Futaiin - Nishio

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Contact Futaiin

住所 :

Nakayashiki-11 Kamidomekicho, Nishio, Aichi 445-0882, Japan

Postal code : 445-0882

Nakayashiki-11 Kamidomekicho, Nishio, Aichi 445-0882, Japan
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鳥居忠吉 ?-1572 戦国時代の武将。 長享(1487-89)の頃三河(愛知県)で生まれ,松平清康、広忠に仕える。広忠の子竹千代(徳川家康)が駿府(静岡市)で人質になっていたとき,今川義元指揮下の岡崎で総奉行をつとめ,家康の帰還後の活動にそなえ,ひそかに城内に物資をたくわえた。元亀3年(1572)3月25日八十余歳で死去。 永禄3年(1560年)、桶狭間の戦いでは家康に従軍し、今川義元の戦死後、大樹寺(岡崎市)より岡崎城に入った若き主君・家康に、今まで蓄えていた財を見せ、「苦しい中、よくこれだけの蓄えを」と家康に感謝されたという。
Torii Chukichi ? -1572 A warlord during the Warring States period. Born in Mikawa (Aichi Prefecture) around Chokai (1487-89), he served Kiyoyasu Matsudaira and Hirotada. When Hirochika's child Takechiyo (Ieyasu Tokugawa) was taken hostage in Sunpu (Shizuoka City), he served as a magistrate in Okazaki under the direction of Yoshimoto Imagawa, and secretly provided supplies to Ieyasu after his return. Was stored. Former Turtle 3 (1572) March 25, died at the age of 80. In the 3rd year of Eiroku (1560), Ieyasu served in the battle between Okeza, and after the death of Yoshimoto Imagawa, the young lord Ieyasu who entered Okazaki Castle from Daijuji Temple (Okazaki City) saved the goods that he had accumulated. He said that he was grateful to Ieyasu for saying, "I often save this much in my tough times."
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荒川義広妻の市場姫及び本翁意伯(ほんおういはく)の父鳥居忠吉の墓、本翁意伯の墓があるといわれています。 ただ、今となっては風化によって文字が読めず。住職さんの話ではおそらく五輪塔のどれかとのこと。(二か所撮影しました。) 由緒は以下ウィキから引用 不退院(ふたいいん)は、愛知県西尾市にある浄土宗西山深草派の寺院。山号は授法山。授法山上衍寺不退院とも称する。 応永8年(1401年)悦山上人を開山として、徳永城主・徳永小七郎義雄が一宇を草創したのが始まりである。 悦山上人は応永初期に当国遊化の折、法蔵寺・龍芸上人の化導を受け弟子となった高僧である。 応永18年(1411年)4月23日に義雄は入没し、当寺に葬られた。 その後、正親町天皇の元亀3年(1572年)当山6世本翁意伯(鳥居忠吉の子)が勅願によって参内して曼荼羅を講筵し「上衍寺」の勅額を賜った。 永禄10年(1567年)9月29日に入没した荒川城(八ツ面城)主荒川義広、及び文禄2年(1593年)5月2日に入没したその妻・市場姫(徳川家康の異母妹)の墓も当寺にある。 当山7世頓翁意傅の代、慶長7年(1602年)徳川家康より寺領13石5斗の寄進を受け、御朱印寺として寺紋に三つ葉葵の紋を授かった。 です。 ・本翁意伯(ほんおういはく)は、戦国時代の浄土宗西山深草派の僧。「鳥居忠吉」の次男。 三河河国松平氏(徳川氏)の家臣・鳥居忠吉の次男として誕生。弟に「鳥居元忠」などがいる。 出家して総本山である、京都の河原町四条に在する誓願寺で修行した。大変な博学者で、宗派の曼荼羅の指導者として有名になった。その後岡崎城の近くの光善寺の住職をしていたが、 本山の任命で三河十二本寺の一つである不退院の第6世の住職になった。 元亀3年(1572年)、正親町天皇の勅願により二条城に参内して曼荼羅を講演じ、その礼に正親町天皇より授法山「上衍寺(じゅほうざんじょうえんじ)」の勅額を賜る。 また1593年、徳川家康の異母妹・市場姫の葬儀を不退院で行い、その導師を勤めた。 不退院で死去。死後、不退院の住職は同族の鳥居忠春の親族が継いだ ・父はあの「鳥居忠吉」です。鳥居忠吉は今川氏に人質として行く家康に三男「鳥居元忠」を付け、今川氏から派遣された城代による統治の中、 自身は主不在の岡崎城で松平家に仕える人々を取りまとめ、収穫などの富は今川氏への分配が多く苦しいにも関わらずに家康が帰城した時のために、渡城に武器・兵糧を蓄えたと言われている人です。 ・兄は「鳥居忠宗」。1547年の渡の戦いで戦死、渡河原の戦いでは織田方に付ていた反宗家の中心である上宮寺城の松平忠倫らによって討ち取られた。真っ向から鉄砲で撃たれたとも伝えられる人です。 ・弟はあの「鳥居元忠」(1600年)、家康が会津の上杉景勝の征伐のため諸将を率いて出兵すると(会津征伐)、伏見城を預けられ、家康らの出陣中に五奉行・石田三成らが家康に対して挙兵し、伏見城は前哨戦の舞台となった。 鳥居元忠は松平家忠・近正・内藤家長らと1,800人の兵力で立て籠もる(伏見城の戦い)が、最初から玉砕を覚悟で、三成が派遣した降伏勧告の使者を斬殺して遺体を送り返し、 戦い続け13日間の攻防戦の末、8月1日、鈴木重朝と一騎討ちの末に自刃しました。元忠の首は京橋口に晒されたが、親交のあった京の商人佐野四郎右衛門が知恩院の内である長源院に葬ったといわれている。 その忠節は「三河武士の鑑」と称された人です。
It is said that there are the tombs of Yoshihiro Arakawa's wife Ichibahime and Tadayoshi Torii, the father of Honohaku, and the tomb of Honoh. However, now I can't read the characters due to weathering. According to the chief priest, it is probably one of the five-wheeled towers. (I took two pictures.) The history is quoted from the wiki below Futaiin is a temple of the Jodo sect Nishiyama Fukakusa school in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture. The mountain number is Mt. It is also called Futaiin Yamagami Temple. In the 8th year of Oei (1401), Yoshio Tokunaga, the lord of Tokunaga Castle, created Ichiu with the opening of Mt. Etsuyama. Etsuyama Kamito is a high-ranking priest who became a disciple under