Fujisengen Shrine - Seto

2.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Fujisengen Shrine

住所 :

Seto, Aichi 489-0965, Japan

Postal code : 489-0965

Seto, Aichi 489-0965, Japan
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I'm sure there is a benefit to you, so why don't you visit us once? In the Taisho era, there is a sense of history, because a large area was used, Shinto rituals are held during the year-end and New Year holidays.
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瀬戸市上之山町 当時青少年公園だったものが2005年の愛・地球博開催に伴い、この辺りも大きく変貌した。 名古屋と足助方向を結ぶ猿投グリーンロード、その八草ICから南北に続く国道155号線を瀬戸方向に進むと上之山方向に至ります。 国道の右手(東)は新たに区画整理されたお洒落な住宅地、左手(西)は里山に住宅が点在する昔ながらの原風景と随分と差がある。 東方向の山は万博会場ともなった海上の森、更に東は猿投山へと続いていきます。 冨士浅間神社は国道の上之山町信号を過ぎで1~2分程先を左に入った標高約150㍍程の山の頂に鎮座します。国道から左に入ってからは細い上り坂を上へ〃と登っていきます。 細い上り坂は、やがて今は使われていないと思われるプレハブの事務所や社宅のある場所に辿り着く。 そこから先は車では進めない。 幅員も狭く空き地があったので気を利かせてそこに止めると私有地なのでお叱りを受けます。 車道の幅員がある場所に駐車して欲しいと教えられる。 頂きにある神社へはここから整備された参道(山道)を徒歩で登る事になります。 参道途中から東方には整然と住宅が並ぶ瀬戸万博記念公園方向の眺め。 山は適度に樹々が伐採され、日差しも良く入り、開けた明るい道が続きます。 写真の百度石が現れれば富士浅間神社も目と鼻の先。 百度石を過ぎると参道脇に霊神碑と右手に堂が見えてきます。 富士と名の付く冨士山信仰の神社は近隣にも結構あり、冨士浅間神社という事で霊峰富士を信仰する山をイメージしていたけれど、御嶽信仰の山でもあるようです。 参道の石鳥居、その右の堂は御嶽神社。 堂内部をガラス越しに覗いてみると、見慣れた山丸三の紋の下に心が書かれた神幕が見て取れます。 御嶽講は大きく黒沢口を開いた覚明系と王滝口を開いた晋覚(ふかん)系に分かれ、そこから地域ごとに誕生講や心願講等が下に広がるようです。 自信はないけれど「山丸三に心」の紋は心願講をさし示しているものかもしれない。 堂から上に進むと、両脇に大きな石碑と山肌に埋め込まれる様に祠があり、素朴な姿の不動明王像が安置されている。 最後の石段を登るとそこが山頂。 正面に社殿と右に立山神社と白山??神社と彫られた一つの石標がある。 想像していた境内のイメージは樹々が鬱蒼と生い茂る狭い空間をだったけれど、綺麗に整地され閉塞感を感じるものではありません。 石垣が高く積まれ、玉垣で囲われた神殿域に覆屋があり、本殿はその中に祀られています。 左右にも社があるようです。 境内左に一際大きな霊神碑と右手に手水鉢がありますが清水は満たされていませんでした。 蛇口がある訳でもなし、どうやって清水を満たすものなのか。 境内の鳥居や玉垣の奉納年が1918年(大正7)、燈籠なども大正時代のものが主のようです。 社殿全景。 中央が富士浅間神社、両脇の社の一つを御嶽神社と仮定して、もう一つはなんだろう。 社名札はなく創建など詳細は分かりません。 小高い山の頂に山岳信仰の冨士や御嶽などの社が纏まっているのかなぁ。 大正時代といえども、登拝登山など気軽に出かけられる環境ではなかっただろう、日々崇める目的で身近な山の頂に社を祀りお山に見立てたのだろう。 玉垣の陰になり存在に気付かなかった本殿前の狛犬(奉納年不明)。 小柄ですがこちらを睨む眼差しなど勇ましいものがある。 浅間神社という事で、祭神は小授け・安産に御神徳があるとされる木花咲耶姫命をお祀りしていると思われます。 社殿側面。 城壁の様な石垣の上の玉垣は大正7年とあるけれど、1933年(昭和8)に改築されているようで、正面の石段脇に刻まれています、そこには山口硝子組合と記されています。硝子? 瀬戸は焼物の街の印象が強いけれど、ガラスの原料となる珪砂の産出地として知られ、八草地域も珪砂の産出地で露天掘りの鉱山があります。 この辺りの山間を走っていると、荷台に砂を積んで走るダンプの姿をよく目にしますがそれが珪砂です。 余談ですが、若かりし頃に未舗装路を好んで走り回っていた時期があり、良く走らせてもらったものです。 神社の継続的な維持には地元に勢いのある企業があるか否かで大きな差が出てくるものです。 山の頂にあって、富士浅間神社が荒廃する事もなく維持できているのはそうした背景もあるのか。 本殿域の西側に開けた場所があります。 見落としているかもしれませんが、ここを切り開くだけの重機が入れる道はなかったように思います。 こうして見るとその昔は城でも建っていたような雰囲気が漂います。 広場から見た社殿域はまさに山のテッペンです。 参拝を終え参道を5分も下れば車に辿り着けます。 斜度は緩く、ちょっとした低山ハイク気分が味わえ、足拵えもスニーカーで問題ないでしょう。 ただし地面に落ちた枯れ葉は気を抜くと滑りやすいので、標高は低いけれどそこだけは要注意かもしれません。 行きは景色を楽しむ余裕が無かったけれど、こうして見ると猿投山も良く見えます。 ハスキーを飼っていた頃はよく一緒に上ったものです、一人で心細くなかったのは彼がいたおかげかも知れない。 最近はこうして一人で歩いていると、先から得体のしれない黒い物体が走ってくるような気がしてならない。走ってくるのは相棒の彼じゃない事だけは確かだ。 2021/2/3 「富士浅間神社」 創建 / 不明 祭神 / 木花咲耶姫命 境内社 / 不明社2社 住所 / ​ 瀬戸市上之山町1 車でのアクセス / 猿投グリーンロード​八草ICから国道155号線を瀬戸方向に3分程北上し左折​
