Futamatagawa Ekimae Dermatology

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Futamatagawa Ekimae Dermatology

住所 :

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://futamatagawa-ekimae-hifu.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan
うみう on Google

The medical examinations are so complicated that there are so many patients that I feel that I am only thinking about how to handle the numbers. I only think about suppressing superficial symptoms, not radical cure, so I think that it is profitable to have them go forever.
おでんくん on Google

When I first visited Atopy, I didn't even see the affected area, and the examination was completed in just 30 seconds. Customers with low medical scores have the image of judging without even listening.
おーいし on Google

When both cheeks were red and swollen and itchy, it was labeled as another painful illness. At the pharmacy, it's not a medicine to control itching, and it's said that it's not good to apply it to the face, and since it was the end of the year, I couldn't go to other hospitals, so I spent the itching with an ice pack. I was told that I would come again, so when I talked about itching, I was told that itching should not occur in this state. When I had shingles, I think it was different, but if I said so much, it was a response. I learned to complain to a doctor. I will never go anymore. I don't want to add a single star.
19o9 HaRu on Google

以前謎の発疹が全身びっしりだったので、急遽近くのこちらにお伺いしましたが、原因不明の発疹と判断されました。 聞かれたのは、最近毛剃ったりしたかという質問ぐらいで「時々酷い発疹がでるのでアレルギー検査をしたい」と言いましたが、「原因分からないんで調べようが無いです」と。 頭の中「何言ってんだこいつ状態」 アレルギー検査って原因を明らかにするためのものですよね? 結局、セカンドオピニオンでアレルギー検査したらアレルギー反応出てました。 確かに他の口コミ通り、問診と触診合わせても30秒程度ぐらい。
I had a mysterious rash all over my body before, so I hurriedly visited here, but it was determined to be a rash of unknown cause. The only question I was asked was if I had shaved my hair recently, and I said, "I sometimes get a severe rash, so I want to have an allergy test." But "I don't know the cause, so I can't find out." In my head "What are you talking about?" An allergy test is for clarifying the cause, isn't it? After all, when I tested for allergies with a second opinion, I got an allergic reaction. Certainly, as in other reviews, it takes about 30 seconds to combine the interview and palpation.
工藤 on Google

口コミはイマイチですが、転勤族で他の皮膚科や内科、眼科等色々行ってみて実際に行ってみないとわからないと思っているので受診、その後通院しています。 皮膚科は他のクリニックもだいたい混んでいて、長いところだと数時間待ちますが、こちらは予約制なのでそれほど待たずにすみます。ただ連休明けの午前中はめちゃくちゃ混むので、それがわかってからは午後に受診しています。 診察は、最初に看護師さんが話を聞いてくれてカルテに書き込んでいるので、先生が来たときにはすぐ伝わるようになっています。 先生は患部を見ていくつか会話し基本的に短時間で診察が終わりますが、今までの皮膚科もどこも短時間だったので特に不満はありませんし、うまく付き合っていかなければならない皮膚疾患なので、その時の状態に合わせて薬を変えたり、できるだけ良い状態になるように考えてくれるので信頼して通院しています。
Word-of-mouth communication is not good, but I went to other dermatology departments, internal medicine departments, ophthalmology departments, etc. Dermatologists are usually crowded with other clinics, and if it's a long time, you'll have to wait a few hours, but since this is a reservation system, you don't have to wait that long. However, it gets very crowded in the morning after the Golden Week holidays, so I go to see the doctor in the afternoon after I understand it. The nurse first listens to the medical examination and writes it in the medical record, so when the teacher comes, it will be immediately communicated. The teacher looks at the affected area, talks a few things, and basically finishes the examination in a short time, but since all the dermatologists so far have been in a short time, I am not particularly dissatisfied and it is a skin disease that I have to deal with well. , I trust and go to the hospital because he / she changes the medicine according to the condition at that time and thinks about the best condition possible.
a t on Google

If you only prescribe medicines, even if you never meet the teacher, you only have to pay the medical examination fee and go to the copy below to get the prescription. It's okay because I don't have to wait that much, but I think it's an easy job to make money just by signing. It's okay because I don't have to wait, but lol
白萩 on Google

コロナ禍で感染対策の為、平日午後と土曜日は完全予約制だそうです。 1週間前からネットから予約出来るそうなので予約して伺って下さい。 患者さんやクリニックのスタッフさんは安心できる環境かと思います。 私は知らずに伺ったところ、そのような事情から全く診てもらえず門前払いを受けました。 行く前に、確認の電話をしてもクリニックの休診時間中は、診療時間内にかけ直すようにとアナウンスが流れ、繋がりません。 せめて休憩中も交代で電話に出たり、ネットで予約出来ない人の為の対策もして頂きたいものです。 ちなみに、二俣川駅に近いもうひとつのクリニックさんもネットから予約出来ますが、予約しなくても時間さえ待つことが出来れば診て頂く事が可能でした。 何度か診て頂き、久しぶりに症状が出たため伺いましたが、残念な気持ちになりました。
It is said that reservations are required on weekday afternoons and Saturdays to prevent infection due to coronavirus. It seems that you can make a reservation online from a week in advance, so please make a reservation. I think that patients and clinic staff can feel at ease. When I visited without knowing it, I was not able to see it at all due to such circumstances and received a prepayment. Even if I make a confirmation call before going, an announcement will be made to call back during the clinic's holidays, and I will not be able to connect. At the very least, I would like you to take turns answering the phone even during breaks and taking measures for those who cannot make reservations online. By the way, another clinic near Futamatagawa station can also be reserved online, but it was possible to see if you could wait for the time without making a reservation. I had a few medical examinations and asked because I had symptoms for the first time in a long time, but I was disappointed.
Melina Ferszt on Google

Horrible. The doctor doesn’t care at all about you, you are a number for him and he doesn’t even let you explain or ask much. He decided I had rosacea with just a quick look, not even serious, and gave me medicine for it. It was expensive and it did absolutely nothing. A great waste of money. I went to a different doctor and she said a completely different thing.

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