teRra (テラ)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact teRra (テラ)

住所 :

Shimoshinden, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1132 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://terra-hair.jp/
街 : Gunma

Shimoshinden, Tamamura, Sawa District, 〒370-1132 Gunma,Japan
古我知恵美子 on Google

It was very polite and the price was cheap ???
桃倉f. on Google

二日前に利用しました。 シャンプーの甘い香りがとても良かったです? サラサラツヤツヤになれました…✨
I used it two days ago. The sweet scent of shampoo was very good ? I became smooth and glossy ... ✨
ETSU M on Google

3年近くお世話になってます。 繰り返しカラーダメージでパサパサの髪、年齢によるうねりに悩んでいましたがどんどんツヤさらになって今では髪が自慢です。 スタッフも優しく丁寧でホームケアなどアドバイスをしてくれます。かなりオススメです。 ただ残念なのはうっかりすると次回行きたい頃に予約が取りにくい事です…(人気過ぎなのでは?笑)なので予約は次の2回分まで取ります。
I have been indebted for almost 3 years. I was suffering from dry hair and swelling due to age due to repeated color damage, but now I am proud of my hair as it becomes more and more glossy. The staff is also kind and polite and gives advice such as home care. I highly recommend it. Unfortunately, it's difficult to make a reservation the next time I want to go ... (Isn't it too popular? Lol), so I'll make reservations for the next two times.
せせ on Google

ヘアエステを始めてから、友達に髪綺麗だねと言われることが多くなりました^o^ ツヤツヤでサラサラの髪にのなるのが嬉しいです?
Since I started hair aesthetics, my friends often tell me that my hair is beautiful ^ o ^ I'm glad that my hair is shiny and silky ?
naomi on Google

もうかれこれ2年近くお世話になっています。 パサパサで枝毛だらけの毛先が驚く程ツヤツヤになりました。他の所にはもう行けません。 髪のことになると目をキラキラさせて話すマニアックな店長さんと話すのが楽しみです。
I have been indebted to you for almost two years now. The dry and split ends of the hair have become surprisingly glossy. I can't go anywhere else anymore. When it comes to hair, I'm looking forward to talking with a maniac store manager who talks with sparkling eyes.
くみ on Google

前回縮毛した所で失敗だったから一年くらい髪放置してて、梅雨がくるからどこか縮毛うまい所ないかなと探して初めて利用。縮毛した部分には薬ぬれないとかで当たり前だが癖残ったままでまっすぐじゃない。傷んでるところには弱い薬しかぬれないらしくそれも癖が残ったまま。 なぜ、縮毛した部分には薬をぬれないこと、傷みがある部分には弱い薬をぬること、そしてうねりが残ることをやる前に説明してくれなかったのか。まっすぐにしたくてみんな縮毛するのにおかしいだろ。2万3千円かけてやったのにこんな仕上がりで納得いかずやり直しを頼んだ。 結局やり直したがダメだった。 特にやり直してほしかった左側は綺麗だが、今度は薬つけてない右後ろが癖で2センチくらい短く見える。 びっくりしたのは最初縮毛やってもらったときここの美容師に長さカットしてもらったのに、やり直しやった店長がカットの時右側2センチ長いですねと言ったこと。"え?ここで長さカットしてもらったんですけど?"と思った。最初やってくれた人、勝手に前髪すくから前髪は死ぬし、長さも右だけ2センチ長いし最悪。 やり直しやった店長はやり直しおわって後ろで鏡広げて見せられた時後ろが癖あってあれ?って思ったけどその場で言わず帰った。やはり、右後ろが癖でダメだった。前髪もダメ。やった意味ない。 美容師何年もやってるんだから、仕上がりダメなことわかってたのに平然と見せられるのもどうかと思うし失敗しといて、遠回しにもう来るな的なこと言われたし、、よく言えたなと。 どうせやり直してもダメだと思ってたから、やり直しじゃなくて返金してもらえばよかった。 2万3千円もかけて髪は納得いかないし腹立つし 泣けてくる。 なんで時間とお金かけて嫌な思いしなきゃいけないのか。結局また髪しばって過ごしてます。前髪も変だし最悪。お金返して欲しい。 最後にあなたたちのせいで毎日悲しい思いをしている人のこと忘れないでください。 そしてあたしのような被害者が出ませんように。
I left my hair for about a year because I made a mistake when I had my hair curled last time, and since the rainy season is coming, I searched for a place where my hair was curly and used it for the first time. It's natural that the curly hair doesn't get wet with medicine, but it's not straight because it has a habit. It seems that only weak medicine can get wet where it is damaged, and it still has a habit. Why didn't you explain before doing that you shouldn't get the medicine wet on the curly hair, apply the weak medicine on the damaged part, and leave the swell? It's funny that everyone wants to straighten their hair. I spent 23,000 yen, but I wasn't satisfied with the finish and asked to start over. I tried again after all, but it didn't work. The left side, which I especially wanted to start over, is beautiful, but this time the right back, which has not been treated with medicine, looks about 2 cm shorter due to the habit. What surprised me was that when I first had my hair straightened, the hairdresser here cut the length, but the manager who tried again said that it was 2 cm longer on the right side when it was cut. I thought, "What? I had you cut the length here?" The person who did it first, the bangs die because the bangs are scooped without permission, and the length is only 2 cm longer on the right, which is the worst. The store manager who tried again had a habit in the back when he was shown to open the mirror behind him. I thought, but I went home without saying it on the spot. After all, the back right was a habit and it was useless. No bangs. There is no point in doing it. I've been a beautician for many years, so I knew that the finish wasn't good, but I wondered if I could show it calmly. When. I thought it wouldn't work if I tried again, so I should have refunded it instead of trying again. It costs 23,000 yen and my hair is not convincing and I get angry I'm crying. Why do I have to spend time and money to feel unpleasant? After all, I'm spending my hair tied up again. The bangs are also strange and the worst. I want you to return the money. Finally, don't forget those who are sad every day because of you. And I hope there will be no victims like me.
M M& on Google

