ENEOS Auto Kiosk Tokorozawa Filling Station - Tokorozawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS Auto Kiosk Tokorozawa Filling Station

住所 :

485‐3 Ushinuma, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 359-0026
Webサイト : https://www.goo-net.com/usedcar_shop/0509289/detail.html

485‐3 Ushinuma, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-0026, Japan
菅沼賢一 on Google

車検、点検もお世話になってます。 燃料も安いので助かります(*^^*)
Vehicle inspections and inspections are also indebted. Fuel is also cheap, so it's helpful (* ^^ *)
たぱお on Google

2回車検をここでお願いしました。値段は他より全然安かった。 2年前行った時はテッシュ一年分くれたりしたが今回は対象外でもらえなかった。
I asked for a car inspection twice here. The price was much cheaper than the others. When I went two years ago, he gave me a year's worth of tissue paper, but this time I didn't get it.
夏おとめMIHARU on Google

オイル交換をやって頂きました。 工賃込みでとても安価で親切にしてもらい感激です。 カー用品のチェーン店よりもいいですよ。
I had you change the oil. It is very cheap and kind, including wages, and I am deeply moved. It's better than a chain store of car supplies.
jackal kou on Google

ガソリン高騰に伴い、安値のガソリンスタンドを、探すと、都心のレギュラーガソリンの単価は高くて生活に響きます。 そこで、見つけたガソリンスタンドです。QRコードでLINE無料会員になると、ランダムに情報をクーポンで教えて下さいます。是非、店員さんに聞くも良し。
If you look for a low-priced gas station due to the soaring price of gasoline, the unit price of regular gasoline in the city center is high and it affects your life. There, I found a gas station. If you become a LINE free member with a QR code, please randomly tell us the information with a coupon. By all means, you can ask the clerk.
鹿角典征 on Google

Gasoline will be cheaper with LINE registration. We also do vehicle inspections, but we do not recommend it. Items that are not related to the fairly persistent vehicle inspection will be sold.
n t on Google

ガソリン価格が高騰する中、安いお店を探しておりこちらのお店の看板を見かけて利用致しました。 こちらのお店は非常に安かったです。 LINE友達追加で洗車無料サービスも受けさせていただきました。 お陰様で愛車がピカピカになり、とても助かりました! 箱ティッシュ3箱分もいただき感謝です。 店員さんも丁寧な対応で良かったです! また、お金を入れる際のセルフレジは1円と5円玉も入ることが便利でした。 今度からはガソリンを入れる時こちらのお店に通おうと思います! また利用します(^^)
I was looking for a cheap shop while the gasoline price was soaring, and I saw the signboard of this shop and used it. This shop was very cheap. We also received a free car wash service with the addition of LINE friends. Thanks to you, my car became shiny and it was very helpful! Thank you for receiving 3 boxes of tissue. It was good that the clerk also responded politely! In addition, it was convenient to enter 1-yen and 5-yen coins for self-checkout when inserting money. From now on, I will go to this shop when I put in gasoline! I will use it again (^^)
daizo sato on Google

If you register on LINE, you can get a 10 yen discount on the spot, and then you can get a coupon on LINE and get a 5 yen discount on weekends. In the neighborhood, you can get gasoline at the lowest price here.
Pieter Black on Google

I used the rental car service. The car it's in perfect condition, both exterior and interior very clean and the staff is really helpful.

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