
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fleur

住所 :

Tama, 〒206-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://rinz-fleur.com/door/
街 : Tokyo

Tama, 〒206-0033 Tokyo,Japan
サト on Google

He listened to us about the concept and atmosphere he wanted, and took the pictures he wanted to take according to his wishes. The design of the kimono and obi is perfect for my taste and I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
くく on Google

Thank you for your support at Shichigosan at the Fleur Tama Center! All the staff were friendly and cheerful and had a good time. My children are not used to taking pictures, but they took good pictures! I'm really thankful to you!
miyako takamura on Google

To commemorate the graduation of elementary school, I had a photo taken with a hakama. Perhaps because my daughter was around the age, I told her in advance that she was not good at being told "laughing" or "cute". I am grateful to you for proceeding with the shooting with a simple voice as you wish. thank you!
みつきみにい on Google

七五三で利用させていただきました 。 撮影日とお参りと着付けしてくださいます。 撮影の時はヘアメイクも着付けも素晴らしかったです。撮影の雰囲気もとてもよく人見知りの娘の笑顔を引き出してくれてこれから何か行事があるたびこちらを利用しようと思ったほどでした。 すごく良くしてもらったのでお参り当日、菓子折りも持参しましたが、 撮影の日とは大違いで娘を他のお客さんと間違え、違う着物を着させられ間違いに気付き慌てて着付けし直したからか、襟はヨレヨレ帯あげは変な位置についてるわ、だれた巻き髪をサイドに結んで飾りでごまかれているという、最悪な仕上がりでした。 これでお参りには とても行かせられないので同じ建物にある美容室で髪を巻き直しキレイにアップし直してもらい、車の中で美容師の私が着付けし直しました。 せっかくのイベントがガッカリなものになりました。 スキル統一しませんか?もう行きませんけど。
I used it at Shichigosan. Please dress with the shooting date and worship. At the time of shooting, the hair makeup and dressing were wonderful. The atmosphere of the shooting was so good that it brought out the smile of my acquaintance's daughter, and I thought I would use this every time there was an event. I brought a confectionery fold on the day of my visit because it was so good. It was a big difference from the day of shooting, and I mistaken my daughter for another customer, and I noticed that I was dressed in a different kimono and re-dressed in a hurry. It was the worst finish, with the hair tied to the side and covered with decorations. I couldn't go to visit because of this, so I had my hair rewound and re-dressed in a beauty salon in the same building, and I, a hairdresser, redressed it in the car. The special event was disappointing. Would you like to unify your skills? I won't go anymore.
Rie U- on Google

The hair makeup and dressing were cute, and it was so speedy that my child didn't get tired and I was able to shoot with a cute smile. The staff was excited, so I think I was able to shoot comfortably.
越智義弘 on Google

娘の成人記念写真を撮って頂きました。 突然妹が袴を着て記念撮影に入りたいとの依頼に、スタッフの方達の柔軟で迅速な対応に感動しました。 また、丁寧な説明で、とてもわかりやすかったです。
I had my daughter take an adult commemorative photo. Suddenly my sister asked me to wear a hakama and take a commemorative photo, and I was impressed by the flexible and prompt response of the staff. Also, the polite explanation was very easy to understand.
鈴木愛未 on Google

6歳の男の子の卒園前撮りに行きました!スタッフさんも優しく、撮影時も子供が飽きないように心がけて頂き楽しく撮影できました! 袴や着物が可愛い柄が豊富で娘の卒業などでも利用したいと思いました!
I went to take a 6-year-old boy before graduation! The staff were kind, and I tried not to get tired of my children when shooting, so I enjoyed shooting! There are many cute patterns for hakama and kimono, and I wanted to use it for my daughter's graduation!
手塚民子 on Google

スタッフの皆さんがとても丁寧に対応して下さりとても安心して最後まで終える事ができ、本当に感謝しています。 衣装選び、着付けもとても丁寧で上手でした。 又カメラマンの方の声がけから、撮影まて素晴らしかったです。 前日に急遽お願いした、着物も迷っていたら選んでいただき決断でき、本当に助かりました。 皆さま本当にありがとうございました。
I am really grateful to all the staff for their polite response and I was able to finish it to the end with great peace of mind. The costume selection and dressing were very polite and good. Also, from the voice of the cameraman, it was wonderful to shoot. I asked for it the day before, and if I wasn't sure about the kimono, I was able to make a decision and it was really helpful. Thank you very much to everyone.

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