Gaburico - Nagoya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gaburico

住所 :

柳橋FoodMarket 2F 4 Chome-14-10 Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 450-0002
Webサイト :

柳橋FoodMarket 2F 4 Chome-14-10 Meieki, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan
サムギョプサルキムチ on Google

名古屋のイベント終わりに5人で利用しました。今日の出来事で盛り上がる予定だったので、まずは個室が決めてになったのですが、第二は飲み放題のあるお店♪ 基本はシェアできる料理を中心にレモンハーブグリルチキンから、鳥の生ハムカルパッチョだったりの、つくねの白湯鍋とオーダーしていきました。お酒はその前ですが ( ´艸`) サワーやビールで乾杯したのですが少し混んでいたのか?料理がなかなか出てこなかったのがヤキモキ、、、しましたが、順番にチキンや鍋は美味しかった♪ なかでも大山鶏は以前にも食べたことがあって肉の旨味が強く食感も柔らかくて旨鍋でした。〆にほもちろん雑炊でみんなで突く雑炊は最高の味♪ 料理が出てくる順番等には難があったけど 笑 それなりに美味しく楽しめたのは満足です。日本酒の取り揃えは少なかったので増やしてくれるとウレシ( ´艸`)
It was used by 5 people at the end of the Nagoya event. It was going to be exciting with today's event, so first we decided on a private room, but the second is a shop with all-you-can-drink ♪ Basically, we ordered dishes that could be shared, from lemon herb grilled chicken, to raw chicken ham carpaccio, and to a tsukune shirayu pot. Alcohol is before that ('` `) I toasted with sour and beer, was it a bit crowded? Yakimoki, the food did not come out easily, but the chicken and the pot were delicious in order ♪ In particular, Oyama chicken had eaten before and the meat taste was strong and the texture was soft It was a delicious hot pot. 〆 Nihon-zoku, of course, is the best taste of porridge ♪ 雑 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番 順 番. As the stock of sake was small, if you increase it, Ureshiya ('* `)
TK on Google

And coupon use of Gourmet Navigator, will price that makes sense. Well the atmosphere, there is also a private room.
world so on Google

名古屋の駅近くにある肉バルレストランですが、ワインとスパークリングとサングリアが飲み放題で299円。コレってヤバいぐらい幸福w 正直、ステーキとかはそんなに安くないですが、ハラミとかのグリルとか、ハンバーグ、ナマハムの単品はお手頃価格でした! 4人で利用しましたが、個室が使えるので仲間同時ならリラックスモードになれてアルコールも好きに飲めるのがストロングポイントな気がします。他の方のクチコミにあったように、店員さんが少しドライな気もしますが、そんなに気にはならなかったです。まぁ~個室なので他の人の目がきにならずに、好きなように空間が使えるので会話のし易さが一番で、あとは適度な価格といったところかもしれません。今回のお酒飲み放題の価格にはもちろん♪文句なしですw
It is a meat bar restaurant near Nagoya station, but wine, sparkling and sangria are all you can drink at 299 yen. It's about happiness w w w w To be honest, steaks are not cheap so much, but the single item of Harami and something like grill, hamburger steam, and Namham was affordable! I used it by four people, but since I can use a private room, I feel like being a strong point to be able to be in relax mode and drink alcohol like at the same time at the same time. Like a reviewer elsewhere, the clerk feels a little dry, but I did not care much. Well ~ Since it is a private room, the ease of conversation is the best because the space can be used as you like, without the eyes of other people becoming anxious, afterwards it may be a moderate price. Of course the price of the all-you-can-drink drinking course ♪ There is no complaints w
香恋karen on Google

好きな感じの内装で半個室ではありましたがBGMと隣人の話し声がガヤガヤ煩く、楽しくお話しながらの食事には不向きでした。 肉バルというだけ、お肉の味は比較的美味しかったのですが、お高めのお肉でもスジがあったり硬くて噛みきれない部分が半分以上あり残念でした。 OrderStopの1h?位前に入りましたが、注文や会計に(前もってご案内はあったものの)凄い急かされ、気持ち良い飲食は今回はできなかったので、今度は違う支店に行ってみょうかと思いますww
It was a semi-private room with a nice interior, but the background music and the voices of the neighbors were annoying, so it was not suitable for a meal while having fun talking. The taste of the meat was relatively delicious just because it was a meat bar, but it was disappointing that even the expensive meat had streaks and there were more than half of the parts that could not be chewed. 1h of OrderStop? I entered the front, but I was in a hurry for ordering and accounting (although I was informed in advance), and I could not eat and drink comfortably this time, so I think I should go to a different branch this time ww
plaza ito on Google

