は少ないですが、美味しかったです。 家族で楽しめるし、店内もキレイで 席も広くゆっくりできるのでおすすめです。
Used for dinner with the family on public holidays. Beer is truly delicious It ’s so delicious that the french fries are fluffy and fluffy. Mussels are also recommended! After I finished eating, I could add pasta for 300 yen, which was also excellent. Pasta is flat noodles and I've eaten it somewhere, I was talking to my wife It had a texture similar to Donbei! (In a good way) And fried octopus! The amount was small, but it was delicious. You can enjoy it with your family and the inside of the store is beautiful. It is recommended because the seats are wide and you can relax.
Riichi Yamamoto on Google

Weekday Happy hour is good.
Robert Hackett on Google

Nice lunch at a reasonable price. Choice of rice, bread or salad for a side. Garlic Chicken. ¥1,010

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