Foresta Verde Ladies Clinic - Yokohama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Foresta Verde Ladies Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-5-11 Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 224-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM

2 Chome-5-11 Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0003, Japan
M M on Google

無痛希望でしたが、費用が高く旦那も乗り気な病院ではなかったですが、先生も看護師さんも皆さん凄く良くして頂き退院する時は旦那もこの病院で良かったと満足出来ました。 特に良い所は病院内とても清潔トイレも常にキレイです、先生が何でも聞いてくれるし質問に答えてくれる、入院中に看護師さんが親身に付き添ってくれる、ご飯が豪華で美味しい! てな感じです。
Although it was painless hope, the cost was high and my husband was not a hospital I was willing to do, but I was satisfied that both my teacher and nurse were very good and when I left the hospital, my husband was good at this hospital. A particularly good place is the hospital, the toilet is very clean and the toilets are always beautiful, the teacher will ask you anything and answer any questions, the nurse will accompany you during hospitalization, the rice is luxurious and delicious! I feel like that.
mt adan on Google

無痛分娩希望でしたが、逆子のため帝王切開での出産になりました。 先生の技術が素晴らしかったです。傷もほとんど目立たない上に、全く痛みもありません。 検診料、入院出産費用はかなり高額ですが、食事がとてもおいしかったのと、先生はもちろん、助産師さん、看護師さんがとても親切でした。 強いて言うなら、アメニティがもっと多かったらいいのになと思いました。 また、産後の回復が非常に早くとても感謝しております。二人目も産むならまたお願いしたいです。
I wanted to have a labor analgesia, but because of my breech birth, I gave birth by Caesarean section. The teacher's technique was wonderful. The scratches are barely noticeable and there is no pain at all. The screening fee and hospitalization and childbirth costs are quite high, but the meal was very delicious, and the midwife and nurse, as well as the teacher, were very kind. I wish I had more amenities, if I had to say it. Also, I am very grateful for the quick recovery after childbirth. I would like to ask again if I will give birth to a second person.
ii m on Google

他院で出産予定ですが、こちらで超音波などの検査をするよう紹介されて初めて来ました。 超音波で赤ちゃんを見る時間をたっぷり作ってくださり、細かく説明してくれてとても嬉しかったです。話し方が優しく、リラックスした状態で赤ちゃんを見ることができました。綺麗な女性の先生でした。 また、院長先生にも診てもらいましたが感じの良い先生で話していてとても落ち着きました。不安なことあればまた相談来てねと言っていただけたこと、嬉しかったです。今回は紹介で来ただけなので、定期的に通うことはないのですが先生みないい人たちでした。 院内も綺麗だし、設備もきちんと整っているのでここで出産したいなという気持ちになりました。(他院で分娩予約入れてるので今回は残念ですが諦めます…)
I am planning to give birth at another hospital, but I came here for the first time when I was introduced to have an ultrasound examination. I was very happy that he gave me plenty of time to see the baby with ultrasound and explained it in detail. He spoke gently and was able to see the baby in a relaxed state. It was a beautiful female teacher. Also, I had the director consult me, but I was very calm because I was talking with a pleasant teacher. I was glad that you asked me to come back if you had any concerns. This time I was just introduced, so I don't go there regularly, but all the teachers were nice people. The hospital is clean and well equipped, so I felt like giving birth here. (I'm sorry this time because I have a delivery reservation at another hospital, but I will give up ...)
Ran hAna on Google

The teacher is polite and kind, and the response is quick, which is helpful. Although it is used for gynecology, it is a little inconvenient to use it only once a week. Also, the receptionist's friendliness is not very good, so I don't feel good. That's a shame.
suzuki suzuki on Google

