Fujimaki Select Ginza Store - Chuo City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujimaki Select Ginza Store

住所 :

東急プラザ銀座 B1F 5 Chome-2-1 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト : http://fujimaki-select.com/ext/shop/ginza/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

東急プラザ銀座 B1F 5 Chome-2-1 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
900-P X on Google

I went to procure a present. We have good quality products and you can count on them.
Chika Yamamoto on Google

素敵な切子のグラスがあります。 ちょっと変わったグラスもあるので見ていて飽きないです。
There is a nice faceted glass. There are some unusual glasses, so I never get tired of looking at them.
M Ogk on Google

I came to see the goods because there are various goods that look good. It was just before the store closed, but the clerk responded politely.
neko manul on Google

店員さんが親切で丁寧に説明してくれる。 贈り物を選ぶのにも便利。
The clerk will explain kindly and politely. Also convenient for choosing gifts.
落合輝美 on Google

I wanted to see the actual product while looking at the web, so I went to see it, but it was a surprisingly small space. It was a pity that I couldn't find the product I was looking for, but it was a traditional craft that I could find out by looking at the Fujimaki Department Store website, so I thought it was okay. The clerk was very close to the customer and explained the product carefully.
Kiyoshi Miyazaki on Google

全国より選りすぐりの商品を通販で販売する藤巻百貨店、最近では全国各地にリアル店舗も出来始めているようです。 以前から時折伺っているソニープラザ内の店舗へ。 様々なテナントが入る同ビル、その一角に小さいながら人を集める店舗が藤巻百貨店なのです。 どうしても実物を見てから決めたい商品や大きさを知りたい商品があると確かめに行きます。 店員さんは商品をよく学んでいるし、自社のオススメの理由やポイントをよく知っているので安心です。 本日も良い買い物をさせていただきました。
Fujimaki Department Store, which sells selected products from all over the country by mail order, and recently, it seems that real stores are starting to open all over the country. To the store in Sony Plaza that I have visited from time to time. Fujimaki Department Store is a small store that attracts people in the same building that houses various tenants. I will go to see if there is a product that I want to decide or a size that I want to know after seeing the real thing. The clerk is relieved because he is learning the product well and knows the reasons and points of his recommendation. I did a good shopping today.
H F on Google

色が変わるマグカップを買いに訪問しました。 別の方が見ててどうしようか迷ってたらすぐに店員さんが声をかけてくれて、別のところから品物を持ってきてくれました。品物も店員さんも素晴らしかったです。 別の物もほしくなったので時間をつくってまた伺います。
I visited to buy a mug that changes color. As soon as another person looked at me and was wondering what to do, the clerk called out and brought me the goods from another place. The goods and the clerk were wonderful. I want something else, so I'll take some time to come back again.
Wataru Tanitsu on Google

So interesting variety of manufacturers.

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