割烹 木曽路

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 割烹 木曽路

住所 :

Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0001 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://kisoji.gifu.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Gifu

Nakatsugawa, 〒508-0001 Gifu,Japan
Y K on Google

顔合わせで利用 囲炉裏で豪華だったが特別印象はない
Use for face to face Luxurious in the hearth but no special impression
池田昌弘 on Google

The taste was appropriate, the dishes were various, and the amount was large.
おかん on Google

毎年「松茸祭り」「ふぐ祭り」に参加です。料金は一万円。 結構お高いですがお付き合いがあるので参加せざるをえません。 メニューが毎年毎年同じなので段々飽きてきたのが本音です。
Every year I participate in "Matsutake Mushroom Festival" "Fugu Festival". The price is 10,000 yen. Although it is quite expensive, I have no choice but to join because I have a relationship. The menu is annually the same every year, so it is true that I gradually got bored.
かなみく on Google

法要で伺いました。 料理も凝ったものがあり、美味しかったです。 スタッフの皆様も温かくもてなしてくださり とてもいい時間を過ごせました♪
I heard in the memorial service. The food was elaborate and delicious. The staff will be warmly welcome We had a very good time ♪
T H on Google

A restaurant relatively close to the Nakatsugawa station. Since it is on a hill, you can overlook the city. Naegi Castle looks beautiful during the sunset.
聖寿宮木 on Google

お値打ちで、綺麗です。 見晴らし良いです。
It is good value and beautiful. The view is good.
大橋誉昭 on Google

全国チェーンの木曽路と 同じ名前で ここでは美濃地鶏で鍋❣️ 大女将に恰幅良い若女将いらしてて 楽しく?に?呑めます。 お店へ 中型に大型バスでは入って行けないほど 手前の踏切が狭く 観光バスで行かれる場合 車で3分の駐車場で木曽路さんの マイクロバスに乗り換える 必要があるようです。 マイカーなら問題なく お店まで着けます。
With Kisoji Road of the national chain With the same name Here is Mino chicken and pan ❣️ I ’m a young lady general I will praise it happily. To the store The medium-sized bus cannot be reached by a large bus The front crossing is narrow When you go by sightseeing bus 3 minutes by car Change to a microbus It seems necessary. No problem with my car You can get to the store.
F Massa on Google

I had kaiseki cuisine. The meal that was first lined up when we arrived.

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