スマホ修理工房 ジョイナステラス二俣川店 - Yokohama

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スマホ修理工房 ジョイナステラス二俣川店

住所 :

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 241-0821
Webサイト : https://iphone-futamatagawa.info/
街 : Kanagawa

Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0821 Kanagawa,Japan
sりほ on Google

I'm glad that you gave me a piece of paper to explain what you might forget, such as how to cancel the app.
とき on Google

わかりやすくて良かったです。 (追記) ただ、上記の口コミも店員さんの目の前で書かされたものです。 修理対応自体は良かったのですが、それ以外の応対(強制的な口コミの投稿や顔写真の提供、有料アプリのインストールなど)は正直微妙です。 マーケティングの一部なのでしょうが、気にされない方は利用しても良いかと思います。
It was good that it was easy to understand. (postscript) However, the above review was also written in front of the clerk. The repair response itself was good, but other responses (forced word-of-mouth posting, face photo provision, paid application installation, etc.) are honestly subtle. It may be a part of marketing, but if you don't mind, you can use it.
たばさ on Google

高評価に驚きです。最近は大丈夫なんでしょうか?ちゃんとトラブルないのでしょうか? 私は 2年前にバッテリー交換をお願いし その日のうちに スマホ使用中に突然電源が落ちると今までない症状が発生。しかも電源ケーブルを接続しないと再起動しないという最悪な事態。すぐ電話をし 後日再度バッテリーを取り寄せして交換ということになり バッテリーが入荷し お店に行くと 店員の方がバッテリーを交換しても 症状が改善するとは限らないし 最悪2度と起動しなくなるかもしれませんがそれでもいいですか?と‥ スマホが使えなくなるのは困るので 結局交換はしませんでした。ただ駐車場のスタンプも押してもらえず そもそも電話で話してる時に言ってくれれば‥ わざわざ時間作って行かずに済んだし ガソリン代使って 駐車料金とられ スマホも治らず 最悪です。 確かに修理依頼する時に 誓約書にサインしますが その後の対応はお粗末だと思います。 しかも 店内のお会計の時に 口コミを書いて投稿すると500円だったかな? 割引があるというサービスしてました。 このサービスのおかげで 高評価なんでしょうかね? 今でもそのサービスやってるんでしょか? 皆さん評価が良くても リスクは絶対誰にでもあります。よく考えて後悔しない判断を。
I am surprised at the high evaluation. Is it okay these days? Is there any trouble? I asked for a battery replacement 2 years ago If the power suddenly turns off while using the smartphone on the same day, unprecedented symptoms will occur. Moreover, the worst situation is that it will not restart unless the power cable is connected. Call immediately and have to order the battery again at a later date and replace it. When the battery arrives and goes to the store, even if the clerk replaces the battery, the symptom does not always improve and it may not start again at worst. Maybe but is that okay? I didn't replace it after all because I don't want to be able to use my smartphone. However, I couldn't get the stamp of the parking lot In the first place, if you tell me when you're talking on the phone ... I didn't have to bother to make time. The parking fee is charged using the gasoline fee, and the smartphone does not heal, which is the worst. Certainly, when requesting repairs, I will sign a pledge, but I think that the response after that is poor. Moreover, was it 500 yen when I wrote a review and posted it at the time of checkout in the store? There was a service that there was a discount. Is it highly rated thanks to this service? Are you still doing that service? Even if everyone's evaluation is good, the risk is absolutely everyone. Think carefully and make a decision that you will not regret.
ゆう on Google

有料のサービスの説明が信用できません。態度もとても悪かったです。 後の不具合も心配で本当に後悔しています。
I can't trust the description of the paid service. The attitude was also very bad. I'm really regretted because I'm worried about the problems that follow.
toujirou enomoto on Google

バッテリー交換をした。 条件次第でだいぶ安くなる。 指定のappをインストールしたり、カード加入など。 それ相当の時間がかかった。
I replaced the battery. It will be much cheaper depending on the conditions. Install the specified app, subscribe to the card, etc. It took a considerable amount of time.
me ru on Google

液晶漏れをしてしまい、正規店だと初期化してしまうとのことでしたが、こちらだとデータを消さずに修理していただけて、バックアップをしていなかったので非常に助かりました。 また、予定よりも短時間で修理してくださったところもありがたかったです。 若干操作しづらくなりましたが、修理前は全く画面が見えない程だったので許容範囲内です。 (※口コミはその場で投稿するようにお願いされました。)
It was said that the LCD leaked and it would be initialized at a regular store, but it was very helpful because I was able to repair it without erasing the data and did not back it up. Also, I was grateful that the repair was done in a shorter time than planned. It became a little difficult to operate, but it was within the allowable range because the screen was completely invisible before the repair. (* We were asked to post reviews on the spot.)
h s on Google

Even though I was at the counter in front of me, the clerk ignored it. I was talking about something through the employees, so I thought it was being taken in, so I waited for a while, but even after about 5 minutes, there was no voice at all, and I said that I should finally wait for a while. I'm not sure if it's a craftsman's popularity, but it was my first experience to leave the customer in front of me even though I was aware of it.
神谷建杜 on Google

修理機種はiPhone8です。 修理内容は画面修理をしてもらいました。 スタッフの説明はわかりやすかったです。 スタッフの対応はとても良かったです。 直ってよかったです。ありがとうございました。
The repair model is iPhone 8. As for the repair contents, I had the screen repaired. The staff's explanation was easy to understand. The correspondence of the staff was very good. I'm glad it was fixed. Thank you very much.

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