料理処 伸

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 料理処 伸

住所 :

Fukuoka, Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0203 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Gifu

Fukuoka, Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0203 Gifu,Japan
Hideo Niimi (ひで) on Google

食券を買システムです。 「焼肉(生姜)定食」と、「とり天定食」を頂きました。 どちらもとてもおいしかったです。 おかずのボリュームは、まずまずありました。 ご飯をたくさん食べたい方は、ご飯を大盛りにした方がいいかも。 また行ってみて、他のメニューも試してみたいです???
It is a system to buy meal tickets. We had “Yakiniku (ginger) set meal” and “Toriten set meal”. Both were very delicious. There was a side dish volume. If you want to eat a lot of rice, you might want to have a large meal. I want to go and try other menus.
Keisuke Funaishi on Google

I had a chicken tempura set meal. Five large chicken heavens with a strong flavor were freshly fried and delicious!
youichi n on Google

通りがかりで入りましたが、700円でとても満足できました。 オススメです。
I entered by passing by, but I was very satisfied with 700 yen. I recommend it.
tabita on Google

エビフライ定食、大きなエビ3本、サクサクの衣で美味しかった。うどんかそばが付きボリュームたっぷりで850円。 券売機で食券を買う食堂の雰囲気ですが、美味しい食事に満足。平日メニューはもっとリーズナブルで豊富なメニューがありました。
The fried shrimp set meal, 3 large shrimp, and crispy clothes were delicious. It comes with udon or soba and is 850 yen with plenty of volume. The atmosphere of the cafeteria where you buy meal tickets at the ticket vending machine, but you are satisfied with the delicious food. The weekday menu was more reasonable and rich.
岡本ひさみ on Google

海老も、美味しかったです。 入って奥で食券を買います。 食べたら、帰る。当たり前ですが、挨拶は、ありません。少しだけ残念
The shrimp was also delicious. Enter and buy a meal ticket in the back. After eating, go home. Of course, there is no greeting. A little disappointing
モナコMonaco on Google

When you go out for a meal, make sure it's open before you go! It seems that they are catering, so there are times when they are closed! It's good value, the menu is abundant, and the taste is good! Only tea ? water is self-service.
みゅーにゃん on Google

以前にここの仕出し弁当を食べた事がありました。味も見た目も細部までこだわって作ってある事がわかる良いお弁当だったので、お店の前を通るたびに気になっていました。 ただ、いつも私が店の前を通る時は営業してない事が多く、なかなか入店出来ないでいました。 以前に食べた仕出し弁当のクオリティを考えたら、お店を営業しつつ仕出しもやる事は難しいのだろうなと素人ながら思います。 今日は通りがかりに看板上に回転灯が回っているのを発見し、ついに入店のはこびとなりました。 お店に入ると一番奥の中央に券売機があるので食券を購入し、お店の人に渡します。ランプが点滅している定食はそばかうどんを選べるのですが、先にそばかうどんのボタンを押してから、定食ボタンを押す事で食券にそばかうどんが印刷されるようになっていました。 お水・お茶はセルフで券売機の横から各自持っていきます。 今日はとり天定食(そば)を食べました。とり天は衣はサクサクで、鶏肉はびっくりするくらいジューシーで柔らかくとても美味しかったです。小鉢(野菜・油揚げ・きのこ)の味付けに作りの丁寧さを感じました。 とてもボリュームがあり、お腹いっぱいになりました。
I had eaten a catered lunch here before. It was a good bento that you can see that it was made with attention to detail in both taste and appearance, so I was worried every time I passed in front of the shop. However, when I passed in front of the store, it was often not open, so I couldn't enter the store easily. Considering the quality of the catered lunches I ate before, I think it would be difficult for me to cater while operating the store. Today, I found a rotating light on the signboard as I passed by, and finally I was afraid to enter the store. When you enter the shop, there is a ticket vending machine in the center of the back, so you can buy a meal ticket and give it to the shop staff. You can choose soba or udon for the set meal with the blinking lamp, but by pressing the soba or udon button first and then pressing the set meal button, the soba or udon will be printed on the meal ticket. You can bring your own water and tea from the side of the ticket vending machine. I ate Toriten set meal (soba) today. Toriten's clothes were crispy, and the chicken was surprisingly juicy, tender and very delicious. I felt the politeness of making the small bowls (vegetables, fried tofu, mushrooms). It was very voluminous and I was full.
ロッキー on Google

定食セットに付いている選べる、蕎麦!うどん!に味噌汁!も選べられると、いいと思いました。カツ丼のセットが、辛かったです。かなりボリュームありお得ですね。天ぷら定食などの揚げ物が、パリパリ‼️サクサク‼️旨い‼️ 最近、お持ち帰り弁当?始めました‼️
Soba that you can choose from the set meal set! Udon! Miso soup! I thought it would be nice if I could also choose. The set of katsudon was spicy. It's quite voluminous and profitable. Fried food such as tempura set meal is crispy! ️ Crispy! ️ Delicious! ️ Recently, I started taking out lunch ?‼ ️

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