廻転鮨処 海幸(うみ) の宴

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 廻転鮨処 海幸(うみ) の宴

住所 :

Fukujima, Suzaka, 〒382-0000 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.uminoutage.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM
街 : Nagano

Fukujima, Suzaka, 〒382-0000 Nagano,Japan
oshiri on Google

普段は○っぱ寿司ばかり行きますが、ネタが全く違います!うまいっ! 小さい子供とお邪魔しましたが小さいお寿司もサービスして頂きました。ありがとうございました。また伺います!
I usually go to ○ Pappa sushi, but the material is completely different! Good! I visited with a small child, but they also served small sushi. Thank you very much. I will visit you again!
シュワイP on Google

土曜日のお昼に家族4人で伺いました。 回転寿司ではあるんですが、オーダーを伝えて手渡しで頂くのがメインになります。寿司ネタもすごく良くて、その分値段も高いですが、満足度はとても高いです♪ お昼の開店時間11:30に入店しましたが、そのあと、どんどんお客さんが来てました。ともかくも良いお店だと思います(^_^)
I visited with four family members at noon on Saturday. It's a conveyor belt sushi, but the main thing is to tell the order and hand it over. The sushi material is also very good and the price is high, but the satisfaction is very high ♪ I entered the store at 11:30, which is the opening time of lunch, but after that, more and more customers came. Anyway, I think it's a good shop (^_^)
上杉享 on Google

美味しいお寿司を食べたければここ。ネタもシャリも美味しい。時々の旬のネタや変わったネタも食べられる。 海無し県の長野にいて、これだけのレベルのお寿司を食べられるのは凄いと思う。価格は高めだけれどそれに見合う満足感が得られます。
If you want to eat delicious sushi, here. Both the ingredients and the rice are delicious. You can also eat seasonal and unusual ingredients. I think it's amazing to be in Nagano, Uminashi prefecture, and eat sushi of this level. The price is high, but you can get the satisfaction that is worth it.
h y on Google

味、接客ともに中の下。 ネギトロ"は"おいしかったです。 店員さんの当たり外れがあり、ハズレを引くとバカにされてるような感じがして、とても不愉快な気持ちのままお寿司を食べることになりますのでご注意を。
Both taste and customer service are below the middle. "Negitoro" was "delicious". Please note that there is a hit and miss of the clerk, and if you get lost, you will feel like you are being ridiculed, and you will eat sushi with a very unpleasant feeling.
さんりん on Google

明るい感じの店内で、雰囲気は良いです。 本マグロは少々厚みがあり、美味しかったです。バチマグロを子供達にさび抜きで注文したところ筋の多い、薄ーい品物がでてきました。 大体一皿250円から700円の高級寿司です。5人家族で31皿頂きました。12000円程でした。帰りに1人300円のクーポン券5人分頂きました。この間スシローで、マグロとブリが、とっても美味しかったので、それより期待して行ったせいもあったのか、少々がっかりです。 北海道で、美味しいお寿司を食べたことがあるので、こちらは比べてしまうと、...です。お値段が高級なら、ネタも高級にして欲しいです。
The atmosphere is good in the bright interior. This tuna was a little thick and delicious. When I ordered bigeye tuna from children without rust, I found a thin item with many streaks. It is a high-class sushi that costs about 250 to 700 yen per plate. I got 31 dishes for a family of five. It was about 12000 yen. On the way back, I received a coupon of 300 yen per person for 5 people. During this time, the tuna and yellowtail were very delicious at Sushiro, so I was a little disappointed that I was expecting more than that. I've eaten delicious sushi in Hokkaido, so if you compare this, it's ... If the price is high, I want the material to be high.
こしき on Google

美味しいと聞いて初めて来ます。 好きなマグロをひと通注文。本鮪赤身、中トロ、大トロどれも満足感が110円寿司の比じゃない。お値段もそれなりだし。鉢マグロは本鮪に比べて歯応えがあり、ネギトロ軍艦は綺麗なピンク色!口内の熱で溶けていく感じ。 ホタテは大ぶりでこれまた歯応えがいい。 本日のおすすめ的な中から芽ネギも。海苔で巻いてなく食べやすくてしゃっきり美味しい。 店内も明るくて店員さんの接客も良く、いいお寿司屋さんに心もお腹も満足です。 また行きます。
I will come for the first time when I hear that it is delicious. Order one of your favorite tuna. Satisfaction with lean tuna, medium fatty tuna, and large fatty tuna is not comparable to 110 yen sushi. The price is reasonable. The pot tuna is more chewy than the main tuna, and the Negitoro warship is a beautiful pink color! It feels like it melts with the heat in your mouth. The scallops are large and crunchy. From today's recommended items, we also have scallions. It's not wrapped in seaweed and it's easy to eat and it's crisp and delicious. The inside of the restaurant is bright and the staff are very friendly, and I am satisfied with the good sushi restaurant. I will go again.
ae86koma on Google

I think it's the most delicious at a chain store. I also went to chain stores in Ishikawa and Toyama prefectures, but the sea party is more delicious ♪ Well, the price is reasonably high, but it's worth it. Isn't it necessary to go to a store near the sea?
Valens Lee on Google

Very fresh sashimi, reasonable price but good quality.

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