Uenoyama-cho, Seto City What used to be a youth park at that time has undergone a major transformation with the 2005 Ai-Chikyu Expo. From the Sanage Green Road that connects Nagoya and Asuke, take Route 155, which runs north and south from the Yakusa IC, toward Seto, and you will reach Uenoyama. The right side (east) of the national highway is a newly reorganized and stylish residential area, and the left side (west) is quite different from the old-fashioned original scenery with houses scattered in the satoyama. The mountain in the east direction leads to Kaisho Forest, which was also the venue for the Expo, and further east to Mt. Sanage. Fuji Asama Shrine sits on the top of a mountain at an altitude of about 150 m, which is about 1 to 2 minutes ahead after passing the Uenoyamacho signal on the national highway. After turning left from the national highway, climb up a narrow uphill. The narrow uphill eventually leads to a prefabricated office or office that seems to be unused now. You can't drive beyond that point. The width was narrow and there was a vacant lot, so if you take care and stop there, you will be scolded because it is private land. You are told that you want to park in a place with the width of the road. To reach the shrine at the top, you will have to walk up the approach (mountain road) that has been maintained from here. A view toward the Seto Banpaku Memorial Park, where houses are lined up in an orderly manner to the east from the middle of the approach. The mountains are moderately deforested, well lit and open, with bright roads. If the Hyakudoishi in the photo appears, Fuji Asama Shrine is just a stone's throw away. After passing Hyakudoishi, you will see the sacred monument on the side of the approach and the temple on your right. There are quite a few shrines of Fujisan worship named Fuji in the neighborhood, and although I imagined a mountain that worships the sacred mountain Fuji because it is Fuji Asama Shrine, it seems that it is also a mountain of Mitake worship. The stone torii gate on the approach to the shrine, and the temple to the right is Mitake Shrine. If you look inside the hall through the glass, you can see the shrine with the heart written under the familiar crest of Yamamaru San. Ontake-ko is divided into Kakumyo-type, which opened Kurosawaguchi, and Fukan-type, which opened Otakiguchi. From there, it seems that birth lectures and wish lectures spread down in each region. I'm not confident, but the crest of "Yamamaru San ni Kokoro" may indicate a wish lecture. Going up from the temple, there are large stone monuments on both sides and a shrine embedded in the mountain surface, and a simple statue of Fudo Myo is enshrined. When you climb the last stone steps, you will reach the summit. There is a shrine on the front and a stone sign carved with Tateyama Shrine and Hakusan ?? Shrine on the right. The image of the precincts I had imagined was a narrow space where the trees were dense and overgrown, but the ground was neatly leveled and I didn't feel a sense of blockage. There is a shrine in the temple area surrounded by Tamagaki, where stone walls are piled up high, and the main shrine is enshrined in it. There seems to be a company on the left and right. There is a large sacred monument on the left side of the precincts and a chozubachi on the right side, but Shimizu was not filled. There is no faucet, how do you fill Shimizu? The torii gate and Tamagaki in the precincts were dedicated in 1918 (Taisho 7), and the lanterns are mainly