ここで産んだ事をすごく後悔してます。 後遺症が残りました。 先生が何かしたかどうかは証拠もないのでわかりません。 ただ先生は見にも来てくれず、気にも止めていないようでした。家族への説明はこちらが怒ったらやっとしました。うちの家族はみんな心配していました。他院で診てもらったところ、注射のミスではないかといわれました。 別に訴えたりする気もありませんが、せめて謝罪の言葉が欲しかったです。 私が太ったせいだと先生はおっしゃってますが、他院の先生に伝えたら、太っただけでこんな事になるはずがないとのことでした。 地元なので仕方なくこの病院の前を通る事がありますが、恐怖症になってしまい思い出すだけでフラッシュバックしてふるえます。 正直あまりにひどい対応でこのまま治らなかったら死にたいと思うくらいでした。 1人良い助産師さんがいてその方は熱心にいろいろ調べてくれて感謝しています。 とても設備も良く儲かっているのでしょうが、産院選びは高いから良いわけではない事がよくわかりました。 本当につらい出産でした。我が子は可愛いですが、この病院のした事、対応には思い出すだけで涙が出ます。 悪い口コミなどは人生で1度も書いた事がありません。ですが、私と同じような思いをする人が一人でも減ってくれたらと思いました。 いろんなお産があると思います。ですが起きてしまった事への対応が大事なのではないでしょうか。 病院の同意書にサインした時点で何が起きても何も病院の責任がないように書かせているのでしょうけど、人としてどう対応するかというところは全く考えていないのが残念でたまりません。
I really regret having given birth here. Sequelae remained. I don't know if the teacher did anything because there is no evidence. However, the teacher didn't come to see me and didn't seem to care. I tried to explain to my family when I got angry. All my family were worried. When I was examined at another hospital, I was told that it was an injection mistake. I don't want to sue, but at least I wanted a word of apology. The teacher said that it was because I was fat, but when I told the teachers at other hospitals, it was not possible to do this just because I was fat. Since I am a local, I have no choice but to pass in front of this hospital, but I become phobic and just remember and shake back. To be honest, it was so terrible that I would have wanted to die if it didn't heal. I am grateful that there is one good midwife who has been enthusiastic about researching. The facilities are very good and profitable, but I understand that it is not good because the selection of maternity hospitals is expensive. It was a really hard birth. My child is cute, but just remembering what this hospital did and how to deal with it makes me cry. I have never written bad reviews in my life. However, I hope that the number of people who have the same feelings as me will decrease. I think there are various births. However, I think it is important to deal with what has happened. At the time of signing the hospital's consent form, it seems that the hospital is not responsible for anything that happens, but it is a pity that I do not think about how to respond as a person at all. Hmm.
とむ on Google

基本的には先生も助産師さんも看護師さんも皆んな親切で優しいです。2人目でお世話になりました。 4D超音波はとても良かった。ただめちゃくちゃ高いです。私が出産した5年前に比べると格段に値段が上がってきます。他院からだと4Dだけ希望でも15,000円もするので5,000円ぐらいでやってくれる他のクリニックをおすすめします。 ちなみに掛かりつけにしていても10,000円別途掛かりますので要注意。掛かりつけだと無料のところが多い中強気の値段設定だと思います。 ◎嫌だったこと 切迫で入院する事になった時クリニック都合で個室になったのになぜか個室代(差額ベッド代)が加算されていました。その時は金額どころではなかったので払ってしまいましたが後から調べると病院都合の個室料金は払わなくて良いとのことです。(大部屋が満床で空いてない、医学的理由で大部屋NG等)。なのでこれからの方は悪阻や切迫で入院する時勝手に個室に通されそうになったら「大部屋空いてませんか?病院都合の個室なら差額ベッド代掛かりませんよね?」と聞いてみて下さい。 1ヶ月ほど入院したのですがとにかくベッドが硬い!!身体中が痛くて本当に辛かったです。 シャワーも全ての部屋についている訳ではなく共用なので予約制です。比較的新しいクリニックのはずなのにTHE 病院という感じの質素なシャワールームです。 食事も美味しい事は美味しいのですが1人目の時のOクリニックと比べると質素に感じました。 最近はホテル並みの食事が提供される産婦人科がすごく多いですが、ここはお祝い膳以外は正直普通…です。隣のOクリニックの方が豪華でおやつもホテルのアフタヌーンみたいで見た目も華やかで美味しかったです。 ものすごく高額なのに部屋や設備が少し残念な感じでVIP部屋だけに力を入れてるという感じです。 一部の受付の方が無愛想で高圧的で怖かったです。最初の問い合わせの電話も感じが悪かったです。退院時受付の人が誰も写真撮ってくれなかった。仕方なく夫婦で順番で撮ったので家族写真がない。見送りも無く寂しかった。 あと、アメニティがホームページにはロクシタンと記載あるのに実際は無名のブランド?のものだった。
Basically, teachers, midwives and nurses are all kind and kind. Thank you for the second person. The 4D ultrasound was very good. It's just insanely expensive. The price is much higher than it was five years ago when I gave birth. From other clinics, even if you only want 4D, it costs 15,000 yen, so we recommend other clinics that will do it for about 5,000 yen. By the way, even if you hang it up, it costs 10,000 yen separately, so be careful. I think that it is a medium bullish price setting that there are many free places if it is a hanging. ◎ What I didn't like When I was hospitalized due to urgency, I became a private room due to the clinic's convenience, but for some reason the private room fee (difference bed fee) was added. At that time, I paid it because it was not the amount of money, but when I checked it later, it was said that I did not have to pay the private room fee for hospital convenience. (Large room is full and not vacant, large room NG for medical reasons, etc.). So, if you are going to be hospitalized due to morning sickness or urgency, please ask "Isn't there a large room available? If it's a private room for hospital convenience, you won't have to pay for the extra bed, right?" .. I was hospitalized for about a month, but the bed is hard! !! I had a pain in my body and it was really painful. Showers are not included in all rooms and are shared, so reservations are required. Although it should be a relatively new clinic, it is a simple shower room that feels like THE hospital. The food is delicious, but I felt it was simpler than the O Clinic when I was the first person. Recently, there are a lot of obstetrics and gynecology departments that offer hotel-like meals, but honestly, it's normal except for festive meals. The O Clinic next door was more luxurious and the snacks were like the afternoon of a hotel, and it looked gorgeous and delicious. Although it is extremely expensive, the rooms and facilities are a little disappointing, and I feel that I am focusing only on the VIP room. Some receptionists were unfriendly, overwhelming and scary. The first inquiry call was also unpleasant. No one at the reception desk took a picture at the time of discharge. I had no choice but to take pictures in order with my husband and wife, so I don't have a family photo. I was lonely without seeing off. Also, although the amenity is listed as L'Occitane on the homepage, is it actually an unknown brand? It was.
shiori sasa on Google

