キッチン 心 - Nagoya

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact キッチン 心

住所 :

Fujigaoka, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0032 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 465-0032
街 : Aichi

Fujigaoka, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0032 Aichi,Japan
Y Y on Google

みなさん書かれているように、店名にある「心」が感じられない接客(主に店主)でした。 こちらの笑い声がすこし大きかったのもあるのですが、キッと睨まれて「騒がないでもらえますか」と一喝されました。何回も注意した後だったらわかるのですが、あの程度の声のボリュームでいきなり怒鳴られるとは思いませんでした…もっと違う言い方はできないものか…その後のお会計の対応も含めて接客業云々以前の問題ですね。 味は悪くないだけに非常に残念です。
As everyone wrote, it was a customer service (mainly the store owner) who could not feel the "heart" in the store name. There was a little loud laughter here, but I was glared at him and asked, "Can you make no noise?" I know after paying attention many times, but I didn't think that the volume of the voice would suddenly yell at me ... Isn't it possible to say something different? It's a previous problem. It's very disappointing because the taste is not bad.
Shinji Kawase on Google

家内がとても混んでいるお店と言っていましたが、三連休の最後の夜訪問しました。 お店は空いていてすぐに案内されました。 ハンバーグセットとおさかなセット、生ビールをオーダー。 すぐにビールが出てきましたが料理はかなり遅れて出てきました。その辺りはもう少し合わせても良いのでは、と思いました。 料理はどれもとても美味しく前菜にはカニクリームコロッケがあったのはびっくり(笑) スープが桃の冷製スープ、あまり甘くもなく桃の風味でとても美味しかったです。 メインのハンバーグもムニエルも美味しかったですよ。 接客についていろいろ書かれていますが、ホームページに書いてある事を見ればどういうスタイルでやっているか理解出来ると思います。 その上でレビューを見れば参考になるでしょう。
I said that my wife was very crowded, but I visited on the last night of the three consecutive holidays. The shop was vacant and I was immediately informed. I ordered a hamburger set, a fish set, and draft beer. Beer came out soon, but the food came out quite late. I thought it would be okay to match that area a little more. All the dishes were very delicious and I was surprised that there was a crab cream croquette as an appetizer (laugh) The soup was a cold peach soup, which was not very sweet and had a peach flavor and was very delicious. Both the main hamburger and Meuniere were delicious. There are various articles about customer service, but you can understand what kind of style you are doing by looking at what is written on the homepage. If you look at the reviews on that, it will be helpful.
7n4grt on Google

何時もお世話になっている知人ご紹介店。 曰く、「ここね〜、オーナーの腕は確かで一品一品が素晴らしい。でもそのオーナー含め、接客態度は最悪なんだよ。最初に来た時にもう二度と来るかって思った。でもまた来たよ(笑)。やはりもう絶対来ない!でも結局また行ったんだよね(爆笑)。」 ちなみにネットでのレビュー見ると、確かにおっしゃる通り。 そんな会話を思い出しつつ、今日初めて訪問。 東山線藤が丘駅から徒歩数分、静かな住宅街の中。ここを目当てにしない限り、まあヨソ者は知らないだろうね。お昼開店が11時半、一番乗りでもう一組と同時に入店。 お店の話をして友人と訪問。お薦めの蟹クリームコロッケと、俺が大好きな牡蠣フライランチをオーダー。 まず4種の前菜。フライの中身はお米、しかし不思議な味付で美味しいが中身の隠し味は不明? 次に今日のスープは薩摩芋。んん?甘〜い。スープに薩摩芋って珍しいんじゃないか。 メインに蟹クリームコロッケと牡蠣フライ、半分ずつシェアして自家製タルタルソースとレモン等で。おおっ⁉️井之頭五郎になった気分でご飯と一緒に。 二人で約3,000円のランチでした。 風評での不快は全く感じず、オーナー・接待のヲナゴさんもにこやか。敢えて言えばランチメニューにしては量が少なく満腹には程遠い。コスパはあまり良くないけど、オーナーの腕前は確かだったと。 ご馳走様でした。
An acquaintance introduction store that you always take care of. He said, "Here, the owner's skill is certain and each item is wonderful. But the owner and the customer attitude are the worst. I thought that I would come again when I first came. But I came again (laugh) I definitely won't come anymore! But I went again again (laughs). " By the way, if you look at the reviews on the net, you are right. I visited for the first time today, remembering such a conversation. A few minutes' walk from Fujigaoka Station on the Higashiyama Line, in a quiet residential area. Unless you look here, you'll probably not know. Lunch opens at 11:30, the first time and the other pair enters at the same time. Talk about the store and visit with friends. Order the recommended crab cream croquette and my favorite oyster fry lunch. First of all, four kinds of appetizers. The content of the fry is rice, but it is delicious with mysterious flavor, but the secret taste of the content is unknown? Next, today's soup is Satsuma sweet potato. Hmm? sweet. Satsuma sweet potato is rare in soup. Mainly crab cream croquette and fried oysters, share half and half with homemade tartar sauce and lemon. Along with rice in the mood that I became Goro Inokashira. It was about 3,000 yen lunch for two people. I did not feel any discomfort in the reputation, and the owner and entertainment Mr. Nago was smiling. The amount is small for a lunch menu and it is far from being full. Cospa isn't very good, but the owner's skill was certain. It was a treat.
8はち on Google