from the Taisho era. A panoramic view of the shrine. Assuming that the center is Fuji Asama Shrine and one of the shrines on both sides is Mitake Shrine, what is the other? There is no company name tag and details such as the construction are unknown. I wonder if there are companies such as Fuji and Mitake of mountain worship on the top of a small mountain. Even in the Taisho era, it would not have been an environment where people could easily go out for worship and mountain climbing. A guardian dog in front of the main shrine that was behind Tamagaki and did not notice its existence (year of dedication unknown). Although it is small, there are brave things such as a glance at this. Asama Shrine, it is believed that the deity enshrines Konohanasakuya Himemei, who is said to have the virtues of giving small gifts and giving birth easily. The side of the shrine. The Tamagaki on the stone wall like a castle wall is said to be in Taisho 7th year, but it seems that it was rebuilt in 1933 (Showa 8), and it is engraved on the side of the stone steps in the front, which is written as Yamaguchi Glass Association. I am. glass? Although Seto has a strong impression of a pottery town, it is known as a source of silica stone, which is a raw material for glass, and the Yakusa area is also a source of silica stone, and there are open pit mines. When running in the mountains around here, you often see dump trucks running with sand on the loading platform, which is silica sand. As an aside, there was a time when I was young and liked to run around on dirt roads, so I was able to run well. The continuous maintenance of a shrine makes a big difference depending on whether or not there is a strong local company. Is there such a background that Fuji Asama Shrine can be maintained without being devastated at the top of the mountain? There is an open area on the west side of the main shrine area. You may have overlooked it, but I don't think there was a way for heavy equipment to open up here. Looking at it in this way, there is an atmosphere that used to be built in a castle. The shrine area seen from the square is exactly the teppen of the mountain. After worshiping, you can reach the car in 5 minutes down the approach. The slope is gentle, you can feel a little low mountain hike, and you can use sneakers for your feet. However, the dead leaves that have fallen to the ground are slippery if you take care of them, so although the altitude is low, you may need to be careful. I couldn't afford to enjoy the scenery, but when I look at it like this, I can see Mt. Sanage well. I used to go up with him when I had a husky, and maybe it was because he wasn't alone. Nowadays, when I walk alone like this, I don't feel like a black object running from the beginning. It is certain that he is not the one who runs. 2021/2/3 "Fuji Asama Shrine" Founded / unknown Religious God / Konohanasakuya Himemei Precincts company / 2 unknown companies Address / 1 Uenoyama-cho, Seto City Access by car / From Sanage Green Road Yakusa IC, head north on Route 155 in the direction of Seto for about 3 minutes and turn left.

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