Futsal Stage フットサルステージ - Tama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Futsal Stage フットサルステージ

住所 :

1 Chome-47 Ochiai, Tama, Tokyo 206-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 206-0033
Webサイト : http://futsal-stage.com/

1 Chome-47 Ochiai, Tama, Tokyo 206-0033, Japan
ro hi on Google

コートも良くて、施設内もめっちゃ綺麗です! フットサルしてる感が出ます、駅近で駐車場も近くにあるのでアクセスもいいです!
The coat is good and the inside of the facility is very beautiful! It feels like futsal, and it's easy to access because there is a parking lot near the station!
Soichi Jimba on Google

極端に湿度の高い日は、床が滑ります。 それと、いくら屋内とはいえ冬は寒いので、それなりの防寒対策が必要です。 喫煙場所もあるのですが、子供向けのスクールをやっている時は禁煙になるようです。
On extremely humid days, the floor will slip. Also, since it is cold in the winter, no matter how much it is indoors, it is necessary to take some measures against the cold. There are some smoking areas, but it seems that smoking is prohibited when doing school for children.
長谷川昌満 on Google

The coat is at the highest level! Shoes ? Rental available ❗️
森拓郎 on Google

シャワー3台(男更衣室)、喫煙所ありで設備は◎ コートは3面あり、床は反発少なめな硬め(学校の廊下のような) インドアシューズしっかり履いててもやや滑りやすいコートです。 雨風の心配はないですが、ビニール?で覆ってるため外気温はわりかし左右されますので冬は着込んだほうが良いです。
There are 3 showers (men's dressing room) and a smoking area. There are 3 coats and the floor is a little harder (like a school corridor) This is a slippery coat even if you wear indoor shoes. I'm not worried about rain and wind, but vinyl? It is better to wear it in winter because the outside air temperature is affected by the cover.
take (takestic) on Google

室内かつ駅からも徒歩5分くらいの立地のためとても利用しやすい施設。同フロアにカフェもある。また、ビルや近隣に駐車場もあるため、電車でも車でも使いやすい。(駐車場が無料になるサービス無し)。 フットサルはもちろん、バスケコートとしても貸出ししているのと、ダンスやその他利用用途で借りている団体もしばしば。 ただし室内といえど冬は寒く夏は暑い。天井が薄いためか、そこは注意が必要。またコートが湿気の高いシーズンは非常に滑るのが残念。そこだけは改善を望む。
Facilities that are very easy to use because they are located indoors and a 5-minute walk from the station. There is also a cafe on the same floor. In addition, there are parking lots in the building and nearby, so it is easy to use by train or car. (No parking is free). Not only futsal, but also rented as a basketball court, and there are also many organizations that borrow for dance and other uses. However, indoors are cold in winter and hot in summer. Be careful because the ceiling is thin. It is also a shame that the coat slips very much during the humid season. Only there wants improvement.
yuichi amemiya on Google

5 minutes on foot from Tama Center Station, all-weather type, 3 courts, often used in larger competitions. The floor is a bit hard and injured. GK is required for protectors. There are 3 showers and we recommend that you bring your own amenities.
satoru shikata on Google

ジュニア個サルを行っている貴重なフットサル施設。 集まってる子供達も真剣そのもので、かなりのレベル。 大人のエンジョイクラスもガチ目ですが雰囲気はいいですよ。 スタッフも場を盛り上げてくれるし、感じいいです。
A valuable futsal facility that offers junior futsal. The children who are gathering are also serious, and they are at a considerable level. The adult enjoyment class is also apt, but the atmosphere is good. The staff also liven up the place and it feels good.
Coyote on Google

完全屋内なので、天気に左右されません。 観戦スペースも広いです。
It is completely indoors, so it is not affected by the weather. The watching space is also large.

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