FamilyMart Sakuradai Station Front Shop - Nerima City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FamilyMart Sakuradai Station Front Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-14-9 Toyotamakami, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 176-0011
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-14-9 Toyotamakami, Nerima City, Tokyo 176-0011, Japan
A O on Google

2月20日働いてた人たちイメージわるすぎ お客がいるのに大声で私語して笑いっぱなし。買い物してて不愉快だった。もうファミリーマートを利用したくありません。 お客をばかにしてるようにも見えました。残念です。
Images of people who worked on February 20 Even though there is a customer, I keep talking and shouting out loud. It was unpleasant to shop. I no longer want to use FamilyMart. It seemed to fool customers. I'm sorry.
Hideaki Kokarimai on Google

There is a fairly large eat-in. It seems to be open 24 hours a day. There is a power supply.
福川勝浩 on Google

このコンビニは西武池袋線・桜台駅南口から千川通りの信号機を渡った所にあります。イートインコーナーがあります。かなり広いです。今は感染症対策の為 〜20:00で使えなくなります。
This convenience store is located across the traffic light on Chikawa-dori from the south exit of Sakuradai Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. There is an eat-in corner. It's quite wide. Now it will be unavailable at ~ 20:00 to prevent infectious diseases.
afromamaOCL 50代の独り言 on Google

スタッフの対応がとてもいいです。 イートインも広いのでくつろげます。 店内も清潔に保たれています。 心地好くてほぼ毎日行く店です。
The correspondence of the staff is very good. The eat-in is wide so you can relax. The inside of the store is also kept clean. It's a comfortable shop that I go to almost every day.
えみーる on Google

レジが多いのが良い。 ただ接客態度に難がある方がいるのが非常に残念。 最初から最後までずっと無言って・・・。
It is good to have many cash registers. However, it is very disappointing that some people have difficulty in serving customers. Say nothing from the beginning to the end ...
デクスター・コリンズ on Google

桜台駅前の千川通りにあるイートインスペースがかなり広いコンビニです。 若い女性スタッフのレジでの対応に問題があり、とても不親切なお店だなと思いました。接客の感じも悪かったです。
It is a convenience store with a fairly large eat-in space on Chikawa-dori in front of Sakuradai station. I thought it was a very unfriendly shop because there was a problem with the young female staff at the cash register. The feeling of customer service was also bad.
市川奈保子 on Google

There are many items and many clerk, and the service is good.
野﨑恵美子 on Google

駅近で立地が良く、売り場も広いのでよく利用しているが、この店舗はレジ担当の質と言うかマナーが悪すぎて、毎回不愉快な気持ちになる。 1.食品を購入する際にバーコード読み取り後、釣り銭のトレーの上に置かれるのはいかがなものでしょうか?もし自分ならどう思うかを考えてほしい。置き場のスペースが狭いからと言う言い訳は通用しないと思う。 2.商品バーコードの位置が分からずに、商品をベタベタ触りながら探していたので「上蓋に付いてますよ?」と伝えたところ、舌打ちされた。こう言う場面ではお礼かお詫びを言うのがマナーだと思う。 3.レジが複数台あるが、店員同士で話が盛り上がって並んでいる客に気づかないことが多い。その後「お待たせしました」さえもない。 冒頭で触れたように、どうしてもこの店舗に行きたいという事ではなく、単に立地の良さで客が来ていると考えた方が良い。オーナーの方は、売上があればそれで良いという考えなのだろうか?
The location is good near the station and the sales floor is wide, so I often use it, but the quality of the cashier or the manners are too bad, which makes me feel uncomfortable every time. 1. 1. How about putting it on the change tray after reading the barcode when purchasing food? Think about what you think of yourself. I don't think the excuse for having a small storage space is valid. 2. I didn't know the position of the product barcode, and I was looking for the product while touching it, so when I said, "Is it attached to the top lid?", I was struck by my tongue. I think it is good manners to say thank you or apologize in such a situation. 3. 3. There are multiple cashiers, but it is often the case that the clerk talks with each other and does not notice the customers lined up. After that, there isn't even "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting". As I mentioned at the beginning, it is better to think that customers are coming because of the good location, not that they really want to go to this store. Is the owner thinking that if there is sales, that's fine?

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