the guidance of Hozoji and Ryugei Shonin when he was introduced to the country in the early Oei period. Yoshio died on April 23, 1411, and was buried in the temple. After that, in the 3rd year of the former turtle of Emperor Masachikacho (1572), the 6th generation of Toyama, the son of Tadayoshi Torii, visited the shrine at the request of a priest and gave a mandala lecture and received the royal sum of "Kamiyoji". Yoshihiro Arakawa, the lord of Arakawa Castle (Yatsuomotecho), who died on September 29, 1567, and his wife, Ichibahime (Tokugawa), who died on May 2, 1593. The grave of Ieyasu's half-sister) is also located at this temple. In the 7th year of Keicho (1602), Ieyasu Tokugawa donated 13 stones and 5 tons of temple territory, and received the crest of Mitsuha Aoi on the temple crest as Goshuinji. is. ・ Honou Ihaku is a priest of the Seizan-Fukakusa school of the Jodo sect during the Warring States period. The second son of "Torii Tadayoshi". Born as the second son of Tadayoshi Torii, a vassal of Mr. Matsudaira Mikawa (Mr. Tokugawa). His younger brother is "Torii Mototada". After leaving the house, he trained at Oshoji Temple in Shijo, Kawaramachi, Kyoto, which is the head temple. He was a great polymath and became famous as a leader of the sect's mandala. After that, he was a priest at Kozenji Temple near Okazaki Castle. With the appointment of Motoyama, he became the sixth priest of Futaiin, one of the 12 Mikawa temples. In the 3rd year of Genki (1572), he visited Nijo Castle at the request of the Emperor Ogimachi and gave a lecture on the mandala. Thank you. In 1593, he held a funeral for Ieyasu Tokugawa's half-sister, Ichibahime, without leaving the hospital, and served as his mentor. Died without discharge. After his death, the priest of Futaiin was succeeded by a relative of his family, Torii Tadaharu. ・ My father is that "Torii Tadayoshi". Torii Tadayoshi attached the third son "Torii Mototada" to Ieyasu who went hostage to Mr. Imagawa, and under the rule of Jodai dispatched by Mr. Imagawa. He manages the people who serve the Matsudaira family at Okazaki Castle, where the Lord is absent, and despite the fact that wealth such as harvesting is often distributed to Mr. Imagawa, it is difficult for Ieyasu to return to the castle. It is a person who is said to have saved. ・ My brother is "Tadamune Torii". He died in the Battle of Mikatagahara in 1547, and was defeated by Tadamichi Matsudaira of Uemiyaji Castle, the center of the anti-soke family attached to Odakata, in the Battle of Mikatagahara. It is said that he was shot head-on with a gun. ・ When Ieyasu led the generals to conquer Uesugi Kagekatsu in Aizu (Aizu conquest) in that "Torii Mototada" (1600), he was entrusted with Fushimi Castle and went to Go-Bugyō during Ieyasu's departure. Mitsunari Ishida and others raised troops against Ieyasu, and Fushimi Castle became the stage for the outpost. Mototada Torii stands up with 1,800 troops such as Matsudaira Ietada, Chikamasa, and Naito (Battle of Fushimi Castle), but he is prepared to crush the ball from the beginning and kills the messenger of the surrender recommendation dispatched by Mitsunari. Send back, After 13 days of offensive and defensive battles, he suicided on August 1st after a single combat with Suzuki Shigetomo. Mototada's head was exposed to the Kyobashiguchi, but it is said that the Kyoto merchant Shiroemon Sano, who had a close relationship with him, buried him in Chogenin, which is inside Chion-in. The loyalty is a person who was called "Mikawa Samurai's Book".

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