名古屋出張の際つかわせていただきました。 まだ新しくできたばかりなのかビル全体に清潔感があります。入口付近からすでにお洒落な雰囲気の漂うお店で肉バルデートなんてのもいいですね。 少し値段は張るけど味、見栄えともによいミート五種盛り合わせをメインで頼みました。和牛の美味しいとこ取りといった贅沢なプレートでとても美味しかった。 全体的にコスパもよく会計は思ってたよりリーズナブルでした。名古屋来訪時はまた伺います。
I was able to use it during my business trip to Nagoya. There is a feeling of cleanliness in the whole building whether it is just new. It's nice to have a meat bar date at a shop that already has a stylish atmosphere near the entrance. I ordered a meat assortment of 5 kinds as the main dish, which is a little expensive but good in taste and appearance. It was very delicious with a luxurious plate such as delicious beef picking. Overall, Cospa was also more reasonable than I expected. I will visit again when visiting Nagoya.
puyo puyo on Google

4人でオフ会!相性のいい食べ方探し! 綺麗な店内なので雰囲気が良い♪少し贅沢な気分で サーロインポンドステーキを頼みました。にんにくチップとソースに絡めて幸せ気分(笑) 追加のチーズフォンデュソースにステーキやポテトも絡める のが好き!! 飲み物の種類が豊富なので相性の良いメニューを探すのも楽しい。 単品のクリスピーチーズガレット、フレッシュガーリックチーズディップ を赤ワインで(笑) 鶏ハラミと葱のアヒージョ、ハラペーニョポッパーはハイボールで(笑) などなど♪最近人気のチーズタッカルビをあえてパスしてサーモンとあさりのアクア パッツァに(笑)もっとあさりを大量に入れて欲しい気もしましたが味は大正解でした♪ 駅から近い場所なので気兼ねなく飲めるのがいいのと個室の雰囲気が良かった!人数もある とは思いますが、4人個室OKでした♪ コスパ重視で、飲み放題2時間1500円。サワーが15種以上、ハイボールも15種以上はあったと思います。 あとはウイスキーと日本酒、ソフトドリンクと乾杯ビールを我慢すればコスパは高いと思う(笑)
Off meeting with 4 people! Looking for a good way to eat! It's a beautiful store so the atmosphere is good ♪ It feels a little luxurious I ordered sirloin pond steak. Feeling happy with garlic chips and sauce (laughs) Engage additional cheese fondue sauce with steak and potatoes I like! ! There is a wide variety of drinks, so it's fun to find a menu that goes well with you. Crispy cheese galette and fresh garlic cheese dip With red wine (laughs) Chicken halami and green onion ajillo, jalapeno popper with highball (laughs) And so on ♪ Salmon and clams aqua that dare pass the recently popular cheese Dakkarbi I wanted Patza to add more clams (laughs), but the taste was a great answer ♪ It's close to the station, so it's good that you can drink without hesitation and the atmosphere in the private room was good! There are also people I think, but it was OK for a private room for 4 people ♪ With an emphasis on cospa, all-you-can-drink for 1,500 yen for 2 hours. I think there were more than 15 kinds of sour and more than 15 kinds of highball. Also, if you put up with whiskey and sake, soft drinks and toast beer, I think cospa is expensive (laughs)
Sho Yamada on Google

肉料理が冷めていて、店員の態度がよろしくなかったです。 お店、部屋は洒落た雰囲気で良かったのですが。。。 皿が割れる音や隣の部屋の音がうるさくて、全体的に落ち着けなかった気がします。 お店自体はもっと良くなるはずなので、頑張ってください。
The meat dishes were cold and the attitude of the clerk was not good. The shops and the rooms were nice in a stylish atmosphere. . . I feel that the dish splitting sound and the sound of the next room are noisy and I could not calm down altogether. The shop itself should be better, so please do your best.
サンマルク投法 on Google

The private room was a cute atmosphere ♪ Even though it is a meat bar, it is fashionable so each item will fit the woman and if you ask too much a la carte, it will be expensive, but the spare rib is also about 1000 yen, but it is relatively affordable did. Spare ribs were delicious with garlic working ♪

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