玉村町 文化センター

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 玉村町 文化センター

住所 :

Fukujima, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1105 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.tamamura-bunka.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM
街 : Gunma

Fukujima, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1105 Gunma,Japan
清水紀子(の) on Google

今回は公演ではなく 駐車場?️の周りにある 薔薇?を見に行きました。ちょうど満開で見応えがあり素敵でした?種類も沢山あり 手入れも行き届いています??
This time, I went to see the roses ? around the parking lot ?️ instead of the performance. It was just in full bloom and was spectacular and wonderful ? There are many types and it is in good condition ??
みどりのとら on Google

I went to get an old tomb card. I feel a little narrow. Since it's free, it might be nice to visit the hall.
高橋瑞穂 on Google

Ryudo Uzaki's live performance was very nice ♥ ️ There is also a way to enjoy Corona's evil ☺️
Yoshifumi Nishimura on Google

Even if it is exposed to the spring storm, it blooms hard without scattering the flowers. It's in full bloom now.
すずきかつひで on Google

ホールは別として建物にたいして無駄に広いと敷地 これだけ余裕の有る敷地にたいしての搬入口が残念すぎますね❗専用張り出しは小さくホームとの段差が有り転がし物は全て手上げせめてスロープでも有れば助かるけど??機材の量次第では来たくないですね❗
Except for the hall, the site is spacious and spacious for the building It is too disappointing that the entrance for the site where there is enough room is too small. There is a small overhang and there is a step with the platform, so if you roll up all the things and have a slope, it will be saved? ? I do not want to come depending on the amount of equipment 材
森田聡美 on Google

ホールは綺麗ですが、傾斜が緩いので2列目〜6列目は前に大きな人が座ったらほぼ見えません。 また、座席も狭いので隣に体格の良い人が座ると物凄く圧迫感があります。
The hall is beautiful, but the slope is gentle, so you can hardly see the 2nd to 6th rows if a big person sits in front of you. Also, since the seats are small, it feels extremely oppressive when a person with a good physique sits next to them.
榊原隆 on Google

This town has a potential to grow
Sunedara Davis on Google

It's nice. A bit of a maze inside though. It's easy to get lost so ask at the desk how to get around.

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