藤が丘にある洋食屋さん。一つ入った住宅街にあります。一つ一つ丁寧に仕上げてあり とても良い。一つ言うならデザートをもう一捻りほしい
A Western-style restaurant in Fujigaoka. It is located in a residential area. Each one is carefully finished and is very good. If you say one thing, I want you to twist another dessert
ドラ on Google

ご近所さんの美味しい洋食屋さんです。 ツヤツヤのご飯、美味しい赤出し、メインや付け合わせのサラダまでどれも丁寧に作られていて、本当に良い仕事をされているなといつも感じます。 私はお魚とカニクリームが大好きです! 悪い口コミ等ありますが、私も過去に一度、主人と行った際にマスクを外して会話しており、注意を受けた事があります。 けどそれはそのお店のルールなので、それを承知で美味しいご飯を食べたい目的の方だけ、ルールを守れる方だけ、来店されたら良いと思います。 逆にその後は、コロナ禍でも安心していけるお店となりました。笑 その後、姉を連れて行ったらお会計の際に、『お友達連れて来てくれてありがとうございます。』とマスターは覚えて下さってました。 マスターもスタッフの方も、良い方だと思います。
It is a delicious Western-style restaurant in your neighborhood. Shiny rice, delicious red rice, main dish and side salad are all carefully prepared, and I always feel that I'm doing a really good job. I love fish and crab cream! There are bad reviews, but once in the past, when I went with my husband, I took off my mask and had a conversation, and I was warned. However, that is the rule of the restaurant, so I think that only those who are aware of it and want to eat delicious rice, and those who can follow the rules should come to the restaurant. On the contrary, after that, it became a shop where you can rest assured even if the corona is bad. Lol After that, when I took my sister with me, when I checked out, I said, "Thank you for bringing my friends. "The master remembered. I think both the master and the staff are good people.
Yasu Yu on Google

料理は美味しかったですが忙しいからなのか これは何ですか?の問に面倒な感じでの返事にガッカリ お昼だからバタバタしてるよね だからメイン届くまで食べずに待ってたのに… カニはアレルギーなのでコロッケの中に入ってるのか確認したかったのよ? 「リゾット」とだけ言われたから カニは入ってませんか?と聞いただけなのに… ブロッコリーとホタテにかけてあるマヨはカニマヨでした?アレルギーの方はご注意ください 早口での説明はわからないし ここ初めてなのに 悲しかった 駐車場は目の前も含めて8台あるらしい? 支払いは友達と別々はできません! 帰りもなんだか怒ってた感じ 何かしたかなぁ?
The food was delicious, but is it because I'm busy? What is this? I was disappointed with the troublesome reply to the question, so I was fluttering because it was lunch, so I waited without eating until the main arrived ... Crabs are allergic so I wanted to see if they were in the croquette ? Isn't there a crab because I was only told "risotto"? I just heard ... Mayo on broccoli and scallops was crab mayo ? Please be careful if you are allergic I don't understand the tongue twister It ’s my first time here I was sad It seems that there are 8 parking lots including the one in front of you ? Payment cannot be separated from friends! I felt angry on my way home I wonder what I did ?
小松弘明 on Google

100 famous Western restaurants in Fujigaoka, Meito-ku, the taste is good, but the customer service is the worst. When I checked the phone, I felt a scale. It's difficult to leak noise that is jarring. The order is a limited number of hospitality lunches on weekdays. A lot of varieties in small quantities, especially the deliciousness of crab cream croquette, it is rich and contains not only crab but also scallops. At the time of payment, I was chef-friendly, but I thought it wasn't bad because I was a craftsman who wasn't amiable at times (laughs).
nagoya spa on Google






I was curious about the 100 famous Western restaurants in Tabelog in Fujigaoka, so I went there for lunch. The interior has a modern and calm atmosphere. Jazz is played comfortably in BGM. Immediately, I ordered a heart lunch (1,680 yen) with 100% Wagyu beef hamburger steak and canicolo, which I decided instantly from the lunch menu. Although it is a small hamburger steak, the rich demiglace sauce with plenty of meat taste matches and it is really delicious! !! !! The crab cream croquette was also very rich, but the rice was less and it was the 8th minute lunch. The customer service was dry, but it was usually good.

Thank you for the meal.

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