Frendie - Bunkyo City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Frendie

住所 :

2 Chome-18-12 Nezu, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 113-0031
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

2 Chome-18-12 Nezu, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0031, Japan
짱구 on Google

친절하고 좋은 분위기 준수한 맛
Friendly and good atmosphere
なお on Google

I visited it twice because it was delicious, but the second time I was disappointed that the miso soup was sour. Was it the miso soup the day before?
Yuriko Yamanouchi on Google

Delicious homely food restaurant. I often came when I was a student. I went there for the first time in about 20 years, but I'm glad it hasn't changed.
Molina ri (モリナーリ) on Google

Expecting a general set-up restaurant is expensive, but you can fully enjoy its value. In particular, all fish dishes are polite work, so please take the courage and go upstairs. Communication with mother is also calm.
y y (青空) on Google

お魚定食がおすすめです。ご飯が美味しい。付け合わせの小鉢も美味しい。 そしてビールや日本酒も美味しいです。 おばちゃんの人柄に癒されます。 一人でも気軽に行きやすいお店。
A fish set meal is recommended. The rice is delicious. The garnished small bowl is also delicious. And beer and sake are also delicious. You will be healed by your aunt's personality. A shop that is easy to go to even by yourself.
F Kaki on Google

根津駅前の美味しい定食を食べられる店。和食・洋食ともに美味しいし、焼き魚定食は焼加減が絶妙。白米も炊きたてふっくら。 東大が近いからか、学生らしきグループが訪れては、留学生に和食の説明をしている姿などあって微笑ましい。夜は女性の一人客なども多いので、ちょっと入りづらいけれど思い切って入ってみることをお勧めします。夜も定食があるので、お酒メインじゃない人にもおすすめ。 店内に、何故か自転車ロードレースのアルベルト・コンタードールのサイン入りマリアローザのレプリカジャージが飾ってあって微妙に面白いです。
A restaurant where you can eat delicious set meals in front of Nezu Station. Both Japanese and Western dishes are delicious, and the grilled fish set meal is exquisitely cooked. Freshly cooked white rice is also fluffy. Perhaps because of the proximity of the University of Tokyo, a group that seems to be a student visits and is smiling with explanations of Japanese food being explained to foreign students. At night, there are many female customers, so it's a bit difficult to enter, but we recommend you to take the plunge. There are set meals at night, so it's recommended even for people who are not the main sake. For some reason, there is a replica of Maria Rosa's replica jersey by Alberto Contour d'Or, which is a bicycle road race, and it is slightly interesting.
plus kashiwa on Google

根津駅から徒歩30秒、ビルの2階にある定食屋さんです。 ランチで利用させていただきました。 階段を上って自動扉を入ると若干薄暗さのある昭和な喫茶店の様な感じの店内です。 ランチメニューは生姜焼き・焼き魚・ミックスフライなどおなじみの物で安心感があります。 焼き魚の定食を注文ししばし待ってると焼き魚定食が到着いたしました。 焼き魚はサバだったんですが、かなり小さい切り身でしたね。ただ塩気が強いので御飯が進みます。 また利用するかといわれると近くにある他の定食屋さんに行ってしまうかも知れません。
D. T. C. Wee on Google

Big serves. Great food. Reasonable prices. Spacious, relaxed atmosphere.

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