Fight Fit Akihabara

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fight Fit Akihabara

住所 :

Chiyoda City, 〒101-0024 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88989
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Chiyoda City, 〒101-0024 Tokyo,Japan
love a_a on Google

秋葉原駅からもアクセスが良く通いやすいです。 キックボクシングからフラダンスまであり、初心者でも始めやすく、女性の会員も多く在籍しています。 オンラインもやっていて、家でも気軽に参加できます。 程よい運動となりオススメです。
Easy access from Akihabara station. From kickboxing to hula, even beginners can easily get started, and many female members are enrolled. I also do online, so I can feel free to join at home. It is recommended as it is a moderate exercise.
W Kei. on Google

キックボクシングを始めとして、筋トレグッズなども取り揃えてあります。 ボクシングも様々なコーチが居て、トレーニング方法も違い、毎日通っても飽きません。 大分体力もついてきてほっそりした身体になってきました!
Starting with kickboxing, we also have muscle training goods. There are various coaches in boxing, training methods are different, and I never get tired of going there every day. Oita's physical strength has also increased and I have become a slender body!
菅野賀子 on Google

4月に入会してから、めちゃくちゃハマっていて、用事が無い日は毎日通ってます。キック、ボクシング筆頭に、秋葉ではテコンドーやムエタイも習えて、飽きないです。 大嫌いだった筋トレも、気付いたら普通にできるようになってるし、パンチとキックでストレス知らずな毎日です! あと、最近改めて実感してますが、大人になって新しいことを始めるのって、なんか楽しい! 一緒に汗かきましよう♪
Since joining in April, I've been addicted to it, and I go every day when I have no business. I never get tired of learning taekwondo and Muay Thai in Akiba, as well as kickboxing and boxing. I hate muscle training, but when I notice it, I can do it normally, and I'm stress-free with punches and kicks every day! Also, I've realized it again recently, but it's fun to start new things as an adult! Let's sweat together ♪
おにぞり on Google

平日の夜間を中心にお世話になっております。 私自身、40過ぎのメタボおやじ(格闘技未経験)ですが、かれこれ1年、週に2日くらいのペースで通っています。 先生方も個人のレベルに合わせて指導してくださるので初心者でも安心です。 店内も綺麗ですのでとても良いと思います。 今後ともお世話になります。
We are indebted mainly to the night on weekdays. I myself am a metabolic syndrome father (inexperienced in martial arts) who is over 40 years old, but I have been attending at a pace of about 2 days a week for the past year. Even beginners can rest assured that the teachers will also give guidance according to the individual level. The inside of the store is also beautiful, so I think it's very good. Thank you for your continued support.
加奈藤原 on Google

I've been going there for almost 3 years now. The location is good and I like the fact that you can go to any studio at your favorite time without making a reservation. You can train at your own pace without difficulty. In particular, Professor Shimizu always has fun and strict guidance.
スケハイ on Google

Arrived more than 30 minutes before the end time, trying to do some muscle training at the end of work. However, I was told that it would be meaningless to exercise if I didn't take about an hour, and I was driven back. I think that it is enough to do the first one if you do it for 2 to 30 minutes with a high load, and if you practice freely, you should not have been tied to the visit time. Did you make a difference?
こきん星 on Google

クラスは45分ごとなので、程よく疲れて帰れます。 先生も何人かいるので、自分に合った先生をみつけて、 そのクラスに参加すれば良いと思います。 ストレス発散しつつ、自分ではやらない筋トレもやったりするので体力もつくし、 笑いもあるので、まぁまぁ楽しめます?
Classes are every 45 minutes, so you can get tired and go home. There are several teachers, so find a teacher that suits you. I think you should attend the class. While releasing stress, I also do muscle training that I do not do myself, so I also gain physical strength, There is also laughter, so you can enjoy it ?
佐藤玲門 on Google

秋葉原には2店舗あって、駅前店では無い方がこちらの店舗です。駅前は混んでますが、こちらはそんなに混んでなくてレッスンは参加しやすいと思います! 店舗共通でそうですが、いろんな先生がいらっしゃるのが特徴です。 写真の遠藤先生はキツイですが、やり終えると爽快感があります!レベルに合わせてギリギリのキツさにしてくれるので、がっちりやりたい方はおすすめです!
There are two stores in Akihabara, and the one that is not the station square store is this one. The front of the station is crowded, but I think it's not so crowded and it's easy to take lessons! As is the case with all stores, the feature is that there are various teachers. Mr. Endo in the picture is tough, but when you finish it, you will feel refreshed! It will be very tight according to the level, so it is recommended for those who want to do it firmly!

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