
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花むら

住所 :

Fuda, Chofu, 〒182-0024 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Tokyo

Fuda, Chofu, 〒182-0024 Tokyo,Japan
米丸基嗣 on Google

青木陽子 on Google

You can relax at a small restaurant.
中園浩子 on Google

It was clean and very nice for the master shop. It was very elegant and delicious. It's a great way to meet customers and meet up with friends.
めめ on Google

割烹料理を標榜し主食を提供していながら「喫煙目的店」を掲げる改正健康増進法や東京都受動喫煙防止条例への抵触が疑われる店 安全安心のためのルールに従わない店の料理は怖い
A store that is suspected of violating the revised Health Promotion Law and the Tokyo Metropolitan Passive Smoking Prevention Ordinance, which advocates cooking dishes and offers staple foods but also has a "smoking purpose store". Cooking in a restaurant that does not follow the rules for safety and security is scary
増田浩介 on Google

2度、会社の仲間と利用させていただきました。 味付けも繊細で旬な食材を美味しくいただけるお店だと思います。 金額面はそれなりにしますが、『1UP』したい方にはオススメかもしれません 店長さんも日本酒好きでお酒のラインナップも良いと思います。 普段の居酒屋2回を止めてこの店1回にしても価値はあると思います。 ホクホクの筍はメニューに有ったら即注文してOK 海鮮サラダも手抜き無しのうまさ! 常連さんもカウンターにいますが 話しかけてはこないので安心して良いそうですww 気さくな店長も居ますし電通大学のアルバイト君も なかなかの仕事ぶりに感心します♪ 全然いちげんさんでも入れるお店だと思います 今後も利用したいお店でオススメできます。
I used it twice with my company colleagues. I think that this shop has delicate seasonings and you can enjoy seasonal ingredients. Although the amount of money will be reasonable, it may be recommended for those who want to "1UP" The store manager also likes sake and I think the sake lineup is good. I think it would be worthwhile to stop twice from the usual izakaya and go to this shop once. Hokuhoku bamboo shoots can be ordered immediately if they are on the menu The seafood salad is delicious! Regulars are also at the counter It doesn't come to talk, so it seems to be safe. There is a friendly store manager, and part-time job at Dentsu University I am very impressed with the way I work. I think it's a store where even Ichigen can enter I can recommend it at shops that I want to use in the future.
Chofu Chofu on Google

2020 年10月24日で建物建て替えのため一旦閉店。1年後の開店を楽しみにしてます。
Closed on October 24, 2020 due to building rebuilding. I am looking forward to the opening of the store one year later.
hiro koba on Google

It was renewed in a small shop. It's smaller, but it's still stable and delicious. Sake at the counter with sake!
さくっこ on Google

旨いものは、お金を出し惜しみしなければ手に入るとはよく言ったものです。しかしこの料理店、最高に旨いものをそこまで高くなく頂ける隠れた銘店…そう感じました。 リニューアル前にもお邪魔していましたが、今回はリニューアル後のお店に。カウンター数席とテーブルふた席のこじんまりとしたお店。 久々の訪問にワクワクしながら席に通される。 店主は変わらず柔らかい雰囲気で、気分がとてもいい。 そしてお通し…出てきた湯葉が日本酒に合う! 刺身もうまく作ってある…揚げ出し豆腐さくっじゅわ…磯辺ホタテ!旨味の爆弾! てな具合にいちいち感動してたら、あっという間に2時間半…酔いも回っていい気分で帰路につけました。 いつかまたきますので!待っててくださいね!
It's often said that good food can be obtained if you don't spare money. However, this restaurant is a hidden restaurant where you can get the best food at a reasonable price ... I felt that way. I used to bother you before the renewal, but this time I went to the store after the renewal. A small shop with several counter seats and table lid seats. I was excited to visit after a long time and was taken to a seat. The owner has the same soft atmosphere and feels very good. And through ... Yuba that came out goes well with sake! The sashimi is well made ... Fried tofu sakujuwa ... Isobe scallops! Umami bomb! I was impressed by how well I was doing, and in a blink of an eye, two and a half hours ... I felt good about getting drunk and went home. I will come back someday! Please wait!

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