お世話になり始めて、約2年になります。 今まで通った美容室の中で一番信頼&信用できるサロンです。もう他の美容室に変える事は無いと思います!それぐらい信頼できるサロンです(^ ^)痛みがすごく、癖が強い私の髪を綺麗になるようにホームケアなどのアドバイスと丁寧な対応で毎回綺麗に仕上げてくれました。そのおかげで自分で髪を触る事が好きなるまでに髪が綺麗に回復できました(*^▽^*)そして周りからも、髪を褒められるようになりました!お店の方達も本当に親切で会話も楽しいです⭐︎本気で髪を綺麗にしたい人は本当にオススメの美容室です(^^)これからもずっと利用させてもらいます!
It's been about two years since I started to take care of it. It is the most reliable and reliable salon I have ever visited. I don't think I'll change to another dressing shop anymore! It's such a reliable salon (^ ^) The pain is so great that my hair, which has a strong habit, is beautifully finished every time with advice such as home care and polite response. Thanks to that, I was able to recover my hair beautifully by the time I liked to touch it myself (* ^ ▽ ^ *), and I was able to praise my hair from all around me! The shop staff are really kind and the conversation is fun ⭐︎ If you really want to clean your hair, this is a really recommended beauty salon (^^) I will continue to use it!
chii on Google

Open当初から利用させていただいてます。 サラサラ、ツヤツヤのロングヘアで居たい私にはここの美容室ではないとダメですね。 カラー&アイロンでボロボロになってた髪が通ううちに元気を取り戻して今はサラツヤ髪を保っています。 何度か他の美容室でカラートリートメントをしましたが、仕上がりが全く違う…全然ツヤもないし、ボサッと感。他の所行くと余計にテラさんの良さが身に染みてわかりました。 テラさんのカラートリートメントはいろいろな髪に良い成分を調合しているそうで、本当に魔法をかけたみたいに、仕上がりがキラキラしてます! 手触りも申し分ないです。 魔法の薬もどんどん進化しているみたいで、これからもずっと通わせていただきます。 今度は思い切ってストレートしたいです!
I have been using it since the beginning of Open. For me who wants to have long hair that is smooth and shiny, it must be a beauty salon here. As my hair, which had been damaged by color and iron, passed through, I regained my energy and now I am keeping my hair smooth and shiny. I did color treatments at other beauty salons several times, but the finish is completely different ... It's not glossy at all, and it feels dry. When I went to other places, I realized how good Terra was. Terra's color treatment seems to contain various ingredients that are good for hair, and the finish is brilliant as if it was really magical! The texture is also perfect. It seems that magical medicine is evolving steadily, and I will continue to use it. I want to take the plunge and straighten this time!

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