中華そば 陽気 福山店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華そば 陽気 福山店

住所 :

Ekiyacho, Fukuyama, 〒720-1131 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897797
街 : Hiroshima

Ekiyacho, Fukuyama, 〒720-1131 Hiroshima,Japan
C’est la vie on Google

かれこれ…20年以上ぶりに支店とはいえ、陽気のらーめんを食べました。 本店の味を忠実に守ってて、本当に昔ながらの中華そば! そりゃあ思い出は美化するので、本店とは差がありますが、シンプルに美味しかったです。
This is ... I ate cheerful ramen even though it was a branch office for the first time in more than 20 years. Faithfully protecting the taste of the main store, really old-fashioned Chinese soba! Well, the memories are beautified, so it's different from the main store, but it was simply delicious.
m y on Google

子供の頃、よく父親に連れられて食べた懐かしの味が福山で味わえると聞き訪問。扉を開けると…あぁ懐かしい香り♪お味もこれ!これっ!子供の頃は地域によってラーメンの味が違うなんて知らなかったので、この醤油豚骨がスタンダードでしたが、今となってはこれが広島のラーメンなんですね? 早速父親に写真を送りました!食べたくなっただろうな~?
When I was a kid, I heard that I could enjoy the nostalgic taste that my father often took me to in Fukuyama. When you open the door ... Oh nostalgic scent ♪ This is the taste! This! When I was a kid, I didn't know that the taste of ramen was different depending on the area, so this soy sauce pork bone was the standard, but now it's Hiroshima ramen ? I immediately sent a photo to my father! You would want to eat it ~ ?
大河虎之助 on Google

The taste of the ramen itself was very delicious! However, the customer did not wear a mask, and even though the seats were vacant (because the TV was close), he sat next to another customer and shouted while watching TV. The clerk should be careful! Please refuse such customers.
だまっち on Google

Old-fashioned ramen! It's more like Chinese noodles than ramen. I ate it for the first time in a long time, but it's still delicious!
ak on Google

土曜日の14時に着いて、お客さんは2人のみ。 券売機でラーメンの食券購入し店員さんへ渡します。 ラーメンの味は優しい豚骨醤油。 これといった特徴もなく、まずいわけでも美味しいわけでもなかった、めっちゃ普通でした。
Arriving at 14:00 on Saturday, there are only two guests. Purchase a ramen meal ticket at the ticket machine and give it to the clerk. The taste of ramen is gentle pork bone soy sauce. There was no such feature, it was neither bad nor delicious, it was very normal.
パラワン on Google

ん〜 10年以上ぶりの訪問です! 唱えた呪文は…って 食券かい? あー 中華そば でした♬ 久しぶりの再訪にて 店内の記憶も薄れてますね! 今回のインプットは… 入場即、右側に食券の自販機有り 変化してますね! ともあれ久しぶりの広島ラーメン? 5分程にて着丼です。 いただきま〜す! ん〜 懐かしさは間違いないですね♪ まあ…??? と、言う事です。 ごちそうさまでした♬
Hmm~ This is my first visit in over 10 years! The spell I cast is ... Is it a meal ticket ? Ah, it was Chinese noodles ♬ At the revisit after a long absence The memory inside the store is fading! The input this time is ... Immediately after entering, there is a vending machine for meal tickets on the right side It's changing! Anyway, Hiroshima ramen after a long absence ? It takes about 5 minutes to get the bowl. I'll enjoy having this! Hmm~ There is no doubt about nostalgia ♪ Well ... ??? It is to say. Thank you for your feast ♬
仕事ばかり on Google

醤油豚骨ラーメンは福山でなかなか食べれません。この旨味あるまろやかなスープはやはり陽気さんの味ならではです。おむすびがいつも柔めの炊き上がりはご年配のお客様への配慮かな、微かな塩味のおむすびと中華そばを一緒に食べるのが大好きです。美味しかった〜 再訪 やはり美味しい中華そば 醤油豚骨スープがたまりません。
Soy sauce tonkotsu ramen is hard to eat in Fukuyama. This mellow soup with umami is unique to the cheerful taste. The rice balls are always soft and cooked in consideration of elderly customers, and I love to eat the slightly salty rice balls and Chinese noodles together. was delicious~ Revisited After all delicious Chinese noodles Soy sauce tonkotsu soup is irresistible.
k hosoda on Google

中華そばとむすびのセット800円を頂きました。単品で頼んでも値段は同じです。券売機で支払いました。さて、提供された中華そばは、熱々の醤油とんこつスープ、固めで注文した中細ストレート麺は、いい茹で加減でスープとよく合い大変美味しい一杯です。ただ、個人的には広島本店のスープのような甘みや旨味などの奥深さは控えめだったような気がしました。また、もやしは広島市内でよく提供される細もやしではなく中太です、意外でした。 福山で広島市内の中華そばが食べられるのは、ありがたいと思います。
I received a set of Chinese noodles and musubi for 800 yen. The price is the same even if you order it separately. I paid at the ticket machine. By the way, the Chinese noodles provided are hot soy sauce tonkotsu soup, and the medium-thin straight noodles ordered hard are a very delicious cup that goes well with the soup with good boiling. However, I personally felt that the depth of sweetness and umami like the soup at the Hiroshima main store was modest. Also, the bean sprout is not the fine bean sprout that is often offered in Hiroshima city, but the medium-sized bean sprout, which was surprising. I am grateful that you can eat Chinese noodles in Hiroshima city in Fukuyama.

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