2人目をこちらで無痛分娩で産みました。検診の待ち時間は予約しても長いですが、丁寧に診てくださいます。 またお産自体は完全無痛で産後の回復やメンタル状態などが良く、大変快適&満足でした。 1人目は格安の他院で出産でしたが、看護師も医師も病院の設備自体も疑問や不安、不快な思いを感じましたが、今回は先生から看護師さん、助産師さん、全てに関して不快な思いをせず、退院するのが寂しいくらいでした。 3人目の予定はないですが、周りの友人にはここを勧めたいと思います。
I gave birth to a second child here with painless delivery. The waiting time for the examination is long even if you make a reservation, but please be careful. In addition, the childbirth itself was completely painless, and the recovery and mental condition after childbirth were good, so I was very comfortable and satisfied. The first one gave birth at a cheap other hospital, but the nurses, doctors, and hospital equipment themselves felt doubts, anxieties, and unpleasant feelings, but this time, regarding everything from teachers to nurses and midwives. I felt lonely to be discharged without feeling uncomfortable. I have no plans for a third person, but I would recommend this to my friends around me.
A R on Google

第二子をこちらで出産しました。 第一子が難産だったので心配していましたが、計画無痛で無事にお産出来ました。 産後の回復も早く先生やスタッフの皆様に大変感謝しております。 個室もホテルのように綺麗で使いやすく、入院中は毎朝看護師さんが水回りを綺麗に消毒してくださっていたので神経質な私でも安心して過ごせました。 入院中の食事(おやつも)も豪華で美味しかったです! 先生は優しく話しやすい方で、赤ちゃんのことが本当に大好きなんだなぁと思いました。 体重管理もあまりうるさく言われなかったのでストレスが少なかったです。 本当に良くして頂いたので退院するのが寂しかったです…。 出産後でしたが新型コロナのワクチンもこちらで2回打っていただきました(夫も)。 健診でクレジットカードが使えないのと(お産入院の時はカード使用可)、コロナ禍のため立ち合い出産がないのが残念でしたが、近隣でここまで手厚くしていただける病院はなかなか無いのでは?と思います。 第三子は考えていませんがもし次があったら絶対にまたここが良いです! クチコミで写真が撮れなかったとあったのですが、出産時のビデオ撮影と写真撮影、退院時もお願いして先生と写真撮ってもらえましたよ。
I gave birth to my second child here. I was worried because my first child had a difficult birth, but I was able to give birth safely without any pain. I am very grateful to the teachers and staff for their quick recovery after childbirth. The private room is as clean and easy to use as a hotel, and the nurse cleanly disinfects the water area every morning during hospitalization, so even I, who is nervous, could spend time with peace of mind. The food (snack) during hospitalization was also gorgeous and delicious! The teacher is kind and easy to talk to, and I really love babies. I wasn't too annoyed about weight management, so I was less stressed. I was lonely to be discharged because I got really good. After giving birth, I also got the new corona vaccine twice here (my husband). It was a pity that I couldn't use my credit card for the medical examination (the card can be used when I was hospitalized for childbirth), and I was disappointed that I couldn't have a baby because of the corona illness. ?? I think. I'm not thinking about my third child, but if I have the next one, it's definitely better here! I was told that I couldn't take a picture by word of mouth, but I asked him to take a video and a picture at the time of childbirth, and also at the time of discharge, and he took a picture with the teacher.

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